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Will the Bills make Chad Henne look like Tom Brady?

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So Chad Henne will be starting for the Dolphins Sunday. Any guesses how limp Dick will play this game? Run the prevent? Try not to lose by more than 17 points? Will he take the Bills for ice cream sundaes after?



My biggest worry is that at least with Pennington, Jauron & Fewell "presumably" knew what to expect (leaving the wildcat out for this discussion). Pennington wasn't going to go long more than a couple of times, not mobile, easy to bring down, etc.


Henne represents an unknown and DJ & PF don't know exactly what to expect. Could be lots of short slants & posts, bombs away, wildcat all day long....who knows? He's a bigger, more mobile player than Pennington, and with a much bigger arm. I don't think Fewell does a particularly good job of adjusting the defense against QB's he knows. This one he doesn't.

Henne could keep the defense off balance all day long. I don't think he's going to be easy to bring down, so if the Bills blitz, they had better go for the kill.


I dunno....this makes me very uneasy.

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Yeah, it's easy to make this assumption considering how badly we were torched by Brees last week.


Oh wait, Chad Henne ISN'T the biggest issue this week. It's the fact we're out our starting FS, SS, MLB and playing a team who runs the ball 80% of the time...


Never mind, what I meant to say was: Jauron sucks, we suck, everything sucks.

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Henne has a bigger arm than Pennington and our 1 remaining starter in the secondary is coming off an injury. I predict the Dolphins go with a similar gameplan to last year, where they burned us deep early and often. If McGee is fully healthy, there's a chance it won't work, but if he's hobbled like he was last year, we're toast.

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They will help make Henne look the 2nd coming of Dan Marino, Tony Soprano the next Don Shula and on and on. What happened to Miami week? All the fun has been sucked right out of it. Used to big a huge deal. Now it's "hope we don't lose by more than 20" and "How will Jauron cost us this week?" Miami is not even any good. This sucks.


Just for fun and because I didn't want to start a new thread, Here are some Dolphins players from the past that I still hate: Bryan Cox, Dan Marino, Don Shula, Bob Kuchenberg, Mark Clayton, Joe Duper, Tony Nathan, Don Strock (used to call him Don Scrock), Jim Jensen, Uwe Von Schamann, Jim Kiick (Why two i's you douche?), Larry Little, Vern Den Herder (Freakin foreigner), Bob Baumhower, AJ Duhe, Bob Griese, Jimmy Cefalo, Don Bessillieu, Sammie Smith, John Offerdahl, Louis Oliver and Kim Bokamper (Girl's Name!). Feel free to add your own.

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Henne has a bigger arm than Pennington and our 1 remaining starter in the secondary is coming off an injury. I predict the Dolphins go with a similar gameplan to last year, where they burned us deep early and often. If McGee is fully healthy, there's a chance it won't work, but if he's hobbled like he was last year, we're toast.

A few years back, the Bills made backup Sage Rosenfels look like the 2nd coming of Brett Favre. Sparano stands a very good chance of out-coaching Jauron and his staff, again.

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So Chad Henne will be starting for the Dolphins Sunday. Any guesses how limp Dick will play this game? Run the prevent? Try not to lose by more than 17 points? Will he take the Bills for ice cream sundaes after?




Our D is not the problem...our offense is.


If our D has to spend all day on the field, then maybe. So Trent better find his balls and fast and keep the chains moving for once, and AVP better learn how to adjust the offense...or it could be another long day for the D

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I'm hoping that Perry doesn't dial up the bend but don't break prevent, but I'm afraid he might. If he dials in a blitz the pee-jeebers defense like he did against Dallas in 2007 (until the last half of Q4) we win big. Henne's a rookie. I don't care if he's got a cannon for an arm or not. He's not seen the kind of heat we can bring if we just decide to do it. Either way our DL is better this year and we may able to generate enough heat anyway.


My greatest fear is that they hold the ball like they did against Indy. That could work against us. Trent would be cold when comes in and we could flounder.


I'm thinkin' we're gonna win this thing though.

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A few years back, the Bills made backup Sage Rosenfels look like the 2nd coming of Brett Favre. Sparano stands a very good chance of out-coaching Jauron and his staff, again.

Not a qb but they also made Cadillac Williams look like Barry Sanders in one of his first games. We have a knack of being kinda the Washington Federals(is that the team the Globetrotters always play?) of the NFL. We are only a nameless opponent that some budding rookie comes of age against. Hard to say for sure if it is going to happen with Henne, but I wouldn't be shocked in the least. Id say this may be the best shot Henne has of having a good game.

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