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Is there IR in Bills?

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Putting McKelvin on IR confirms one thing in my mind. That this team has no shot at the playoffs, and they KNOW it. Otherwise, why put him on IR when he might be back in 6-8 weeks when we still have 13 weeks left in the season? It sure would be nice to get McKelvin back say in week 12 to help this squad make a playoff push. The fact that the Bills don't want him back, or think he cant make it back, tells us something. I dont think the leg injury was that serious. Therefore, it must be that they just dont care about making the playoffs.


Again, its just my opinion. And just for the record, I dont think we had a shot at the playoffs anyhow. Not with DJ leading the way to mediocrity...

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I think at some point "coincidence" ends and a pattern begins. It's not just "this" season or "last" season. I guess I was indifferent to the current regime (figured any replacements wouldn't be much better) despite the lack of ability to judge talent, etc, etc until this most recent pile up...again...


Maybe it just seems apparent because the talent behind those guys is lacking. Maybe there is something more systemic in the way the Bills are handling this the health of their players. These "freak" injuries occur too often in my opinion.

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Putting McKelvin on IR confirms one thing in my mind. That this team has no shot at the playoffs, and they KNOW it. Otherwise, why put him on IR when he might be back in 6-8 weeks when we still have 13 weeks left in the season? It sure would be nice to get McKelvin back say in week 12 to help this squad make a playoff push. The fact that the Bills don't want him back, or think he cant make it back, tells us something. I dont think the leg injury was that serious. Therefore, it must be that they just dont care about making the playoffs.


Again, its just my opinion. And just for the record, I dont think we had a shot at the playoffs anyhow. Not with DJ leading the way to mediocrity...

I know it's just your opinion but why do you think the injury is not serious? He has a broken bone in his leg.

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Putting McKelvin on IR confirms one thing in my mind. That this team has no shot at the playoffs, and they KNOW it. Otherwise, why put him on IR when he might be back in 6-8 weeks when we still have 13 weeks left in the season?


We heard same thing when Posluszny was put on IR previous year on fan boards, that he could have come back, but Posluszny himself said their was no way he could have recovered in time to play.


It sure would be nice to get McKelvin back say in week 12 to help this squad make a playoff push.


It sure would be nice politicians did not lie and commercials only told truth about their products but those


The fact that the Bills don't want him back, or think he cant make it back, tells us something.


Really they do not want him back. Did you get that off someone's blog or did you make this rumor up yourself.


I dont think the leg injury was that serious. Therefore, it must be that they just dont care about making the playoffs.


I am sure they tell doctor as part of evaluation we do not care about playoffs just declare his injury will take too long to recover from. They probably said same thing to doctor about Butler, about Schouman, etc. In fact they should just save money and get free advice from fans watching fantasy football stats.

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We heard same thing when Posluszny was put on IR previous year on fan boards, that he could have come back, but Posluszny himself said their was no way he could have recovered in time to play.




It sure would be nice politicians did not lie and commercials only told truth about their products but those




Really they do not want him back. Did you get that off someone's blog or did you make this rumor up yourself.




I am sure they tell doctor as part of evaluation we do not care about playoffs just declare his injury will take too long to recover from. They probably said same thing to doctor about Butler, about Schouman, etc. In fact they should just save money and get free advice from fans watching fantasy football stats.


OK. so YOUR opinion is different from mine, so YOURS must be right? Just because you don't agree, it doesn't make either one of us right. For all you know, Leodis will be healthy and ready to play in 6 weeks. For all I know, he will never walk again. So who's right?


My point is, the team has a history of putting guys on IR who could have come back that year, including Posluszny. He said himself he could have come back and only changed his tune after that season was over. My guess is it was due to pressure from the team. I guess you dont believe that the team can pressure guys into changing what they say to toe the company line either?


hell, for all we know, the McKelvin has a clause in his contract that says if he gets put on ir they only have to pay half his salary. You dont have any more of clue whats goes on at One Bills Drive than I do...

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You dont have any more of clue whats goes on at One Bills Drive than I do...


I am not sure for your post seems pretty clueless but I do not post my opinions as "facts" as some of things I quoted. It is same thing some of the blogs do making up things to suit their opinion and represent them as "facts".

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