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So, there is a Democratic Congressman who says the Republicans plan for Health Care for the sick is to "Die Quickly"






WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Freshman U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson refused to back down Wednesday from remarks made on the House floor the night before, in which he said the Republican health care plan calls for sick people to "die quickly."



Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Florida, made the "die quickly" remark on the House floor Tuesday night.


In fact, Grayson, a Democrat who represents a central Florida swing district that includes Orlando, made another floor speech in which he apologized to the dead and their families for not acting sooner on health care reform. He then defended both speeches on CNN's "The Situation Room."


"What I mean is they have got no plan," Grayson told Wolf Blitzer. "It's been 24 hours since I said that. Where is the Republican plan? We're all waiting to see something that will take care of the pre-existing conditions, to take care of the 40 million Americans who have no coverage at all.


"That's what I meant when I said that the Republican plan is don't get sick. And if you do get sick, die quickly."


Of course when Alex Castellano was telling him the Republicans plan of Intrastate competition between insurers and Tort Reform, he ignored it and didn't consider that a plan :rolleyes:


Of course he didn't, it's not their plan :worthy:


That fool will never get reelected again in that district, half repubs and Democrats, but whats worse is that it is in Florida, where all the oldies go to retire, and the retiree's are against this plan by a 2 to 1 margin. :doh:


Hopefully this guy stays in the news, and while we're at it, hopefully Michael Moore does as well, pushing the single payer or "public option" health plan, because you know, he represents what the Average American person wants.


It's unfathomable to me that, at a time when the left is finally in total control of the world, it is totally out of control of itself and can suddenly get absolutely nothing done. Talk about a missed opportunity. This is the one that got away. But when all else fails, send out a freshman to blame the other guys for your complete and utter incompetence.


And I don't think we'll be hearing M. Moore criticizing the Obama administration any more. You know he's out of line when ABC News gets a story outing Moore for not using unions for some of the work on his new movie. "Yo, Michael...we been tawkin' to the boss, see, and the boss ain't none too happy with your critiquicisms about him, see, so we's gotsta have us a little talk, see. Yeah, don't pay no nevermind to dat big sheet of plastic on da floor. We just had the floors cleaned. Yeah, that's right..."


I saw the clip of Grayson whining that the Republicans were to blame for everything and Blitzer didn't have the balls to ask him why it is the Republican's fault when the Dem's control both houses of Congress. Duh!

I saw the clip of Grayson whining that the Republicans were to blame for everything and Blitzer didn't have the balls to ask him why it is the Republican's fault when the Dem's control both houses of Congress. Duh!



Just remember, not everything started under the dem's watch. Just saying.


Yeah this has been making the rounds on tv the last 24 hours so I was surprised to not see it here for awhile. Too bad it took a complete dork like Maalox to post it, and spin it, and spin it.


The representative from Florida is absolutely right. It's not just the failure of the republican far right faction to come up with anything remotely resembling a viable alternative, but the obviousness with which they put the health corporations far and above the people they purport to represent.

Ooooh, I get it. "I inherited this. This isn't my fault. I am not to blame for this." :rolleyes::worthy::doh:

The only thing Grayson did offensive was the overused line comparing Republicans to Nazis.... The rest is hyperbole and he did it during the speech and debate section on the floor. Much worse has been said by both sides.... so please stop the Republican whining unless it is a Pinot Grigio...


That being said the name calling on both sides is silly and does little to get to the meat of the debate. I say send all the house members to their rooms till they can come out and be nice to each other.

The representative from Florida is absolutely right. It's not just the failure of the republican far right faction to come up with anything remotely resembling a viable alternative, but the obviousness with which they put the health corporations far and above the people they purport to represent.





And who, precisely, do you think the Democrats' "exchange" system is going to benefit most?

Ooooh, I get it. "I inherited this. This isn't my fault. I am not to blame for this." :rolleyes::worthy::doh:



Have all of these problems started under his administration? Yes or No?


I will say that it is his job to clean the mess up. Remains to be seen on whether or not he can do that in four years.

Yeah this has been making the rounds on tv the last 24 hours so I was surprised to not see it here for awhile. Too bad it took a complete dork like Maalox to post it, and spin it, and spin it.


The representative from Florida is absolutely right. It's not just the failure of the republican far right faction to come up with anything remotely resembling a viable alternative, but the obviousness with which they put the health corporations far and above the people they purport to represent.

You seem to have the same disorder Grayson does, you're deaf


and dumb.


What's being proposed is Tort Reform and Intrastate competiton amongst the health insurers. But He's absolutely right! Right?


you see, that is the problem with you !@#$ing idiots, you only want to hear what you want to hear, and if we don't agree with it, then somehow that means that "we have no plan". The good thing is that the public is coming to the conclusion that this plan sucks, and after BO's recent pep rally, and all those TV appearances, people are more against now then ever before.


And what was it that I spun?


But I'm glad that he said it, because I can pretty much gaurantee you, that as a result of his comment, more people will be inclined to not support this Bill.


Hopefully more nimrods like yourself will voice support for this idiot.

The only thing Grayson did offensive was the overused line comparing Republicans to Nazis.... The rest is hyperbole and he did it during the speech and debate section on the floor. Much worse has been said by both sides.... so please stop the Republican whining unless it is a Pinot Grigio...


That being said the name calling on both sides is silly and does little to get to the meat of the debate. I say send all the house members to their rooms till they can come out and be nice to each other.

Republicans plan is for the "sick to die quickly" wasn't offensive? You're better than that Yellow

The good thing is that the public is coming to the conclusion that this plan sucks, and after BO's recent pep rally, and all those TV appearances, people are more against now then ever before.

This, to me, is the most interesting part of this entire health care debate. Obama has personally championed this thing like nothing I've ever seen before. He does a health care special on ABC News, his does town hall meetings, he hits the Sunday political talk show circuit, he holds a joint session of Congress...ALL of this to address health care. He even held special meetings in the Oval Office with the house and senate chiefs to iron this thing out. He has gone above and beyond the call of duty to get this thing passed, and not only has he not helped his cause, he's actually hurt it beyond anything you could possibly have imagined. More people than ever are against the plan, and more people than ever are disapproving of the president's overall performance.


Obama needs an extreme makeover.

Oh please get over yourself... in fact, I don't think he came up with that. It has been around for a while now...

Ok, I guess you're not

This, to me, is the most interesting part of this entire health care debate. Obama has personally championed this thing like nothing I've ever seen before. He does a health care special on ABC News, his does town hall meetings, he hits the Sunday political talk show circuit, he holds a joint session of Congress...ALL of this to address health care. He even held special meetings in the Oval Office with the house and senate chiefs to iron this thing out. He has gone above and beyond the call of duty to get this thing passed, and not only has he not helped his cause, he's actually hurt it beyond anything you could possibly have imagined. More people than ever are against the plan, and more people than ever are disapproving of the president's overall performance.


Obama needs an extreme makeover.


I almost feel sorry for him. :rolleyes::worthy:

I thought I had heard that 65% wanted a public option?

:thumbsup: Maybe a poll done through MSNBC


Why don't you just google polls, gallup/rasmussen/WSJ

I thought I had heard that 65% wanted a public option?

You mean like this one?




PRINCETON, NJ -- In a recent Gallup survey, 89% of Republicans, 64% of independents, and 61% of Americans overall say Americans themselves -- rather than the government -- have the primary responsibility for ensuring that they have health insurance. Six in 10 Democrats say the government should be primarily responsible.


or this one?




Monday, September 28, 2009 Email to a Friend ShareThisAdvertisement

Just 41% of voters nationwide now favor the health care reform proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That’s down two points from a week ago and the lowest level of support yet measured.


The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 56% are opposed to the plan.


Senior citizens are less supportive of the plan than younger voters. In the latest survey, just 33% of seniors favor the plan while 59% are opposed. The intensity gap among seniors is significant. Only 16% of the over-65 crowd Strongly Favors the legislation while 46% are Strongly Opposed.


or this one?




More Americans disapprove of President Barack Obama’s plan to overhaul the U.S. health care system than those who approve of it, but the nation remains divided on the issue, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.


Some 46% said they disapprove of Obama’s handling of health care, but 41% voiced approval for the president while 13% said they weren’t sure.

Ooooh, I get it. "I inherited this. This isn't my fault. I am not to blame for this." :wallbash:<_<:censored:


Funny? Like it or not, the financial melt down WAS inherited. Two WARS were inherited. There's more, much more, but it's clear you wouldn't listen (or think for yourself) anyway.

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