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To's Presser


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The first 1:30 says it all. Both what he says and the body language. He doesn't believe in what they're doing and doesn't have much interest. Going through the motions, collecting a check.

Why should he when none of the fans believe in what the Bills are doing either?



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It was a pretty bland presser. We brought him in to score a lot of TDs, OR entertain us at pressers. he hasn't done either. bastard.


Anyway, what he said in the begining doesn't mean he is going through the motions. He is just saying things differently to avoid trouble. He is playing it safe.


But I think the best part was when he complimented the Defense. It seemed very genuine. It is refreshing to hear he likes something about the team, and I honestly feel that he likes our defense. It is just refreshing, just because his frustrated look makes it seem like he REALLY is not happy to be on this team. So, maybe he is still hopefull that there is a chance to take this team somwhere.

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