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That's because it's not a referendum on the Obama presidency. The problem is (and you know what the problem is), that the media is going to beat the snot out of him, and with unemployment going up again, Afghanistan having trouble, health care on life support, and virtually everything else he's touched turning to crap, the last thing he needs (from a PR standpoint on the global stage) is to not only lose this effort, but to lose badly.


That's all.


You know who probably really appreciates all this on this day? Robert Halderman.


And the US Olympic participants. Can you imagine being on an Olympic team and saying, "Hmmm. Let's see. Chicago or Rio. Chicago or Rio. Chicago or Rio. I just can't decide which I'd prefer."


Actually to tell you the truth... Rio for me with all the negatives was the only other choice outside of Chicago... Western hemi... Even though Atlanta, Salt Lake, and Vancouver have all or will take place.


Good for the western hemi and S. America... :D:wallbash:


Now we can watch the people get shot on the way into Rio via the expressway!



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Well, that's what the Brits are saying.

"There has been a growing narrative taking hold about Barack Obama’s presidency in recent weeks: that he is loved by many, but feared by none; that he is full of lofty vision, but is actually achieving nothing with his grandiloquence.


Chicago’s dismal showing today, after Mr Obama’s personal, impassioned last-minute pitch, is a stunning humiliation for this President. It cannot be emphasised enough how this will feed the perception that on the world stage he looks good — but carries no heft."




I don't want to be feared by any... I want to be part of many!




Get over yourself America!

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I don't want to be feared by any... I want to be part of many!




Get over yourself America!

I know you will appreciate this, my utopian ideologue



“Now in the sixties we were naive, like children. Everybody went back to their rooms and said, 'We didn't get a wonderful world of just flowers and peace and happy chocolate, and it won't be just pretty and beautiful all the time,' and just like babies everyone went back to their rooms and sulked. 'We're going to stay in our rooms and play rock and roll and not do anything else, because the world's a horrible place, because it didn't give us everything we cried for.' Right?”

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When you droped out of school in the 6th grade to join your union, did you get a diploma for excelling in idiocy?



For the life of me I can't figure out why people hate unions and a better life?


Is it jealousy?


Is it power?


Is it control?


Why wouldn't people want others to live a better life.

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For the life of me I can't figure out why people hate unions and a better life?


Is it jealousy?


Is it power?


Is it control?


Why wouldn't people want others to live a better life.



No kidding. Damn people for working hard for a better life. You know those middle-class people make so much money.

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