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I still don't see what this really has to do with Obama


Other than the lefties upset at the IOC dissing the Obamasiah and the righties chirping with glee over Obama's town not getting the Olympics (and associated $$$ stream that goes with it)

Well, reading the paper and listening to the wonderful local liberal DC news, the expectation was that Obama and the fat pig from Chicago going to present for Chicago would ensure a victory. Only now that they've lost is it turning into what you say. prior to that it was nothing Obama and the fat pig could do no wrong and everyone would roll over for them.

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Yeah, you're right. There's no national pride when it comes to Olympics. What was I thinking? :wallbash: Guess you didn't give a crap when the USA won the gold in Hockey years ago huh?


I am very cool with Obama... MAINLY Michelle Obama trying to get the Olympics in Chicago.


People just finding more reasons to hate and be pissed. Can't be good for your health. Enjoy the wharf, should be calming these days.

Oddly, not nearly the pride I felt when we put Saddam's murdering secret police on the trash can of history.

I must have different ideas from you in what I expect from my president

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Obama losing the Chicago Olympics was a good thing. Well, that's what Newsweak is selling.




Go back and read my posts... Newsweek must have! :wallbash:<_<


That is what I was saying.


I do admit that I DID SEE IT COMING. I just couldn't figure out why he went if Chicago was such a shoe-in. I kept on saying before the first vote that Chicago was going to be out.


See my Yankee analogy. As a Yankee fan I don't like them winning all the time. I LIKE THEM BEING THERE (PLAYOFFS) ALL THE TIME THOUGH. When they do win the WS all the time, they are bullies. I do admit, I would like to see them win it all this year because they haven't won it all in what almost a decade.


With the Olympics, it is good to give others a chance (even know they really can't compete with what we have here in the US and how we live when it is all said and done) just like the Rio bid said.


Call this arrogant...


Lift people up to your level, not distance yourself from others. Nobody likes a bully. A bully is what the US had become after their setback in 2001. There are other ways to handle yourself and protect yourself when life throws you lemons.

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What's all the teleprompter hype? This makes him different from....? Which president?


You know JA... People seem to forget. The old "I am rubber, you are glue tactic." :wallbash: The funny thing is most people that are bringing up this teleprompter argument are totally clueless that they are even being this silly.

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Can you imagine the Hallelujah Chorus they had ready to print if Obama Chicago had been awarded the Games?



You bring up a very good point. You know damn well, that if Chicago would of been awarded the games, the media would of been hailing the Obama's for greatly helping achieve that goal.


People would have to be awfully naive (which there are alot of them), to not think that Obama's political strategists thought they could win some political points, so in my view it is fair game to characterize it as a political embarrassment that he wasn't able to deliver the Olympics to Chicago.


If you are willing to take the glory, then you should be willing to take the embarrassment. Which he is.

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You bring up a very good point. You know damn well, that if Chicago would of been awarded the games, the media would of been hailing the Obama's for greatly helping achieve that goal.


If you are willing to take the glory, then you should be willing to take the embarrassment. Which he is.



And what is your point? Like duh!!!


Of course he is willing... He went there without knowing... IWe of course presume that... :wallbash: Yet, he knows the votes... He knows he is between a rock and a hard place.


If Chicago falls short by a couple of votes if he doesn't go, and then everybody is screaming why he didn't pull a "Tony Blair."


You partisan hacks are unbelievable. It is the Olympics... I would think the same thing with ANY PoUS in there.


No reason NOT to go if anything to repair past image problems. The only thing that could have hurt worse is not going and isolating himself... True, maybe WE got votes, maybe WE lost votes...


Lets begin to see the forest through the trees... It is the Olympics and world sentiment... It is not all about Chicago.

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“Some of my best memories are sitting on my dad’s lap, cheering on Olga and Nadia, Carl Lewis, and others for their brilliance and perfection.”


-Michelle Obama-


Uh, she was over 20 years old when Carl Lewis first competed in the Olympics in 1984. :wallbash:


Why is a 20 something year old woman sitting on her father's lap? <_<

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And what is your point? Like duh!!!


Of course he is willing... He went there without knowing... IWe of course presume that... :wallbash: Yet, he knows the votes... He knows he is between a rock and a hard place.


If Chicago falls short by a couple of votes if he doesn't go, and then everybody is screaming why he didn't pull a "Tony Blair."


You partisan hacks are unbelievable. It is the Olympics... I would think the same thing with ANY PoUS in there.


No reason NOT to go if anything to repair past image problems. The only thing that could have hurt worse is not going and isolating himself... True, maybe WE got votes, maybe WE lost votes...


Lets begin to see the forest through the trees... It is the Olympics and world sentiment... It is not all about Chicago.

I just want to make sure I understand your larger point in this thread.


You think it is/was in the best interests of the US that President Obama fly to Copenhagen and have Chicago lose the Olympic bid because:


1- It's like the Yankees (US being the Yankees). Nobody likes them winning all the time, so it's good that we lost. In other words - People around the world will like us better, or hate us less by virtue of this.

2- Further, it's better that he went and we still lost out, because it shows the world that they don't need to be cynical about everything i.e. "See, we can beat out a U.S. city, even when the President shows up to lobby for the games!"

3- By flying to Copenhagen and lobbying for the games, this helps us to repair past image problems.


Is that about right? I want to make sure I understand.

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I just want to make sure I understand your larger point in this thread.


You think it is/was in the best interests of the US that President Obama fly to Copenhagen and have Chicago lose the Olympic bid because:


1- It's like the Yankees (US being the Yankees). Nobody likes them winning all the time, so it's good that we lost. In other words - People around the world will like us better, or hate us less by virtue of this.

2- Further, it's better that he went and we still lost out, because it shows the world that they don't need to be cynical about everything i.e. "See, we can beat out a U.S. city, even when the President shows up to lobby for the games!"

3- By flying to Copenhagen and lobbying for the games, this helps us to repair past image problems.


Is that about right? I want to make sure I understand.


Sorta... But you will spin my positive comments into a way that makes me look bad (see years ago on this board, the "DeLuca Argument.") Of course it wold be nice to win. What I am saying is that if Chicago would have won, Obama would have faced a whole different bunch of critics.


Just saying... If life is gonna throw you lemons, make lemonade. If life throws you the lemonade, of course one is expected to drink it... Yet, graciously


He is an active president that doesn't isolate himself. Gracious in winning and gracious in losing.


I just don't look at things in B&W as some of you do. Life isn't static, it is ever changing.


There was no "losing" in this situation (time and year) for ANY prez. or the US. Well, maybe if Madrid or Tokyo won. This will be Rio's/S. America's "coming out party" just like Bejing... :wallbash:<_<

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“Some of my best memories are sitting on my dad’s lap, cheering on Olga and Nadia, Carl Lewis, and others for their brilliance and perfection.”


-Michelle Obama-


Uh, she was over 20 years old when Carl Lewis first competed in the Olympics in 1984. :censored:


Why is a 20 something year old woman sitting on her father's lap? :rolleyes:



Ya... What is it with pols and "The Very Hungry Caterpillar syndrome!"




What a bunch of phonies (and yes, I am slamming MO).



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