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Obama finally decides to act like a leader by becoming personnaly engaged, and he decides to go to bat for... holding the Olympics in Chicago!


Most pundits when discussing this seem focused on the political risks and payoff (if any) to Obama's prestige. I'm more interested in the implications for Foreign Policy. Consider, for example, Brazil. They are competing for the same games which, till now, were not a bilateral issue. But if the Brazilian people see POTUS actively lobbying for Chicago, it elevates it. It won't be Chicago taking the games from Rio, it will be the US taking them from Brazil. Yet another reason to hate us. How will that help us gain cooperation on such issues as climate change, drug trafficing, and Venezuela?

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I think no one is discussing it because it's not that big of a deal beyond, as you mention, the political results. This one is slow and easy, right over the middle of the plate, and the only downside to this from any perspective (including foreign policy) is if, by some incredibly ridiculous chance, Obama fails to bring home the bacon. That's not going to happen. So with all the things going so wrong lately in terms of Afghanistan, health care reform, unemployment, bad economy, etc., if he can bring home some good news, there's nothing lost here.


On the other hand, if Chicago somehow doesn't get the Olympics, well...Obama will be lucky if America has confidence in his ability to pardon a turkey come Thanksgiving.


But it will play out well: he goes, he gets the Olympics, he comes home, life goes on.

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On who will win... I really think Rio will get it, always thought that... Especially the way voting goes and that S. America NEVER hosted them.


Now... On the other hand, I don't know what to make of the new rule where the IOC hasn't given out the rights to a TV until the choice is made... This may be in Chicago's favor and seeing how crooked the IOC is. Then there is the security issues for a site like Rio.


We will see on Friday.


And Magox, Chicago would be a dynamite site... And is way more peaceful than Rio! :thumbsup:


If they win... They will build another rail line and station to the Loop in my town... Literally steps from my house... What is the chance I can rent out my house for two weeks to the woman's Brazilian beach volleyball team? :thumbdown: I would head to BFLO for two weeks.



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Perhaps if he lobbies to get us both Olympics, the rugby and soccer world cups (men's and womens), and the world series of cricket, the world will open their hearts to America and roll over for us on the world stage.


The Czech and Polish base agreements? Scrap 'em, don't want the Russians to get offended. But the Olympics? Who cares if we look heavy-handed, we are talking about Chicago after all!

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What, no discussion?


Obama finally decides to act like a leader by becoming personnaly engaged, and he decides to go to bat for... holding the Olympics in Chicago!


Most pundits when discussing this seem focused on the political risks and payoff (if any) to Obama's prestige. I'm more interested in the implications for Foreign Policy. Consider, for example, Brazil. They are competing for the same games which, till now, were not a bilateral issue. But if the Brazilian people see POTUS actively lobbying for Chicago, it elevates it. It won't be Chicago taking the games from Rio, it will be the US taking them from Brazil. Yet another reason to hate us. How will that help us gain cooperation on such issues as climate change, drug trafficing, and Venezuela?



Chicago, the city where Barack Obama and his democratic buddies were such a darn success at community organizing that he shot up the political ladder and into the Presidency...what's that????...




"But in recent years, Chicago's beauty has been diminished by the wanton slaughter of its citizens. In fact, local police and media reports show that Chicago has the highest rate of juvenile homicides in America. Since January, according to the Chicago Police Department, one in 10 homicide victims has been 16 years old or younger. Since the last school year began, an estimated 45 Chicago public school students have been murdered, the majority of whom had no gang or criminal affiliation."



and the slaughter continues with honor students being killed with of all things, railroad ties...





Murder capital, Corruption capital, it's where we picked our President from and it's the place he's so darn proud of he wants the whole world to come and sing kumbaya. I don't think there's a worse city in the country to hold the Olympic games. Those fabulous community organizers helped make that city a disgusting hell hole, but let's award them with the Olympics. It's unbelievable that their even in the running.

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Murder capital, Corruption capital, it's where we picked our President from and it's the place he's so darn proud of he wants the whole world to come and sing kumbaya. I don't think there's a worse city in the country to hold the Olympic games. Those fabulous community organizers helped make that city a disgusting hell hole, but let's award them with the Olympics. It's unbelievable that their even in the running.


Oh, ye of little faith! Doncha' know that before the Games arrived Obama & Co would pass a multi-billion $ Chicago Stimulus bill to provide for union slushfunds and local graft and Ted Kennedy centers that will make the city all bright and shiny for two weeks before everyone leaves and it collapses back into a sh--hole again?

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Oh, ye of little faith! Doncha' know that before the Games arrived Obama & Co would pass a multi-billion $ Chicago Stimulus bill to provide for union slushfunds and local graft and Ted Kennedy centers that will make the city all bright and shiny for two weeks before everyone leaves and it collapses back into a sh--hole again?


Yeah, kind of like how Obama flushed 30 billion of our tax payer dollars to the gold plated auto union members in Detroit with everyone in the country knowing full well GM would soon be going belly up. Which they did like clockwork three months later. Richard Nixon is starting to look like an alter boy compared to the crooks that are running the show today.

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Chicago, the city where Barack Obama and his democratic buddies were such a darn success at community organizing that he shot up the political ladder and into the Presidency...what's that????...




"But in recent years, Chicago's beauty has been diminished by the wanton slaughter of its citizens. In fact, local police and media reports show that Chicago has the highest rate of juvenile homicides in America. Since January, according to the Chicago Police Department, one in 10 homicide victims has been 16 years old or younger. Since the last school year began, an estimated 45 Chicago public school students have been murdered, the majority of whom had no gang or criminal affiliation."



and the slaughter continues with honor students being killed with of all things, railroad ties...





Murder capital, Corruption capital, it's where we picked our President from and it's the place he's so darn proud of he wants the whole world to come and sing kumbaya. I don't think there's a worse city in the country to hold the Olympic games. Those fabulous community organizers helped make that city a disgusting hell hole, but let's award them with the Olympics. It's unbelievable that their even in the running.


Still Chicago is a light-weight compared to Rio. IMO.

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Yeah, kind of like how Obama flushed 30 billion of our tax payer dollars to the gold plated auto union members in Detroit with everyone in the country knowing full well GM would soon be going belly up. Which they did like clockwork three months later. Richard Nixon is starting to look like an alter boy compared to the crooks that are running the show today.



What do you want? To turn America into a third world country... Then will you feel more high and mighty. Again, go to other parts of the world... We live in a paradise... Don't even get me started on the enviro ecology of the US too.

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What do you want? To turn America into a third world country... Then will you feel more high and mighty. Again, go to other parts of the world... We live in a paradise... Don't even get me started on the enviro ecology of the US too.


Let me get this straight. If the government doesn't throw shitloads of money at every company that !@#$s up we're going to turn into Brazil? Got it. :thumbsup:

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What do you want? To turn America into a third world country... Then will you feel more high and mighty. Again, go to other parts of the world... We live in a paradise... Don't even get me started on the enviro ecology of the US too.


So let me get this straight, not making a 30 billion dollar union payoff at the expense of current and future tax payers would be tantamount to turning America into a third world country???? Really????

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