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We looked terrible in a defeat where our QB looked scared, made check down after check down and over threw TO by 4 - 5 yards on the one ball over 10 yards he attempted. After crying myself to sleep at how utterly ball-less our offense was it came to me this morning. I don't think it's any secret now that Trent is the problem when it comes to NOT getting the ball down field. Some might not be able to but I have just accepted that.


Here's how we fix it. AVP needs to call fly patterns for all WRs!!!!! 999. If Captain Checkdown doesn't HAVE any one running short routes HE'LL HAVE NO ONE TO CHECK DOWN TO!!!!!


Either let him throw it up deep or get sacked and knocked out to give someone else with some sack a shot. Either way it moves us in the right direction.


Yes it was a colossal offensive TEAM failure but Trent was captaining the ship both figuratively and literally. I think we came back to reality with our patchwork offensive line this week. Let's hope they can play at a higher level next week.


I feel sorry for the defense. They kept an awesome offense at bay most of the game until they just couldn't do it anymore because our offense was DETERMINED to play NOT to lose as opposed to PLAYING TO FREAKIN' WIN!!

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Here's how we fix it. AVP needs to call fly patterns for all WRs!!!!! 999. If Captain Checkdown doesn't HAVE any one running short routes HE'LL HAVE NO ONE TO CHECK DOWN TO!!!!!


he would still have runningbacks,


or he would possible try to checkdown to a o-lineman and draw penalties

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he would still have runningbacks,


or he would possible try to checkdown to a o-lineman and draw penalties



Nope RBs too. Put Jackson and or Lynch up on the line empty backfield and off to the races!!!! As Trent sees the asses of his eligible receivers shirking as they fly down the field he will need to put it up over 15 yards in the air or eat the ball.


Despite playing decently here and there this was another one of those games where it appears Trent just isn't the guy. I think he should be given the whole year to succeed or fail if not for anything else just to shut up the Trent appolgists that would complain until kingdom come about how he wasn't given a fair shot. It would be ironic indeed as I believe many of the Trent appolgists were not so adamant about giving JP the same chance under even worse conditions.


I'm not sure if it's worth it to risk the rest of the season on a guy who loses his nerve and doesn't trust his own arm. OH BUT WAIT... I forgot he doesn't have a weak arm according to some. lol. If Trent doesn't trust his own arm why should I??


MAN I just don't know if it is worth potentially wasting the rest of the season just to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trent is not the guy. Might be time to give Fitzpatrick a shot or go after a veteran QB who could actually manage and make use of all of the talent we have on offense in the skill positions.

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We looked terrible in a defeat where our QB looked scared, made check down after check down and over threw TO by 4 - 5 yards on the one ball over 10 yards he attempted. After crying myself to sleep at how utterly ball-less our offense was it came to me this morning. I don't think it's any secret now that Trent is the problem when it comes to NOT getting the ball down field. Some might not be able to but I have just accepted that.


Here's how we fix it. AVP needs to call fly patterns for all WRs!!!!! 999. If Captain Checkdown doesn't HAVE any one running short routes HE'LL HAVE NO ONE TO CHECK DOWN TO!!!!!


Either let him throw it up deep or get sacked and knocked out to give someone else with some sack a shot. Either way it moves us in the right direction.


Yes it was a colossal offensive TEAM failure but Trent was captaining the ship both figuratively and literally. I think we came back to reality with our patchwork offensive line this week. Let's hope they can play at a higher level next week.


I feel sorry for the defense. They kept an awesome offense at bay most of the game until they just couldn't do it anymore because our offense was DETERMINED to play NOT to lose as opposed to PLAYING TO FREAKIN' WIN!!


You know getting the ball down field requires time to set your feet and throw. It amazes me how some people fail to see the simple correlation between bad line play and bad offensive performance. When we had good blocking, Trent was making good throws and we won or should have won. As soon as the blocking plays at a level more like what we expected, the offense stalls. Coincidence? I think not.


It is easy to sit there and point the finger, but let me remind you that you are not the one facing 300+ lb lineman trying to wreck your face. I actually kind of wish you were. In short, let me just say that what you think is utterly irrelevant anyway. So is what I think for that matter.


And could we please stop with the "play to win" BS jargon? Winning and not losing are the same !@#$ing thing, so that rhetoric is meaningless and insanely stupid.

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Then he will just take the sack. He did that at the end of the Saints game. Thurman said he may need to be in the West Coast Offense.


You're probably right but if he takes enough sacks maybe he will be unable to QB the team and someone else that actually requires a jock strap to play the game could try to get the job done.

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You know getting the ball down field requires time to set your feet and throw. It amazes me how some people fail to see the simple correlation between bad line play and bad offensive performance. When we had good blocking, Trent was making good throws and we won or should have won. As soon as the blocking plays at a level more like what we expected, the offense stalls. Coincidence? I think not.


When the other team is blitzing their corners or bringing 5-6 pass rushers, someone is going to be open within seconds of the snap. Yeah, the protection was rough at times yesterday--but how can the other team rush 7 guys and we have no one to throw it to?

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You know getting the ball down field requires time to set your feet and throw. It amazes me how some people fail to see the simple correlation between bad line play and bad offensive performance. When we had good blocking, Trent was making good throws and we won or should have won. As soon as the blocking plays at a level more like what we expected, the offense stalls. Coincidence? I think not.


As stated earlier it was a colossal failure for the ENTIRE offense and Trent was Captain Checkdown running the ship. This approach is dangerous in my mind with the blame everyone else and sometimes a problem with society. No personal accountability. It's someone's parents fault, where they were brought up, some circumstance outside of their control.


You tell me. What was TRENT responsible for? I want to hear it from you succinctly. Did Trent do anything wrong or was it everyone else?


It is easy to sit there and point the finger, but let me remind you that you are not the one facing 300+ lb lineman trying to wreck your face. I actually kind of wish you were. In short, let me just say that what you think is utterly irrelevant anyway. So is what I think for that matter.


If I was QB we would REALLY be in trouble. LOL. I tell you what though. I think I could make up my mind in the 3+ seconds Trent was afforded and throw it easily as far as old rubber arm does :devil:JUST SAY NO to swinging from Trent's junk! Addiction isn't pretty. Admitting there is a problem and over coming denial is the first step. Don't lose your mind over this. Just a funny statement I think of when I hear apologies in the face of observed poor performance. My opinion of course.



And could we please stop with the "play to win" BS jargon? Winning and not losing are the same !@#$ing thing, so that rhetoric is meaningless and insanely stupid.



I know what you are trying to say with winning and not losing being the same thing. Truthfully I think you are REALLY missing the point of the "playing not to lose" statement. It speaks to a philosophical approach to your game plan, attitude and strategy regardless of the game you play. You can take your shots, you can play aggressive, you do what you need to do to win. Play the best you can to put points on the board. Instead I think we played to not let the New Orleans offense get on the field which they seemed to do quite easily with our offensive ineptitude.


I understand that you don't like the phrase. I used to have a problem ..."give it 110%". Makes no logical sense. How can someone give you more than their all? Well it also speaks to asking more of yourself. Giving more than you have been giving because nobody can truly ever really say they gave 100%. Let's not get hung up on phraseology.


I'm not a Jauron hater. I don't think that he called up AVP and said lets stick to passes under 10 yards. Do you? Do you think Trent was SO harassed that in the entire game he was afforded one down field look to a WR? We destroyed Byron Leftwich of Tampa Bay and he was heaving it up all over the place.

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