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Bad snaps & no open receivers?


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My apologies if these topics have already appeared in other recent threads. Too disgusted to go through all of them at this time and couldn't find anything doing a search.


It must have been mentioned somewhere, though I didn't find any discussions concerning the poor snaps. Anyone know - what was with the multitude of bad snaps out of the shotgun. Did Hangartner injure his right hand sometime during the game?



Also...how is it that other teams don't seem to have any trouble with their QBs and wideouts finding gaps in our pass coverage, and yet, for the Bills, other than their patented 5 yard quick outs or crossing patterns, they can't seem to get the ball to a receiver ? Is the Bills secondary and their Tampa 2 defense so incredibly predictable that opposing offenses, after a few days of film study, have little trouble finding the openings, making the Bills susceptible to QBs with decent accuracy?


Seems odd to me how the Bills have expended so many high draft choices (and mid round for that matter) on DBs, and still can't cover worth a damn. Might have been better off using every high pick to build a fearsome front 4 that could pressure a QB into making bad throws. You don't need over-priced DBs in that scenerio.

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