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i've been on the Trent is the next QB bandwagon.... but...

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I'm not so sure anymore. i'm actually hesitant to admit this because i dont know if i can handle another "qb search" but i have serious doubts if Trent is going to be the guy or not.


i hope to heck that he is just getting AWFUL coaching advice and he isn't responsible for making terrible decisions.


i try to think logically... a limited occurance of an event 1 or 2 times but be an un related coincidence... but multiple times is a trend... and trent is developing a VERY disturbing trend of making TERRIBLE check downs on 3rd/4th down and long.


really... at 3 and 15, wtf are you doing checking down for a 4 yard tight end route when the linebacker is right on him and he will be LUCKY to gain 5 total yds.


WTF?!?! where in his decision making process does that seem like a good idea?!


i HATE JauronBall.

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I'm done with his chicken s**t ass. Like you said though, I'm sooo not looking forward to another QB search.....Damn, this sucks!!! :thumbdown:<_<



Fitzpatrick had a winning record in Cincinnati last year, Cincinnati! WTF are you searching for?

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Everybody is talking about how Fred Jackson should start over Marshawn.


I think we should start talking about how we have a QB that cant get T.O and Lee the ball on a regular basis.


If he doesn't do the job in the first half vs Miami next week Id pull his ass and put Fitz in there to see what he can do.


Why not ???? if we don' t get to 2-2 we could be in trouble

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Everybody is talking about how Fred Jackson should start over Marshawn.


I think we should start talking about how we have a QB that cant get T.O and Lee the ball on a regular basis.


If he doesn't do the job in the first half vs Miami next week Id pull his ass and put Fitz in there to see what he can do.


Why not ???? if we don' t get to 2-2 we could be in trouble


terrible idea...why don't we just puty the Bills Elvis guy in there as QB

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Like I said in my other post, there was a time last year I was certain Edwards was our guy. I saw him make every throw there was to make. Somewhere along the way he lost it and he just can't seem to get it back. There is no good way to say it, but right now Trent has no BA**S. And if there is 1 position in the league where you can get away with it, it definitely is not QB.


We are still looking for our QB of the future and it makes me sick. I really wanted them to put Fitz in today to try to spark the team and maybe.....just maybe.....get the ball in the hands of our playmakers. But, just another reason Jauron needs to go. He has no feel for the game and how things are going. Many coaches would have made a change or tried SOMETHING to wake up the offense, but he just wimped out again as always. Jauron is a wimp and he has a QB to match.

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I'm not so sure anymore. i'm actually hesitant to admit this because i dont know if i can handle another "qb search" but i have serious doubts if Trent is going to be the guy or not.


i hope to heck that he is just getting AWFUL coaching advice and he isn't responsible for making terrible decisions.


i try to think logically... a limited occurance of an event 1 or 2 times but be an un related coincidence... but multiple times is a trend... and trent is developing a VERY disturbing trend of making TERRIBLE check downs on 3rd/4th down and long.

really... at 3 and 15, wtf are you doing checking down for a 4 yard tight end route when the linebacker is right on him and he will be LUCKY to gain 5 total yds.

WTF?!?! where in his decision making process does that seem like a good idea?!


i HATE JauronBall.


I hate Jauron as much as the next guy, but I have difficulty believing that any coach/OC/play has your primary route being a 4-yard TE cross on 3rd and 15. Or a RB dumpoff (not even a screen) on 4th and 23. I'm putting those 2 decisions on Trentative.

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I'm not so sure anymore. i'm actually hesitant to admit this because i dont know if i can handle another "qb search" but i have serious doubts if Trent is going to be the guy or not.


i hope to heck that he is just getting AWFUL coaching advice and he isn't responsible for making terrible decisions.


i try to think logically... a limited occurance of an event 1 or 2 times but be an un related coincidence... but multiple times is a trend... and trent is developing a VERY disturbing trend of making TERRIBLE check downs on 3rd/4th down and long.


really... at 3 and 15, wtf are you doing checking down for a 4 yard tight end route when the linebacker is right on him and he will be LUCKY to gain 5 total yds.


WTF?!?! where in his decision making process does that seem like a good idea?!


i HATE JauronBall.


I can't find the article, but after Turk was canned, a reporter checked Turk's record and found all QB's he coached fell off in performance (almost ruined, in some cases) during his tenure. Several rebounded once leaving his "tuteledge".


I'm just afraid if we run Edwards out of town, we will just start another 3 year cycle of high QB expectations followed by being shown the door. Maybe its something else.


BTW - Brees overthrew an open receiver deep today, too.

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I can't find the article, but after Turk was canned, a reporter checked Turk's record and found all QB's he coached fell off in performance (almost ruined, in some cases) during his tenure. Several rebounded once leaving his "tuteledge".


I'm just afraid if we run Edwards out of town, we will just start another 3 year cycle of high QB expectations followed by being shown the door. Maybe its something else.


BTW - Brees overthrew an open receiver deep today, too.


Yeah...but the difference was Brees didn't become a chickensh!t and proceed to never throw the ball downfield again. Also, Brees didn't wait until the 4th quarter to actually throw the ball more than 20 yards....


My faith is Trent is falling fast....I thought we were seeing gradual improvement and today was classic Capt. Checkdown. His decision-making and short throws were like the worst of JP and Holcomb combined. It was THAT horrifying.


That being said, the O-line was atrocious as well. Did Haumgartner forget how to snap the ball?!?! Just an awful, awful game for the O.

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