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Can someone explain how you fail to score a TD with TO, Evans and Jackson. This team is amazing in their crappy execution. Is Edwards really this bad, or is the O line just awful. One of those two has to be the worse in the league because we should score 30 points a game with that talent at WR and RB.

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I went to the second half of the game and noticed TE locking onto recievers. One play I saw TO wide open for a 15 yard gain but TE was staring at Evans. On the pic TE was staring at Owens and threw it into double coverage. The O-Line was the reason we lost though. Those 4 snaps at the end just showed how bad our O-Line was.

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Can someone explain how you fail to score a TD with TO, Evans and Jackson. This team is amazing in their crappy execution. Is Edwards really this bad, or is the O line just awful. One of those two has to be the worse in the league because we should score 30 points a game with that talent at WR and RB.


Trent is not getting the job done period, that is the problem. put a better QB in and we are 3-0.

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He might be locking onto WRs but the issue is the conservative nature of the coaching. If all you get are 10 yard pass calls, and never get to chuck it downfield until the fourth in desparation, then you would tend to do whatever it takes to make those 10 yard plays work, and if that means locking on, you do it, particlualry if you know you don;t have time to scan the field due to the weak OL play (which will get better).


This team is an epic failure, from the miser running it and his death grip on the finances (that ensure his family walks with millions from the backs of taxpayers and fans), to one of the worst front office on football to a second-rate coaching staff.


Name the last assistant coach to get plucked from here to be a head coach. I'll check back next week to if there is an answer.

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Can someone explain how you fail to score a TD with TO, Evans and Jackson. This team is amazing in their crappy execution. Is Edwards really this bad, or is the O line just awful. One of those two has to be the worse in the league because we should score 30 points a game with that talent at WR and RB.



uummm Edwards? - you just stated the reason

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Trent is not getting the job done period, that is the problem. put a better QB in and we are 3-0.

Trent is just awful. The Saints were ripe to be beaten. Our defense completely took away their passing attack. To not get TO at least ONE catch is a crime. As a QB you are not going to have a lot of time every game. Sometimes you have to get out of trouble and make a play. Everytime Trent rolls to his right, he never can get the ball down the field. He looks to the Tight end dump off who is ALWAYS running parallel to the line of scrimmage. The offense should be ashamed. This team will be lucky to get back to seven wins. No improvement from last year on offense. I would start Fitzpatrick next week. He at least has a feel for the position. I don't think Trent has a clue.

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Can someone explain how you fail to score a TD with TO, Evans and Jackson. This team is amazing in their crappy execution. Is Edwards really this bad, or is the O line just awful. One of those two has to be the worse in the league because we should score 30 points a game with that talent at WR and RB.

Cause Trent sucks.

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