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Roman Polanski finally going to pay the piper?


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I'm not a lawyer, but I did see one on TV last night.


I think the judge has the option to accept or deny the deal. If he/she denies it then you go to trial or try to strike a new more better (from the judges perspective) deal.


I don't know the specifics of the deal. What would Polanski have been on the hook for?


You can't cop a plea and then have the judge just change the sentence. The defendent would have the right a trial with any admission of guilt removed from the record.


Click that link for "Wanted and Desired". It describes how Judge Rittenbrand was going lock him up for good even after Polanski pleaded to a lesser charge. Rittenbrand also broke many judicial rules by discussing the case in the press.


Again, not defending Polansky. Just saying that if it was you facing a judge who wasn't going to follow the law, you might have fled too.



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WTF is "it wasnt Rape Rape"??


WG is a freakin wackjob.



I wonder if Whoopie would consent to being "not rape raped" (drugged and sodomized) in order to prove her point that he doesn't deserve to be prosecuted. The only problem would be finding a blind, deaf, incredibly desperate man to agree to the experiment.

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I wonder if Whoopie would consent to being "not rape raped" (drugged and sodomized) in order to prove her point that he doesn't deserve to be prosecuted. The only problem would be finding a blind, deaf, incredibly desperate man to agree to the experiment.


Ted Danson?

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  • 2 weeks later...


France's minister of culture, whose forceful defense of film director Roman Polanski brought scrutiny to his own life, denied in a television interview Thursday that he had slept with underage boys and said his 2005 book about his experiences should not be taken as a literal memoir.
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  • 1 month later...
French minister of Culture Frédéric Mitterrand, who said over the weekend that he was "dumbfounded" by Polanski's arrest in Switzerland, adding that he "strongly regrets that a new ordeal is being inflicted on someone who has already experienced so many of them."


Who is Freddie Mitterrand, I can only recall Francois.

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  • 5 months later...
They support Polanski because he's an auteur, an artist, an "innocent victim".


And the big bad United States finally got him. That said, even his victim (who's now 45) says he shouldn't get hammered by the legal system. I think he may serve a couple of years and get deported.


He would be sentenced under the laws that existed at the time of the offense, which would be 1977. Escape laws really weren't on the books then like they are now.




Also, this all happened at a party at jack Nicholson's house, so why don't people ask why jack Nicholson is hanging out with 13 year old girls on quaaludes in a hot tub? Its a gross situation, but it happened 30 years ago. The "victim" doesn't care--isn't that all that matters? Besides, you make Chinatown you get to do some molesting. Just like Phil Spector gets one free murder. For "Be My baby" we can live without a hostess at the House of Blues.

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Also, this all happened at a party at jack Nicholson's house, so why don't people ask why jack Nicholson is hanging out with 13 year old girls on quaaludes in a hot tub? Its a gross situation, but it happened 30 years ago. The "victim" doesn't care--isn't that all that matters? Besides, you make Chinatown you get to do some molesting. Just like Phil Spector gets one free murder. For "Be My baby" we can live without a hostess at the House of Blues.


Victim in quotes? :unsure:


Whatever your take, or even hers is, she was an actual victim. The <insert heinous name> should have served decades at the very least.

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Also, this all happened at a party at jack Nicholson's house, so why don't people ask why jack Nicholson is hanging out with 13 year old girls on quaaludes in a hot tub? Its a gross situation, but it happened 30 years ago. The "victim" doesn't care--isn't that all that matters? Besides, you make Chinatown you get to do some molesting. Just like Phil Spector gets one free murder. For "Be My baby" we can live without a hostess at the House of Blues.


It wasn't at a party at all........Polanski took her to Nicholson's house. Nicholson wasn't there, and neither was anybody else (I think there was a maid or something there when they first got there, but she left)

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all I'm saying is the girl doesn't care, there wasn't a pattern of sexual abuse in his history and it was 33 years ago. What is jail time going to accomplish? One of Jimmy Page's regular groupies was 15, Ted Nugent was so infatuated by the 16 year old he was banging he became her legal guardian--where's the outrage there?


Woman does not see herself as a victim--never did. Polanski won't step foot on US soil again. There is exactly no reason why all this time and energy needs to be poured into an ancient crime. It's just petty. If the woman felt she was victimized it would be a different story. But she doesn't, so no crime as far as I'm concerned

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all I'm saying is the girl doesn't care, there wasn't a pattern of sexual abuse in his history and it was 33 years ago. What is jail time going to accomplish? One of Jimmy Page's regular groupies was 15, Ted Nugent was so infatuated by the 16 year old he was banging he became her legal guardian--where's the outrage there?


Woman does not see herself as a victim--never did. Polanski won't step foot on US soil again. There is exactly no reason why all this time and energy needs to be poured into an ancient crime. It's just petty. If the woman felt she was victimized it would be a different story. But she doesn't, so no crime as far as I'm concerned


Multiple wrongs don't make a right and while I can appreciate your thought, you are massively wrong IMO.

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all I'm saying is the girl doesn't care, there wasn't a pattern of sexual abuse in his history and it was 33 years ago. What is jail time going to accomplish? One of Jimmy Page's regular groupies was 15, Ted Nugent was so infatuated by the 16 year old he was banging he became her legal guardian--where's the outrage there?


Woman does not see herself as a victim--never did. Polanski won't step foot on US soil again. There is exactly no reason why all this time and energy needs to be poured into an ancient crime. It's just petty. If the woman felt she was victimized it would be a different story. But she doesn't, so no crime as far as I'm concerned


Jail time accomplishes little but it's how we punish criminals. In Polanski's case, his crime is one of the most heinous someone can commit. That the girl now woman has found it in herself to move on (or been paid off) has nothing whatsoever to do with it.


HE RAPED A 13 YEAR OLD GIRL FERCHISSAKES! Are you really arguing that raping children should go unpunished?

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