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I couldn't find the thread on DL Coach Bob Sanders


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One can see the difference in our line play so far. We sure have been waiting a long time for a change in our mentality and I think this guy is the difference.





Btw, how many around here eat, drink and sleep about the Bills? I can't get enough about their past, present and future. They are constantly on my mind and I never tire talking about them. I'm pretty jacked about tomorrow's game. I sure hope that they do well, the defense is facing a pretty tall task against Drew Brees & Co. Go Bills!


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One can see the difference in our line play so far. We sure have been waiting a long time for a change in our mentality and I think this guy is the difference.





Btw, how many around here eat, drink and sleep about the Bills? I can't get enough about their past, present and future. They are constantly on my mind and I never tire talking about them. I'm pretty jacked about tomorrow's game. I sure hope that they do well, the defense is facing a pretty tall task against Drew Brees & Co. Go Bills!




I can never get enough of the Bills. People at work really hate me because I start giving them the rundown of the offseason events and such throughout winter/spring. I'm psyched for tomorrow!


BTW That song is awesome. I want to laugh and cry at the same time every time I watch it. :unsure:

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so far I'm liking the guy...I would not be upset if at some point Sanders takes over the defense as DC...maybe he can help stop this "bend and don't break" attitude and go with a more "smash-mouth, in your face" defense...here's a comment I think everyone can agree with and it's nice to see Kelsay agrees with some of us fans: "Another thing is just changing your angle," Kelsay said. "You're rushing the quarterback, you're not rushing the offensive tackle. With me last year, I'd be rushing up here and the quarterback would be over there."

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