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No, not V -- though I am excited for that to come back!


It's actually a new Super Dave Osborne show coming on Spike in November 14th. For those of you too young to remember Super Dave, he's otherwise known as Marty Funkhouser on Curb Your Enthusiasm.


It's a short series though, only 4 episodes. But they are hilarious.


Super Dave-Real name Bob Einstein. His brother, Albert Einstein is better known as Albert Brooks.

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One of my thoughts vis-a-vis whether this show is in any way connected to the "Lost" series is that this could be some working of Dharma. E.g. the extracurricular YouTube videos that explain the Valenzetti equation and needing to eliminate precisely 30 percent of humanity... in order to save humanity. The events in "Flash Forward" would seem to be something toward that.


yeah, its probably wishful thinking on my part, but the LOST parallels were definitely there. the pilot episode starts out almost exactly the same. our hero wakes up after some sort catastrophe, wanders out to it and starts helping people. straight down to the tanker blowing up just like the plane engine.


the jump in conciousness could be explained by any catastrophe at the Swan, moving the island, detonating the bomb, etc.


but alas, its not going to happen. expecially considering Penny and Charlie are now different people :unsure:



outside of my LOST fanaticism, i thought it was a good show. ill definitely be watching. you can always get me with any sort of time travel. im always interested in seeing different ideas about it.

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Who did it, why they did it, and what may be most interesting --- how they did it. Seriously, how do you send 6 billion peoples' consciousnesses 6 months into the future for 2:17?


One of my thoughts vis-a-vis whether this show is in any way connected to the "Lost" series is that this could be some working of Dharma. E.g. the extracurricular YouTube videos that explain the Valenzetti equation and needing to eliminate precisely 30 percent of humanity... in order to save humanity. The events in "Flash Forward" would seem to be something toward that.



This thread has made me very interested, I'll have to look for it online...

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yeah, its probably wishful thinking on my part, but the LOST parallels were definitely there. the pilot episode starts out almost exactly the same. our hero wakes up after some sort catastrophe, wanders out to it and starts helping people. straight down to the tanker blowing up just like the plane engine.


Had exactly that thought as I was watching as well. Was kind of like that thing where a couple of Nickelback songs were played side by side.... I understand its use in the narrative, and there are only so many ways to introduce a show, but I saw that as quite a rip-off of the intro of the "Lost" pilot.


I promise you, there are NO tie ins to LOST other than ABC using Oceanic (and some of the former cast members).


Damon and Bad Robot have zero to do with this show.


Thanks for clearing that up, tgreg. Admittedly, I didn't look up anything on FF so I wasn't sure.

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