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I need to watch it because I'm concerned it may ruin a project I'm involved in but am traveling today (from LA to Rochester for the game on Sunday) ... I forgot to TiVo it though. Arggggg.


Was it any good?


And, Spoiler alert: How did they set it up to continue past the "flash forward" (since they have said they will get to the point in time of the flash forwards by season's end ...

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I need to watch it because I'm concerned it may ruin a project I'm involved in but am traveling today (from LA to Rochester for the game on Sunday) ... I forgot to TiVo it though. Arggggg.


It's on again tomorrow. It'll also end up on Hulu or some other site, I'd bet.


Was it any good?


Meh. Not bad. Creative, but slightly plodding...and for the most part, it didn't give me a reason to care about any of the characters. Worst thing I can say is that I could easily see it evolving into a plodding morass of a soap opera like "Invasion" did, where the characters are completely unengaging and you eventually just don't care.


And, Spoiler alert: How did they set it up to continue past the "flash forward" (since they have said they will get to the point in time of the flash forwards by season's end ...


They didn't, really. My impression that the "flash forward" is going to be a rather unimpressive one given the buildup. That's just a problem with the format: if you make a series entirely a 25-episode buildup to a specific event or set of events, you have to make it big enough to justify the buildup, yet not so big that you can't squeeze another season out of the vehicle. Tough thing to do - I can't really recall a single series that's successfully done it. "Lost" certainly didn't.

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It's on again tomorrow. It'll also end up on Hulu or some other site, I'd bet.




Meh. Not bad. Creative, but slightly plodding...and for the most part, it didn't give me a reason to care about any of the characters. Worst thing I can say is that I could easily see it evolving into a plodding morass of a soap opera like "Invasion" did, where the characters are completely unengaging and you eventually just don't care.




They didn't, really. My impression that the "flash forward" is going to be a rather unimpressive one given the buildup. That's just a problem with the format: if you make a series entirely a 25-episode buildup to a specific event or set of events, you have to make it big enough to justify the buildup, yet not so big that you can't squeeze another season out of the vehicle. Tough thing to do - I can't really recall a single series that's successfully done it. "Lost" certainly didn't.


Hmm ... thanks for the scoop, Tom. This actually makes me feel better. I read the pilot a few months ago when it was the hot script and wasn't that concerned about the show -- then when I started seeing ads it hit a little closer to what my project deals with (though mine is far more of a comedy).


What I don't get (and didn't get from reading the pilot) was how the show plans on doing season 2 if they reach the "flashforward" at the end of season 1 ... Lost at least has an end game "will they get off the island" (and they flipped that on its head two seasons ago) ... but to me, the point of the pilot (again, on paper I'm sure it changed a ton) was all about what caused this and what's going to happen between then and now -- not what happens AFTER. So unless there's another massive flashforward I don't get how the show continues.

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They didn't, really. My impression that the "flash forward" is going to be a rather unimpressive one given the buildup. That's just a problem with the format: if you make a series entirely a 25-episode buildup to a specific event or set of events, you have to make it big enough to justify the buildup, yet not so big that you can't squeeze another season out of the vehicle. Tough thing to do - I can't really recall a single series that's successfully done it. "Lost" certainly didn't.


I'd argue that Prison Break did a pretty good job. The second season had nothing to do with escaping a prison, nor did the 4th (although halfway through the 4th, and final, season, things started getting a bit absurd.


Heroes did ok as well -- although the second season was FAR weaker than the first. I haven't seen the 3rd season or the current one.

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[James raises his hand]


I thought it was a pretty solid pilot as far as they go.


Notice the Oceanic Airlines billboard during the stakeout? Have 'they' said that there is definitely no tie-in of this show with "Lost"? Could just be some cross-promotion / an in-joke.


I did notice the billboard also. I watch it the next few weeks and see how it goes.

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I need to watch it because I'm concerned it may ruin a project I'm involved in but am traveling today (from LA to Rochester for the game on Sunday) ... I forgot to TiVo it though. Arggggg.


Was it any good?


And, Spoiler alert: How did they set it up to continue past the "flash forward" (since they have said they will get to the point in time of the flash forwards by season's end ...


Hey man, what do you do in the biz, write scripts? I've always been interested in the tv/movie business.

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I need to watch it because I'm concerned it may ruin a project I'm involved in but am traveling today (from LA to Rochester for the game on Sunday) ... I forgot to TiVo it though. Arggggg.


Was it any good?


And, Spoiler alert: How did they set it up to continue past the "flash forward" (since they have said they will get to the point in time of the flash forwards by season's end ...


Who did it, why they did it, and what may be most interesting --- how they did it. Seriously, how do you send 6 billion peoples' consciousnesses 6 months into the future for 2:17?


One of my thoughts vis-a-vis whether this show is in any way connected to the "Lost" series is that this could be some working of Dharma. E.g. the extracurricular YouTube videos that explain the Valenzetti equation and needing to eliminate precisely 30 percent of humanity... in order to save humanity. The events in "Flash Forward" would seem to be something toward that.

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They didn't, really. My impression that the "flash forward" is going to be a rather unimpressive one given the buildup. That's just a problem with the format: if you make a series entirely a 25-episode buildup to a specific event or set of events, you have to make it big enough to justify the buildup, yet not so big that you can't squeeze another season out of the vehicle. Tough thing to do - I can't really recall a single series that's successfully done it. "Lost" certainly didn't.

Prison Break

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[James raises his hand]


I thought it was a pretty solid pilot as far as they go.


Notice the Oceanic Airlines billboard during the stakeout? Have 'they' said that there is definitely no tie-in of this show with "Lost"? Could just be some cross-promotion / an in-joke.

Well I know for certain Bad Robot has nothing to do with Flash Forward (and were a little peeved by the concept in the first place as it treads on some of their ideas for the final season a bit). ABC though is clearly looking at FlashForward to fill the Lost void once the show ends this year. I would expect that ABC planted the billboard.

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Hey man, what do you do in the biz, write scripts? I've always been interested in the tv/movie business.

Yes, sir. Mainly features but I've also worked a lot the past couple years in TV on a couple different shows. The latest of which comes out in November. (cough: plug cough:) lol.

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I'd argue that Prison Break did a pretty good job. The second season had nothing to do with escaping a prison, nor did the 4th (although halfway through the 4th, and final, season, things started getting a bit absurd.


Heroes did ok as well -- although the second season was FAR weaker than the first. I haven't seen the 3rd season or the current one.


The follow up to breaking out of prison is so ridiculously obvious though. That show was guaranteed to have material for a second season if it caught on.

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Yes, sir. Mainly features but I've also worked a lot the past couple years in TV on a couple different shows. The latest of which comes out in November. (cough: plug cough:) lol.



It's not a plug if you don't tell us which show!!


Did you work on V...???? I know that's coming out in November and I'm PSYCHED about it. Loved that show as a kid, and the early reviews are off the charts. <_<

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It's not a plug if you don't tell us which show!!


Did you work on V...???? I know that's coming out in November and I'm PSYCHED about it. Loved that show as a kid, and the early reviews are off the charts. <_<

No, not V -- though I am excited for that to come back!


It's actually a new Super Dave Osborne show coming on Spike in November 14th. For those of you too young to remember Super Dave, he's otherwise known as Marty Funkhouser on Curb Your Enthusiasm.


It's a short series though, only 4 episodes. But they are hilarious.

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I can totally hear you saying that in Woodersons voice... <_<


Haha, didn't even mean to write it like that but I can picture it as well.


Yes, sir. Mainly features but I've also worked a lot the past couple years in TV on a couple different shows. The latest of which comes out in November. (cough: plug cough:) lol.


That's cool man, I've always been really interested in screenwriting and I'm huge on movies so I always thought it'd be a good path to go, but being from Buffalo and being constantly busy with work and school always made it kind of a long shot.

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Who did it, why they did it, and what may be most interesting --- how they did it. Seriously, how do you send 6 billion peoples' consciousnesses 6 months into the future for 2:17?



Just read the book, it explains all this and more... of course from what I understand (didn't see the pilot but talked to people who did) the series differs from the book in many significant ways - and not for the better.

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