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Census worker hung in KY

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I hate when you idiots think you've won something. Because the problem is that you are still idiots. Whether you are right or wrong, that fact has not changed.


Highly ironic coming from someone who's never been seen to string together three consecutive, coherent thoughts.

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But as a liberal, he's probably got extra feathers in his cap. So, again as a liberal, he's just fulfilling the liberal goal of redistribution of feathers. Not like those robber-barons on Wall Street who hoard feathers and keep half the country feather-poor.


You know what this country needs? A "Let Wall Street Pay For The Restoration Of Main Street's Hat Feathers Act," to bring us more in line with Scandanavian feather equality.

Maybe if the term redistribution was repackaged as trickle down, you'd get that warm fuzzy feeling.

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Maybe if the term redistribution was repackaged as trickle down, you'd get that warm fuzzy feeling.

Because taking from people who earn more than $200K/year specifically to fund entitlement programs for the unproductive lazyasses of the world while simultaneously robbing the people of their freedoms is precisely the same thing as a profitable company expanding it's operations by hiring more people to something other than yet another government job.

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I'd be willing to bet that the people in the region don't need a condescending rush-to-judgement look-down-your-nose liberal snot like yourself awarding them 'feathers in their collective cap' if for no other reason that it is very likely beneath them.

Let he who is without condescension cast the first stone.

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Is it possible you might reconsider jumping to conclusions based on race and geographical location the next time?

I'll try. One thing I've learned around here is that humans have a hard time getting past their preconceived notions and prejudices. I always try to stay away from this aspect of my human nature, but I'm not always successful. I can at least admit when I'm wrong, which is better than most from what I've seen. I'm always willing to change my mind given new evidence. I'm a flip-flopper like that.


So in answer to your question - yes (and no).

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I'll try. One thing I've learned around here is that humans have a hard time getting past their preconceived notions and prejudices. I always try to stay away from this aspect of my human nature, but I'm not always successful. I can at least admit when I'm wrong, which is better than most from what I've seen. I'm always willing to change my mind given new evidence. I'm a flip-flopper like that.


So in answer to your question - yes (and no).


Yet you have no problem in blindly supporting a party that doesn't believe in what you just wrote?


Has anyone called you a hypocrite today yet?

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Yet you have no problem in blindly supporting a party that doesn't believe in what you just wrote?


Has anyone called you a hypocrite today yet?

Which party are you referring to? Seems that could apply to all of them.


Most people don't believe in what I just wrote beacuse I'm identifying an aspect of human nature. I agree that I tend to lean to the left, but I think for myself more than most IMO.

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You and Tom share a brain. I'll say that it was funny the first time at least.


I think it's more an appreciation of Pythonesque absurdism that we share.


And absurdism is often rooted in bad assumptions, of which there were a shitload bandied about on this topic.

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