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*getting all teary eyed* JK


Seriously, My wife and I paid for everything but the stuff our parents wanted to put into the wedding. We said we wanted the wedding a specific way so, therefore, paying for it meant we got to decide how it went with no outside opinions involved.


It was great, I could have not planned it better.....I was suprised something didn't screw up .


I gave you the better parts of the daughter's wedding experience. No sense dragging out the details that are not important now. Were there arguments and disagreements? Of course! We had a couple really nasty fights with her, her future husband, and various family members.


Wedding = Stress!


Early in the wedding plan phase, daughter asked "Can we do this, have this, rent this, etc." We said she could have anything she wanted, but WE were contributing 'x' dollars and that was it. That was when the reality light bulb went off for her, and she became more realistic. She looks back now and is fine with it. :rolleyes:


Also, we had a son in college at the time and two other daughters in jr. high and elementary school to consider!

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Sorry spelling police, like I said I'm going to be an engineer, I'm good at math and not exactly the world's greatest speller. Oh and i find it funny our harping on me when your in-laws paid for both your destination wedding and your honeymoon.... thanks douche.


By the way its tradition.......and woolly mammoth :rolleyes:

Since we've resorted to name calling, I guess I'm a dick for mispelling a word that I've typed exactly once in my lifetime.


As for the expensnes, her family paid for the destination wedding/honeymoon, but we paid for the reception back home because only our direct families had the $$$ to attend our wedding in St.Lucia. The reception cost about $4K, douche.

Since we've resorted to name calling, I guess I'm a dick for mispelling a word that I've typed exactly once in my lifetime.


As for the expensnes, her family paid for the destination wedding/honeymoon, but we paid for the reception back home because only our direct families had the $$$ to attend our wedding in St.Lucia. The reception cost about $4K, douche.

I just figured if you were going to be a big enough douche bag to correct somebody's spelling you might want to at least make sure you spell things correctly yourself...... like misspelling and expenses. :rolleyes:

I just figured if you were going to be a big enough douche bag to correct somebody's spelling you might want to at least make sure you spell things correctly yourself...... like misspelling and expenses. :rolleyes:

You got me I guess, but rediculous instead of ridiculous is a HUGE pet peev of mine. I see it a dozen times a day, it wears on me. Not sure why all the name calling is about, guess it's because we have a .00001% chance of ever running into one another and actually knowing who each other is.

Aren't you the same dude who asking the board for advice 6 months ago on how long you need to wait before banging your buddy's ex-girl?


I would recommend a prenup.


Apparently he didn't wait very long.

I gave you the better parts of the daughter's wedding experience. No sense dragging out the details that are not important now. Were there arguments and disagreements? Of course! We had a couple really nasty fights with her, her future husband, and various family members.


Wedding = Stress!


Early in the wedding plan phase, daughter asked "Can we do this, have this, rent this, etc." We said she could have anything she wanted, but WE were contributing 'x' dollars and that was it. That was when the reality light bulb went off for her, and she became more realistic. She looks back now and is fine with it. :lol:


Also, we had a son in college at the time and two other daughters in jr. high and elementary school to consider!

I give you props for that, but I don't think anyone, even your kids should be a burden or think "they always have something coming to them"


Some people, hey its their special day, but apparently people have a lot of them!

You got me I guess, but rediculous instead of ridiculous is a HUGE pet peev of mine. I see it a dozen times a day, it wears on me. Not sure why all the name calling is about, guess it's because we have a .00001% chance of ever running into one another and actually knowing who each other is.

fair enough, I apologize for the name calling.....

that sounds kinda bad man, I mean seriously all you would have to say is, don't act like your mom


I mean seriously, my mother in law kills me sometimes......but then again I don't back down, and my wife and father in law doesn't say anything back because they both know how she is.


Sometimes you gotta grow balls.....and not run away from problems lol :lol:


Thanks for understanding my total situation. :lol: I moved 3000 miles away because I wanted to live in CA not to run away from anything. Actually it was a lot further than that seeing the in-laws were living in Norway at the time. But the result of living that far away from my inlaws was that my wife has not spent too much time over the last 30 years near her mother which I attribute to the reason she is not at all like her mother. If you spend lots of time with someone, especially a direct blood relative, you greatly increase the chances your going to grow into them. Seeing my wife has spent so many of those years with me she has my attitude on life more than anyone elses.

fair enough, I apologize for the name calling.....

Cool. Good luck, I thought I met my destiny in my ex-wife but we fell out of love and busted a cap in that dying dog of a relationship. I miss my dog. We didn't shoot him, she has him. Other than that, I'm having the time of my life.

Thanks for understanding my total situation. :lol: I moved 3000 miles away because I wanted to live in CA not to run away from anything. Actually it was a lot further than that seeing the in-laws were living in Norway at the time. But the result of living that far away from my inlaws was that my wife has not spent too much time over the last 30 years near her mother which I attribute to the reason she is not at all like her mother. If you spend lots of time with someone, especially a direct blood relative, you greatly increase the chances your going to grow into them. Seeing my wife has spent so many of those years with me she has my attitude on life more than anyone elses.


That poor woman... :lol:


StLou, I paid for my own wedding, but I was 34, she was 32, we both had good jobs etc. But, when you pay you learn to cut back on a few things that really don't make all that much difference..for instance


1) No Champagne Toast..we had a toast and all, but just had people drink whateber they were drinking.


2) Paid for booze by the drink.Ended up saving us close to $1900 from what the per hour charge per person would have been..plus we had all top shelf booz(people love that!), and better wine, and was pouring the whole time..no shut down for dinner etc.


3) Had one small cake for the ceremonial cut, my wife even made it. No one really likes wedding cake anyway..or at least they do not really care if they get a piece as long as desert was good!!


4) No favors or matches or anything like that.


5) No limos etc.


We hadclose to 100 people, had the reception in Sequoia in Dc(great location) everyone had a great time, and it ended up costing us a little less than $9K.

Ok so my future inlaws are already being a major pain in the ass. My fiance's paren't just spend the last year wasting about 20k a piece in lawyer fees suing each other over the most rediculous law suit (I'll spare you the details on it) you've ever heard of. The judge just ruled the case "a wash" and neither party was awarded anything. Now we are trying to get married and they are acting like they don't have any money to help us with the wedding.....which I think they are being honest about it just pisses me off that they spent so much money arguing over "who helped the kids more" and now have put themselves in a position where they can't help there kids at all. Her mom seems to think that my parents should more or less split the wedding bill 50/50. My parents do have money, but IMO its besides the point.....they've helped us out on numerous occasions. When my fiance's car blew up they gave her $5000 for down payment on a car and they've been paying for 100% of her college (she's getting her nursing degree). I know my parent's will help, I just don't want to ask, nor do I think I should have to. My question is......is it even still common for the bride's parents to pay for the majority of the expenses? I know my parents would be more than willing to pay for everything that is typical of the groom's expenses I just don't think its right that her mom is suggesting that they split the bill.

And you think things will get better after you're married because ... :lol:


Wish ya luck man ...


I agree with Inkman.


It sounds as though this isn't really a good time financially to take on the burden of a wedding. Why not wait until your fiance is done with school and working? If you're truly meant to be together - your relationship will stand the test of time. And that extra year of maturity will also help you both adjust to married life. What's the rush?

Thanks for understanding my total situation. :rolleyes: I moved 3000 miles away because I wanted to live in CA not to run away from anything. Actually it was a lot further than that seeing the in-laws were living in Norway at the time. But the result of living that far away from my inlaws was that my wife has not spent too much time over the last 30 years near her mother which I attribute to the reason she is not at all like her mother. If you spend lots of time with someone, especially a direct blood relative, you greatly increase the chances your going to grow into them. Seeing my wife has spent so many of those years with me she has my attitude on life more than anyone elses.


That's farther, Chef. Other than that, spot on. :lol:


I like plenzmd1's thoughts on the liquor, so go with that. In fact, go with all of his advice. At the end of the day, it's a damn theme party and you're the host. If someone thinks you skimped on something, that person is a snob.


Good luck! :lol:

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