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no wonder ravens suck part deux


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At the moment of selection, with Peters gone and looking at what we had at tackle...oher may have been the better choice.




In Retrospect, if I would have taken Marla Anderson instead of Sharon Lewis I may have not had my heart shattered into a million pieces and kicked to the curb like so much garbage. However, as time passed, I got over it; as should you!

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It never ceases to amaze me how many grass is greener, "coulda shoulda" posts emerge when some beat writer writes an opinion piece about a player we passed on.


Agreed. But God forbid one of our writers write an opinion piece about one of our players. Then he's simply a lying homer.

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The Chefs as a team actually had 10 sacks last year, and Chargers' LDE Jacques Cesaire had 2 sacks last year, and hasn't recorded more than 4 sacks in any of his 6 previous seasons. I think it's safe to say that Oher hasn't really been tested, but he looks like a good player.

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You obviously haven't read that we signed Jamon Meredith off the Packer's practice squad.


He would run circles around OHER!


In all honesty...who cares about the Ravens and their still wet behind the ears draft pick. Give it some time before you start making comparisons.

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Maybin has gotten a lot of time. Thus, he must be doing something the coaching staff likes. For him, it is going to boil down to bulking up a bit and learning some other moves. He is athletic enough to do both of these things IMO.


The other option of course is to use him at linebacker.

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R. Bush.

From a fan stand point, they wanted VY more (since he played a Texas). From a team stand point, it was probably Bush v Williams. But this is a fan board, which is why we keep hearing "Waaa Waaa Waaa, we should have drafted so and so" two games into the freakin season!

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From a fan stand point, they wanted VY more (since he played a Texas). From a team stand point, it was probably Bush v Williams. But this is a fan board, which is why we keep hearing "Waaa Waaa Waaa, we should have drafted so and so" two games into the freakin season!

You're right. I thought they got blasted more for Bush but there were some who wanted Young. Can't agree more with your last statement.

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