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Protect the insurance companies PSA


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You probably already do... The diploma on the wall doesn't say the grade they got. :unsure:


However the quality of the the office typically does. Walk into an office in Orange county (where my previous doctor was) and then into one in Chinatown (where my wife found herself recently) you'll know pretty quickly what kind of grade they got.

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You know who is willing to be a doctor? Someone who really wants to help people and to be paid very well for doing so. You reduce that by half you will reduce by half the number of people willing to go into that profession.


You forgot... The person who is willing to stick it out and has the fortitude and resouces to "play the game."


IMO, there in lies the porblem and why they feel "entitled" to command a king's ransom.


Face it, it is an elitist profession... And who better to know than this (me) elitist liberal... :lol::unsure: And... If there is going to be a "war" on elitism, what better place to start than the doctors.

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However the quality of the the office typically does. Walk into an office in Orange county (where my previous doctor was) and then into one in Chinatown (where my wife found herself recently) you'll know pretty quickly what kind of grade they got.



I don't really buy that. What you describe may be nothing but more than a higher circus rating.

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You know who is willing to be a doctor? Someone who really wants to help people and to be paid very well for doing so. You reduce that by half you will reduce by half the number of people willing to go into that profession.

you gotta take the help that you can get. There is a reason why we import doctors from india, because we don't produce enough here in the U.S.. If you reduce that by half, then expect health costs to go up even more.

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you gotta take the help that you can get. There is a reason why we import doctors from india, because we don't produce enough here in the U.S.. If you reduce that by half, then expect health costs to go up even more.


Yep. Because Americans are lazy and they want everything now... They want all the glory... Not the fortitude brought with imported doctors.


It is the same with other professions too. We need more MBA's running mom & pop candy shops.


Where have our values gone?



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Ah, the utopian rainbow farting unicorn society of the left. Expect people do just so things out of the kindness of their hearts. Yes I'll work 80 hours a week to cure all your ills. All I ask for is a little food for my table, some clothes for my back and a roof over my head. :thumbsup:


Like my industry. I put helping people as my number one priority. But I also know that if I work my ass off and help lots of people I'm going to be paid pretty well for it. If my income was was greatly reduced due to some altruistic ideal that society placed on my profession I'd go back to cooking.

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Ah, the utopian rainbow farting unicorn society of the left. Expect people do just so things out of the kindness of their hearts. Yes I'll work 80 hours a week to cure all your ills. All I ask for is a little food for my table, some clothes for my back and a roof over my head. :wallbash:


Like my industry. I put helping people as my number one priority. But I also know that if I work my ass off and help lots of people I'm going to be paid pretty well for it. If my income was was greatly reduced due to some altruistic ideal that society placed on my profession I'd go back to cooking.



No, you are taking the extreme. Not at all out of the kindess of heart. Take my wife for example... She has advanced degrees and works for a non-profit organization and makes a nice living... Not an extravagant living. That is the thing Chef. If that is to happen (less disparity between certain profeesions and the working stiffs), then who is gonna get all the story lines for daytime soap opera and some prime time drama. :thumbsup:


I thank you for being honest. Your POV sucks IMO because your altrusim is directly related to your personal gain.


Don't get me wrong... I think there should still be a social disparity between the professional classes, just not as much. If Wal-Mart people/workers are taking a hit... Then everybody should take a hit. Including you and I.


Narrow the gap, not make it bigger. That is all I am saying.

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No, you are taking the extreme. Not at all out of the kindess of heart. Take my wife for example... She has advanced degrees and works for a non-profit organization and makes a nice living... Not an extravagant living. That is the thing Chef. If that is to happen (less disparity between certain profeesions and the working stiffs), then who is gonna get all the story lines for daytime soap opera and some prime time drama. :thumbsup:


I thank you for being honest. Your POV sucks IMO because your altrusim is directly related to your personal gain.


Don't get me wrong... I think there should still be a social disparity between the professional classes, just not as much. If Wal-Mart people/workers are taking a hit... Then everybody should take a hit. Including you and I.


Narrow the gap, not make it bigger. That is all I am saying.


My altrusism? I'm not altruistic. Sure I'm selfish. If the motivation to do well for yourself is taken away what have you got? Ever talk to someone from a communist country. You should sometime, it's very enlightening as to the reason why this country has become what it has and their countries are where they are and why those people now live here. Funny how someone who has lived in the country for a few years loves it more that you do. Why do you think that is?

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you gotta take the help that you can get. There is a reason why we import doctors from india, because we don't produce enough here in the U.S.. If you reduce that by half, then expect health costs to go up even more.

Good point! And Just for the same reason that you can't believe that if you provide coverage to 30 million more people, that somehow health servicing costs will go down. There all ready is a shortage in primary care physicians, what will happen to the costs if that shortage becomes intensified? It is supply and demand, if demand picks up considerably, what happens to costs?





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My altrusism? I'm not altruistic. Sure I'm selfish. If the motivation to do well for yourself is taken away what have you got? Ever talk to someone from a communist country. You should sometime, it's very enlightening as to the reason why this country has become what it has and their countries are where they are and why those people now live here. Funny how someone who has lived in the country for a few years loves it more that you do. Why do you think that is?



Again, you are talking extremes. :thumbsup::wallbash:

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My altrusism? I'm not altruistic. Sure I'm selfish. If the motivation to do well for yourself is taken away what have you got? Ever talk to someone from a communist country. You should sometime, it's very enlightening as to the reason why this country has become what it has and their countries are where they are and why those people now live here. Funny how someone who has lived in the country for a few years loves it more that you do. Why do you think that is?

Why waste your time on someone who has all ready made it abundantly clear that socialized medicine is the way to go? Once he told me that doctors pay, medicine, health insurance should all be capped, then I knew there was nothing further we could discuss regarding this matter.

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The government offers flood insurance so wealthy people with oceanfront mansions can be covered at a reasonable cost. That's fine. No one on Fox News howls about the government takeover of flood insurance. But health care??


Face it. The Right picks and chooses it's boogeymen. Whatever suits them or their interests. What I can't believe is how middle class people swallow that crap. They eff themselves over because they think they are being patriotic. They listen to Hannity and Rush tell them how evil health reform is when half these people don't have coverage or are verge of losing it.


But maybe it's a good thing. People that dumb ought to just die off and improve the gene pool.



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Good point! And Just for the same reason that you can't believe that if you provide coverage to 30 million more people, that somehow health servicing costs will go down. There all ready is a shortage in primary care physicians, what will happen to the costs if that shortage becomes intensified? It is supply and demand, if demand picks up considerably, what happens to costs?





Yes, I am in agreement with this. and part of the solution is improving the process of becoming a med school student and providing more incentive for these students to not get totally buried in debt.


Oh yes, there's a long list of things that need to be "reformed" at a cost of billions of dollars of someone else's money. :lol:

If you go to most public schools in an urban setting, you'll see how screwed up some of our schools are. Some of it is the difference in communities investment into education, and another part is parents spending time with their kids. Now, if you improve education by reducing school sizes, class sizes and providing alternative programs for students that are not cut out for school, you can improve our academic standing among the world you can give our current and future students the tools to fix the problems that exist today and are created today.

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If you go to most public schools in an urban setting, you'll see how screwed up some of our schools are. Some of it is the difference in communities investment into education, and another part is parents spending time with their kids. Now, if you improve education by reducing school sizes, class sizes and providing alternative programs for students that are not cut out for school, you can improve our academic standing among the world you can give our current and future students the tools to fix the problems that exist today and are created today.


What are you thoughts about illegal immigration or even the children of illegals?

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What are you thoughts about illegal immigration or even the children of illegals?

I am going to guess that it is pretty similar to yours. I think that everyone should be entitled to a "free" public education in the country that they legal reside.


I'll go a step further than that. In order to get the "thugs" and others who are not cut out for being in high school, there should be testing at the end of 8th grade to determine if the kid should be in high school or an alternative trade program. The childs behavior in and out of school will also factor into the placement. This is similar to what a lot of those other countries do, which helps their testing scores and makes their systems look better than ours. This will allow for our kids who aren't cut out for high school to learn something productive without disturbing our better students.

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I am going to guess that it is pretty similar to yours. I think that everyone should be entitled to a "free" public education in the country that they legal reside.


I'll go a step further than that. In order to get the "thugs" and others who are not cut out for being in high school, there should be testing at the end of 8th grade to determine if the kid should be in high school or an alternative trade program. The childs behavior in and out of school will also factor into the placement. This is similar to what a lot of those other countries do, which helps their testing scores and makes their systems look better than ours. This will allow for our kids who aren't cut out for high school to learn something productive without disturbing our better students.


I'll take you 10 steps futher. :thumbdown:


Many of those "thugs" are thugs because of their parents (ignored them, no father etc) so I advocate that every person has their tubes tied at birth. Then you have to pass an intelligence and financial test before they're untied. God I'm such a !@#$ing facsist.

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