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When Will Hope And Optimism Set In?


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Last year we were all jumping for joy when we were 4-0 and then 5-1. The playoffs almost certainly seemed to be in the Bills' future. Then came the stretch where the wheels completely fell off. We won only 2 of our last 9 games to finish 7-9 for the 3rd straight season.


So I pose the question, when will optimism and hope set in this year? I think if we put a good game plan together against NO and win that game on Sunday my hopes will be as high as at any point early in the season last year. We should've beaten the Pats* and looked solid against TB. If AVP and Fewell come through with the right gameplans on Sunday, the players execute on the field, and we get the "W" I'll be back at work talking trash like I did before last year's debacle. That's just me though :thumbsup:

Way too early. We lost in week one and won in week two, at home, before a great crowd against a team that is apparently not very good. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't enjoy every bit of this, it is why we are fans to begin with, to enjoy weeks like this. So let the good times roll.

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