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When Will Hope And Optimism Set In?


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Last year we were all jumping for joy when we were 4-0 and then 5-1. The playoffs almost certainly seemed to be in the Bills' future. Then came the stretch where the wheels completely fell off. We won only 2 of our last 9 games to finish 7-9 for the 3rd straight season.


So I pose the question, when will optimism and hope set in this year? I think if we put a good game plan together against NO and win that game on Sunday my hopes will be as high as at any point early in the season last year. We should've beaten the Pats* and looked solid against TB. If AVP and Fewell come through with the right gameplans on Sunday, the players execute on the field, and we get the "W" I'll be back at work talking trash like I did before last year's debacle. That's just me though :rolleyes:

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Probably. If we actually beat the Saints, the optomism will glide into the Miami game, and if we lose that everyone will be real down on us, and if we win that, we'll have gone 3-1 with our only loss being an away MNF game against the Pats* in a one point loss.


In other words, if the Bills win 2 straight, I will not be visiting these forums because I won't be able to take any of the "contender" threads seriously.

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Last year we were all jumping for joy when we were 4-0 and then 5-1. The playoffs almost certainly seemed to be in the Bills' future. Then came the stretch where the wheels completely fell off. We won only 2 of our last 9 games to finish 7-9 for the 3rd straight season.


So I pose the question, when will optimism and hope set in this year? I think if we put a good game plan together against NO and win that game on Sunday my hopes will be as high as at any point early in the season last year. We should've beaten the Pats* and looked solid against TB. If AVP and Fewell come through with the right gameplans on Sunday, the players execute on the field, and we get the "W" I'll be back at work talking trash like I did before last year's debacle. That's just me though :rolleyes:

I have grave doubts about Fewell's soft pass D slowing down Brees. Even Leftwich threw for 296 yards. Stop the run? Yes. Stop Brees? Nope.


I do hope they play with intensity and keep the game within reach. It's possible they could win. Not likely IMO, but possible.

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I have grave doubts about Fewell's soft pass D slowing down Brees. Even Leftwich threw for 296 yards. Stop the run? Yes. Stop Brees? Nope.

I do hope they play with intensity and keep the game within reach. It's possible they could win. Not likely IMO, but possible.


Good question H2o.

Good point DrFishfinder. A top notch qb might have sent the Bills to 0-2.


The way I see it the 1-1 Bills are currently on the all too familiar Highway 7-9. In 2 games they have lived up to the expectations of a Dick Jauron coached ball club. They lost to an apparent winning team and beat a team which will achieve 2-4 wins this season. It doesn't get any easier than the rebuilding Bucs without their starting center and best receiver, not to mention one of the weakest secondaries in the league.

The Saints game presents an opportunity for the Bills to shatter the trend of not being able to beat a winning team. Drew Brees is clearly an elite QB and barring injuries the Saints are a lock for the playoffs.

Week 3 is a defining moment for the '09 Bills. Beat a winning team and jettison that monkey or come up short on your way to 7-9.

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I have grave doubts about Fewell's soft pass D slowing down Brees. Even Leftwich threw for 296 yards. Stop the run? Yes. Stop Brees? Nope.


I do hope they play with intensity and keep the game within reach. It's possible they could win. Not likely IMO, but possible.


Don't have to stop Brees. He lost last year with 300+ and 400+ yards. It is about beating the Saints, not about having Brees have a bad fantasy football week. You have to get some pressure without the blitzes, get a pick or two, and limit his scoring to 2 or 3 touchdowns and make sure you score 4. I posted some more details of the Saints losses in another discussion, but winning 30-24 is very reasonable. I don't think the Saints are much better than Tampa on defense, so don't have a problem seeing us get to 27-35 points, so the key is not allowing the fourth and fifth Saints touchdowns, not feeling you need to stop Brees and not allow any points.

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I've been optimistic since the start of the season. I saw the preseason as a fluke.


At the same time I was surprised at how good the Bills played against the Patriots. Especially the Offensive and Defensive Lines. A lot of people were giving the Patriots the AFC Championship, but I was highly skeptical of the Patriots defense.


Yes, there are areas of improvement for the Bills, but I think as the season goes on, this team will get better and better.

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Last year we were all jumping for joy when we were 4-0 and then 5-1. The playoffs almost certainly seemed to be in the Bills' future. Then came the stretch where the wheels completely fell off. We won only 2 of our last 9 games to finish 7-9 for the 3rd straight season.


So I pose the question, when will optimism and hope set in this year? I think if we put a good game plan together against NO and win that game on Sunday my hopes will be as high as at any point early in the season last year. We should've beaten the Pats* and looked solid against TB. If AVP and Fewell come through with the right gameplans on Sunday, the players execute on the field, and we get the "W" I'll be back at work talking trash like I did before last year's debacle. That's just me though :rolleyes:

Once bitten twice shy for me..When they stop blowing wins and beat teams they have to I will believe but until that happens I will cheer but expect the meltdowns!!!!

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Last year we were all jumping for joy when we were 4-0 and then 5-1. The playoffs almost certainly seemed to be in the Bills' future. Then came the stretch where the wheels completely fell off. We won only 2 of our last 9 games to finish 7-9 for the 3rd straight season.


So I pose the question, when will optimism and hope set in this year? I think if we put a good game plan together against NO and win that game on Sunday my hopes will be as high as at any point early in the season last year. We should've beaten the Pats* and looked solid against TB. If AVP and Fewell come through with the right gameplans on Sunday, the players execute on the field, and we get the "W" I'll be back at work talking trash like I did before last year's debacle. That's just me though :rolleyes:




Hope is already here.


Optimism? When we beat our first good team in, what, three years? Four?


Neither the Saints nor Miami has proven themselves to be a genuinely good team yet, though the Saints definitely could be one.

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i've said all along that the only thing keeping us out of the playoffs is the offensive line (Leodis not taking a knee didn't help matters much..but, hey..stuff happens.) The line has played at the lower end of mediocre and I think will improve. Beating the Saints would make me very optimistic. I'm not too star struck as we are 1-1 losing to a team we were supposed to lose to and beating a team we were supposed to beat. Beating the saints would show some capacity to win against playoff caliber teams. I guess an AFC East win would really get me going.

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Last year we were all jumping for joy when we were 4-0 and then 5-1. The playoffs almost certainly seemed to be in the Bills' future. Then came the stretch where the wheels completely fell off. We won only 2 of our last 9 games to finish 7-9 for the 3rd straight season.


So I pose the question, when will optimism and hope set in this year? I think if we put a good game plan together against NO and win that game on Sunday my hopes will be as high as at any point early in the season last year. We should've beaten the Pats* and looked solid against TB. If AVP and Fewell come through with the right gameplans on Sunday, the players execute on the field, and we get the "W" I'll be back at work talking trash like I did before last year's debacle. That's just me though :thumbsup:

When we beat someone with a winning record.

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Last year we were all jumping for joy when we were 4-0 and then 5-1. The playoffs almost certainly seemed to be in the Bills' future. Then came the stretch where the wheels completely fell off. We won only 2 of our last 9 games to finish 7-9 for the 3rd straight season.


So I pose the question, when will optimism and hope set in this year? I think if we put a good game plan together against NO and win that game on Sunday my hopes will be as high as at any point early in the season last year. We should've beaten the Pats* and looked solid against TB. If AVP and Fewell come through with the right gameplans on Sunday, the players execute on the field, and we get the "W" I'll be back at work talking trash like I did before last year's debacle. That's just me though :thumbsup:


Not until the season is over and we are in the playoffs. Enough with this getting all fired up after a game or two. The Bills need to show the fanbase they can finish an entire season as winners.

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Honestly, it won't be until the end of October for me, and I'm really not getting stoked about making the playoffs anyway, since just getting there is a lowered expectation that I don't subscribe to. If that is the coaches goal, then this team will never be anything but good, never achieving great.


Besides who really cares if we make the playoffs anyway, there are 7-8 teams that would destroy this team in a playoff game. When this team starts to look like a top caliber team, and actually performs like one, then I'll get that old fire and excitement back, but for this year, i'm just happy they are still the Buffalo Bills for now, and thats sad.

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