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I have been watching him, he can play. What an improvement over Fowler!!




Hangman is doing exactly what a good center is supposed to do.......not get his name called but keep his QB off the turf and the OL together......


I am happy with this move it was a good one.

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Hangartner has been great, and so has the rest of the line. If I wasn't a Bills fan and you told me Levitre and Wood were rookies, I wouldn't believe you. Bell has shown some inexperience, but he's doing a better job than I expected out of Walker. Jonathan Scott didn't look bad yesterday, but it'll be interesting to see if we sign a replacement for Butler.

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I really like how Bell gets to the 2nd level in his run blocks. He's strong & fast and will improve with every game under his belt. It's extremely hard to believe that he's only been playing football for 4 years, that's really amazing at how far he's progressed.

Nice pick up. Bell is everything Walker wasn't.

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Hangman is doing exactly what a good center is supposed to do.......not get his name called but keep his QB off the turf and the OL together......


I am happy with this move it was a good one.


Exactly. I think we have young talent...But that talent would have floundered if not for Hangman's calm presence and demeanor. Also I think Butler was a good influence. He refuses to be beat.


Second the vote for AVP...He has been a breath of fresh air. Just creative and efficient play calls. The guys seem to be having fun & playing loose. What a concept.

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Hangman is doing exactly what a good center is supposed to do.......not get his name called but keep his QB off the turf and the OL together......


I am happy with this move it was a good one.



He is also really really smart, which you need in the no huddle. Hang scored one of the highest wonderlic scores for 0-lineman( he scored in the 40's).


and for people who say the wonderlic scores dont matter-Leodis Mckelvin scored like and 11 or 14.


I rest my case



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Bell is fast Jerry Jabbler but not strong. Luckily for us athleticism is the most important trait for a LT and Bell is well above average in that area. If Bell can still improve in the strength department we may have a long term answer at LT but if not he'll be a guy you can get by with but someone you're always looking to upgrade. Hopefully, he stays committed to the weight room..........As for Hangartner, I'm glad we picked him up as well.

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I think our OC is great. The guy has been stellar holding this line together. For me after 2 games, the guys who have made this team work are:


1) Fred Jackson

2) Kyle Williams

3) Hangartner

4) Trent Edwards




And the losses of Fowler and Walker especially are addition by subtraction. You know the 2009 Bills starting O-line was bad when 40% of its lineman are currently not on an NFL roster.


Now lets get stupid and have some fun-


Is it too early to start talking Pro Bowl for Wood? If Lynch & Jackson combine for over 2000 yards rushing wouldn't at least one of our O-lineman have to make it to Honolulu?

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I'd really like to know what soured the Bills on Walker so quickly? It went from "he's the starting LT" to "GTFO, Langston!" Weird.



He played terribly and they were very unhappy with his physical conditioning.


There's someone else it was fun to diss but folks have been quiet about lately: Russ Brandon. He is doing a GREAt job putting this team together and deserves a lot of credit. I really like this guy. But he's only a marketing guy I guess. :rolleyes:

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I love how we finally have a freakin' center again. No Trey Teague or Melvin Fowler baloney anymore. I loved how Hangartner was pushing Wilfork's fat ass all over the field against the Patsies.


Best offensive line play we've had in at least six or seven years. Maybe longer. Hangman is handling his job with excellence, something that Fowler and Preston never approached. Wood has been a stud, and looks to be one of the smartest guards in the league. He has executed every screen pass perfectly both while blocking down field and knowing just the right moment to let the D-Lineman through to execute the play. The interior O-Line has been a very pleasant surprise. If they keep playing at this level we could be a surprise team at the end of the season.

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