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Fast Freddy highlights


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The yards after the hits and keeps the legs pumping. Not the fastest despite the title of this thread, but the hardest worker. He's blue collar all the way. I hope he keeps it up and shares the load with Lynch, but he's the man. Freddy





I've been a HUGE Freddie fan since he showed skill in pre-season play three seasons ago. When I heard his story, I desperately wanted him to make the roster. Now that he's here and he's shining, I'm loving it. Plus when Lynch gets back, it makes our running game that much more dangerous!


Seeing Jackson run, I think he needs to start the game when Marshawn gets back and we ease Lynch back into it. Manage it like Jackson gets the first three series, Lynch gets the next two, FJ next three, Lynch two...and on an on. Let's Marshawn get his game legs back while keeping hot Freddie going.


Our running game is going to give D-coordinators nightmares!

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