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How does Perry Fewell escape criticism?


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Cowboys game on Monday night they have no timeouts and need 6 yards for a long FG attempt and this idiot had cornerbacks play off 15 yards allowing a simple 6 yard down and out into FG range. Maybe as dumb a strategy ever seen.


Patriots game with 2:12 on the clock and at Buffalo 18 yrd line. The Pats had to score on this play in order to preserve the 2 minute warning when defending the Bills - otherwise Patriots score AFTER 2 minute warning and Buffalo could take a knee and run 3 plays into scrimmage and punt the ball away with 40 seconds. Or Patriots would do onside kick.


Knowing this Fewell needed to be 3 deep zone (not standard 2 deep) because we could have allowed ANYTHING to happen except a score into the endzone. We needed to rush 4...spread 3 safeties across goal line and 4 dbacks in middle zone.

That score with 206 left is what lost the game even more than Mckelvin's fumble.


Also his strategy of consistently dropping LB's back on 3rd and 3's is mind boggling and accounts much for why the defense remains on the field - he gives up simple easy 3rd down conversion like they are gumdrops.


We have invested high picks in our 2ndary....so play them more in press....its when you have a very weak 2ndary that you play guys off the WR

We run a no huddle but we often snap the ball with little time left on play clock. so this no huddle does not make this defense tired....this defense gets tired because they give up such a high rate of 3rd down conversions and thus stay on the field for a long time.


Both jerry Sullivan and Paul Hamilton pointed out the defense looked tired in 4th qtr....guys prior to patriots scoring drives our offense had a 6 minute 14play drive....there was no need to be tired

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Cowboys game on Monday night they have no timeouts and need 6 yards for a long FG attempt and this idiot had cornerbacks play off 15 yards allowing a simple 6 yard down and out into FG range. Maybe as dumb a strategy ever seen.


Patriots game with 2:12 on the clock and at Buffalo 18 yrd line. The Pats had to score on this play in order to preserve the 2 minute warning when defending the Bills - otherwise Patriots score AFTER 2 minute warning and Buffalo could take a knee and run 3 plays into scrimmage and punt the ball away with 40 seconds. Or Patriots would do onside kick.


Knowing this Fewell needed to be 3 deep zone (not standard 2 deep) because we could have allowed ANYTHING to happen except a score into the endzone. We needed to rush 4...spread 3 safeties across goal line and 4 dbacks in middle zone.

That score with 206 left is what lost the game even more than Mckelvin's fumble.


Also his strategy of consistently dropping LB's back on 3rd and 3's is mind boggling and accounts much for why the defense remains on the field - he gives up simple easy 3rd down conversion like they are gumdrops.


We have invested high picks in our 2ndary....so play them more in press....its when you have a very weak 2ndary that you play guys off the WR

We run a no huddle but we often snap the ball with little time left on play clock. so this no huddle does not make this defense tired....this defense gets tired because they give up such a high rate of 3rd down conversions and thus stay on the field for a long time.


Both jerry Sullivan and Paul Hamilton pointed out the defense looked tired in 4th qtr....guys prior to patriots scoring drives our offense had a 6 minute 14play drive....there was no need to be tired


This is a much more thoughtful (and accurate) criticism of the coaching than is typical around here. Can't argue with any of that.


I don't have much respect for either Sully or Hamilton but I am one of the few guys who enjoys Mike Schope. As he has said many times, Jauron is basically a CEO because he doesn't call plays or anything like that, which is fine. But if that's going to be his style then he absolutely needs to be on top of these clock/game management situations. He's not and it's indefensible.


As far as Fewell goes I have a hard time calling for his head when he has for the most part taken undersized and overmatched personnel and kept us in the middle of pack with respect to pts given up. But if the new HC next year wants to bring in his own DC I'm not going to have a problem with that.

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Dick Jauron


Whats odd is I think they typically play too conservative/loose on short 3rd down conversions....but when we really needed to play a conservative 3-deep scheme across the goal line they leave a LB 1 on 1 with a TE into the endzone....


Juaron seems to play a scheme defensively that allows long drives and high % 3rd down conversions (this has ZERO to do with no huddle offense scheme).....with the thought being to await the opponent to make some type of mistake (turnover/penalty) to kill their own drive.......this may be an ok strategy when you takeover a defense with no playmakers and personnell wise are really out matched.....however we are no longer in that mode....we have multiple #1's in our secondary and have added talent to our Dline (Stroud & Maybin) and others have developed(Kyle Willaims) where we can force the issue defensively with a decent passrush and talented DB's to play tight and occasionally jump routes....


If your gonna play a drop back bend but dont break defense all the time....then why waste high draft picks on defensive players because playing off 15 yards and tackling a guy after an easy 8 yrd catch can be done by less talented DB's....

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I couldn't agree more. And what were the purposes of the those blitzes that Brady saw coming and blew us away? We hardly had any pressure on him, and each time we blitzed, we got screwed. Playing 15 yards off the receivers is nuts. And who taught our team to tackle? There were so many missed tackles and they seemed to be covered with grease, cause our guys couldn't hold on.


I don't blame McKelvin, I blame the coaches for not telling him to take a knee. The Bills find more ways to lose, than any team in the NFL. You were correct, Fewell blew it with the Cowboys and again with the Pats. We should never have given up the 3-4, or gotten rid of Teddy Cottrell. Back then, the Bills were one of the few teams running it, now we are one of the few teams stuck in the 4-3.


Dump DJ and PF now, before we trade places with Detroit for being the laughing stock of the NFL.

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Great post


I was saying the same thing and you know Brady said to Watson..."I going to you again because they gonna play the same defense.


Teams like Pittsburg or Baltimore or even the Jets would have brought more pressure.


That why teams that play to win...win


Teams like buffalo hope Brady makes a mistake and lose.


These hometown writers in this town must get bonuses for not placing blame where it needs to be. The defense was terrible in the last five minutes and if Turk can get fired so can the D-corrdinator

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These hometown writers in this town must get bonuses for not placing blame where it needs to be. The defense was terrible in the last five minutes and if Turk can get fired so can the D-corrdinator


I think the hometown media simply doesn't know any better (and why I am sure the Bills have zero respect for them and their questions and their theories)....Paul Hamilton has ZERO background in football - he played hockey. And its always been there - Larry felser to some in WNY is a God...and this guy stated Buffalo should draft Doug Flutie ahead of Bruce Smith with the #1 overall in 1985 (Flutie was still available in the 6th rd)....and Larry stated before the 1989 playoff game vs Browns (where Kelly threw 5 TD passes) that the Bills should start Frank Reich because Kelly was never gonna win big games for the Bills......4 AFC championship rings later....

Nice observations by Larry regarding our 2 1st ballot HOF inductees....could you have ever been more wrong?

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I couldn't agree more. And what were the purposes of the those blitzes that Brady saw coming and blew us away? We hardly had any pressure on him, and each time we blitzed, we got screwed. Playing 15 yards off the receivers is nuts. And who taught our team to tackle? There were so many missed tackles and they seemed to be covered with grease, cause our guys couldn't hold on.


I don't blame McKelvin, I blame the coaches for not telling him to take a knee. The Bills find more ways to lose, than any team in the NFL. You were correct, Fewell blew it with the Cowboys and again with the Pats. We should never have given up the 3-4, or gotten rid of Teddy Cottrell. Back then, the Bills were one of the few teams running it, now we are one of the few teams stuck in the 4-3.


Dump DJ and PF now, before we trade places with Detroit for being the laughing stock of the NFL.


our DBs can't tackle because they don't conduct live practices in training camp and then don't play in the pre-season games.


it will be mid-season before they get up to speed under Club-Dick mode.

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I've been criticizing our Pass D scheme for a few years. I do not like Fewells bend don't break scheme especially when we draft 20 DB's every year


this is absolutely true


If Dick is going to insist on playing super soft zones - why waste premium picks on cover CBs


they look like crap in our D because they have no clue how to play zone

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Cowboys game on Monday night they have no timeouts and need 6 yards for a long FG attempt and this idiot had cornerbacks play off 15 yards allowing a simple 6 yard down and out into FG range. Maybe as dumb a strategy ever seen.


Patriots game with 2:12 on the clock and at Buffalo 18 yrd line. The Pats had to score on this play in order to preserve the 2 minute warning when defending the Bills - otherwise Patriots score AFTER 2 minute warning and Buffalo could take a knee and run 3 plays into scrimmage and punt the ball away with 40 seconds. Or Patriots would do onside kick.


Knowing this Fewell needed to be 3 deep zone (not standard 2 deep) because we could have allowed ANYTHING to happen except a score into the endzone. We needed to rush 4...spread 3 safeties across goal line and 4 dbacks in middle zone.

That score with 206 left is what lost the game even more than Mckelvin's fumble.


Also his strategy of consistently dropping LB's back on 3rd and 3's is mind boggling and accounts much for why the defense remains on the field - he gives up simple easy 3rd down conversion like they are gumdrops.


We have invested high picks in our 2ndary....so play them more in press....its when you have a very weak 2ndary that you play guys off the WR

We run a no huddle but we often snap the ball with little time left on play clock. so this no huddle does not make this defense tired....this defense gets tired because they give up such a high rate of 3rd down conversions and thus stay on the field for a long time.


Both jerry Sullivan and Paul Hamilton pointed out the defense looked tired in 4th qtr....guys prior to patriots scoring drives our offense had a 6 minute 14play drive....there was no need to be tired



:thumbdown: Great Post!


How does Perry Fewell escape criticism?.....He has never escaped criticism from me, as proven by my post from last week:



As for why the Buffalo media seem to give this guy a free pass, who the hell knows why? Here's another question: why does the local media go to Chris "No Sacks-No Tackles" Kelsay week after week for sound bites on everything Buffalo Bills, as though Kelsay was the star player on defense or something? They even had a Kelsay quote on how Maybin was coming along! Kelsay was talking as if the kid was absoultely zero threat to his starting end position. Simply mind boggling. :angry:

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I have to agree with you...


Perry has had some real head-scratchers when it comes to making adjustments.


I have seen him come into games with some real solid defensive schemes, but more times that not he seems to stick to the same routine in the second half of games even when the other team has adjusted to his D.


He played McGhee over McKelvin in that game last year against Miami when it was obvious McGhee had not recovered from his knee injury and could not put any weight on it and was getting schooled by that rookie WR - he made no adjustments that game. He played a soft zone against AZ and Warner ate it up during the first half - hitting all the underneath stuff, we did the same the second half.


I just have not seen Perry make significant game-time adjustments. Maybe he just gets brain-freeze during live action. Hopefully I am wrong, I just have seen too many games where he sticks to his original formula regardless of what is happening on the field.


I don't blame him for the NE loss, although I do think that the D allowed Brady to get back into the game in the second half by not playing up on the receivers and allowing those underneath routes to be run unchallenged. But they did force them to crawl up the field and stopped them enough for us to win the game. The series of events after that none of us need to relive.

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Fewell is largely one dimensional. His DB's are consistently 3-4 steps or more away from the receivers when they catch the ball. When pressure on the QB is needed on 3rd down, the defense plays deep coverage and puts little if any pressure on the QB. Teams put up enormous amounts of passing yards in 6-8 yard chunks and burn off 7-9 minute drives which tires the defense out by mid 4th quarter.


He should have been fired immediately after last season.

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Fewell needs to go. Any DC's-in-waiting on the staff, a la AVP? And no, I don't mean Bob Sanders.

I'm starting to agree..... Except for a few big plays, Tampax is moving it well.

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