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Extra Incentive to Harrass Tampa Bay


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Wow: Great article.

It certainly puts on display all that is wrong with organized sports in this country. How the almighty dollar rules in every situation. The coach, the university,all scared of losing money. The D.A., the legal system all cowed by the university and worried about a backlash from fans. But what about judges? Prosecutors? Aren't they supposed to stand up for victims?

The whole system insulates athletes for what they do to others.

That's why I don't mind Goodell coming down hard on these f*cks. Go get em Roger. Hang em high. People like Stevens don't belong in your league.

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I thought, in the interest of inciting vitriole and venom toward Sunday's opponent, I'd resurrect this story:




Anyone that continuously employs this sub-human tool box deserves some rage, now let's make sure we in the stands give it to 'em on Sunday.


There was a discussion about him a few years back. Well, that boy, he ain't quite right in the head.

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Sadly I bet there are several reports like this on a lot of football players....it does not make it right


While Stevens is is definately the disease.....he isn't what is creating the problem.....schools, coaches, teachers, prosecuters, etc who give wait to someone because he is a "rising football star" is a load of crap....perhaps had he been punished along the way maybe he doesn't continue to do ths @hit?


A lesson for those college girls out there and I have conversations with my daughter who isn't even old enough to drink yet.....NEVER drink out of open containers that you did not poor yourself at parties.....NEVER. And there is no thing as a male college friend....college guys dont usually dont like to be in the "friend zone"

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I thought, in the interest of inciting vitriole and venom toward Sunday's opponent, I'd resurrect this story:




Anyone that continuously employs this sub-human tool box deserves some rage, now let's make sure we in the stands give it to 'em on Sunday.


God I hope someone paralyzes him from the neck down.

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I felt sick to my stomach after reading that article. What a failure of justice on SO many levels. Certainly made me lose respect for anyone involved in this whole fiasco, including Holmgren. This is the type of idiot that is going to kill someone, it's only a matter of time, whether due to his total lack of respect for humanity or his reckless disregard behind the wheel. I wonder how many people would vouch for him then. Anyone with a sister or a mother should feel outrage anytime a local sports team overlooks such deep seeded character flaws in the interest of what is ultimately so trivial as ability to play a GAME. The fact that anyone beside what should be fellow inmates know this piece of garbage's name is a travesty.

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Who wouldnt nail a drunk freshman behind a bush?


I wouldnt (now that I'm older), but lets be honest, a significant proportion of us would. In full disclosure, I have punched people, and used to drive drunk all the time. It is troubling to hear how he got out of all this and probably much, much more because of who he is.

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Who wouldnt nail a drunk freshman behind a bush?


I wouldnt (now that I'm older), but lets be honest, a significant proportion of us would. In full disclosure, I have punched people, and used to drive drunk all the time. It is troubling to hear how he got out of all this and probably much, much more because of who he is.



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Sadly I bet there are several reports like this on a lot of football players....it does not make it right


While Stevens is is definately the disease.....he isn't what is creating the problem.....schools, coaches, teachers, prosecuters, etc who give wait to someone because he is a "rising football star" is a load of crap....perhaps had he been punished along the way maybe he doesn't continue to do ths @hit?


A lesson for those college girls out there and I have conversations with my daughter who isn't even old enough to drink yet.....NEVER drink out of open containers that you did not poor yourself at parties.....NEVER. And there is no thing as a male college friend....college guys dont usually dont like to be in the "friend zone"


I don't know... it worked out pretty well in "The Hangover."

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Sadly I bet there are several reports like this on a lot of football players....it does not make it right


While Stevens is is definately the disease.....he isn't what is creating the problem.....schools, coaches, teachers, prosecuters, etc who give wait to someone because he is a "rising football star" is a load of crap....perhaps had he been punished along the way maybe he doesn't continue to do ths @hit?


A lesson for those college girls out there and I have conversations with my daughter who isn't even old enough to drink yet.....NEVER drink out of open containers that you did not poor yourself at parties.....NEVER. And there is no thing as a male college friend....college guys dont usually dont like to be in the "friend zone"


I don't know... it worked out pretty well in "The Hangover."

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Key phrase in whole article: ""I think we just felt, in our unit and in the Police Department as a whole, that this case was handled differently. And we felt it was because he was a University of Washington football star."


It makes my stomach turn, as we know that Jeramy Stevens is far from an isolated case of "growing up".


Its funny how money ultimately determines so much. Stevens represented so much to UW and their Bowl bid that everyone turns a blind eye. You could have Hannibal Lector eating young freshmen girls with some Chianti, but boy, if he scores touchdowns "he does have a good side".


This should never happen. In a true system of justice, it is an abomination.

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Sadly I bet there are several reports like this on a lot of football players....it does not make it right


While Stevens is is definately the disease.....he isn't what is creating the problem.....schools, coaches, teachers, prosecuters, etc who give wait to someone because he is a "rising football star" is a load of crap....perhaps had he been punished along the way maybe he doesn't continue to do ths @hit?


A lesson for those college girls out there and I have conversations with my daughter who isn't even old enough to drink yet.....NEVER drink out of open containers that you did not poor yourself at parties.....NEVER. And there is no thing as a male college friend....college guys dont usually dont like to be in the "friend zone"


Sorry, but I must take extreme exception to the bold statement you made up above.


Are you suggesting that Mr. Stevens does not know right from wrong? How can you make a statement that his choice, HIS conscious choice to do all of those things, EACH AND EVERY TIME, is what is "creating the problem", as you so aptly put it?


Stevens IS the problem.


Now, are schools, coaches, teaches, prosecutors, etc responsible for creating the environment (because of money) for the conduct of Mr. Stevens to thrive. Absolutely. I would go so far as to list them all as accomplices. I mean, if its a crime to know someone is going to commit a crime and to do nothing about it makes you guilty...all of these people who should 1.) know better and 2.) represent those ideals which they represent should grow a pair, and act like the ADULTS that they are supposed to be.


Stevens is clearly the evil in this, but all of the enablers are also guilty.

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Who wouldnt nail a drunk freshman behind a bush?


I wouldnt (now that I'm older), but lets be honest, a significant proportion of us would. In full disclosure, I have punched people, and used to drive drunk all the time. It is troubling to hear how he got out of all this and probably much, much more because of who he is.


So, the only thing 'troubling' to you is the fact that he got caught and got off?



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Who wouldnt nail a drunk freshman behind a bush?


I wouldnt (now that I'm older), but lets be honest, a significant proportion of us would. In full disclosure, I have punched people, and used to drive drunk all the time. It is troubling to hear how he got out of all this and probably much, much more because of who he is.


Everyone has done things that they are not proud of, but you learn from the consequences. I have a similar resume to yours in my late teens and early twenties. At some point the light bulb goes on and you figure it out, usually after you're forced to face the consequences of your actions. However, there is a HUGE difference between immaturity and assualt, sexual assault/rape, and what should have been repeat drunk driving offenses. This man was never made to face his consequences for reasons that are beyond absurd. I hope kharma exists for the sake of all of the people he's screwed over in his life. Sorry, not meaning to preach, just still disgusted...

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Sorry, but I must take extreme exception to the bold statement you made up above.


Are you suggesting that Mr. Stevens does not know right from wrong? How can you make a statement that his choice, HIS conscious choice to do all of those things, EACH AND EVERY TIME, is what is "creating the problem", as you so aptly put it?


Stevens IS the problem.


Now, are schools, coaches, teaches, prosecutors, etc responsible for creating the environment (because of money) for the conduct of Mr. Stevens to thrive. Absolutely. I would go so far as to list them all as accomplices. I mean, if its a crime to know someone is going to commit a crime and to do nothing about it makes you guilty...all of these people who should 1.) know better and 2.) represent those ideals which they represent should grow a pair, and act like the ADULTS that they are supposed to be.


Stevens is clearly the evil in this, but all of the enablers are also guilty.


Perhaps you missed the part where I called him the disease?


Had the people I mentioned above not given this idiot the "star" treatment along the way......perhaps that girl is never raped?

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Red, isnt the troubling thing about this the fact that he got caught and got off? You can have a cry-in about every crime that happens in America if you like, but I dont have time.


You have implied that I dont find rape, violence and drunk driving troubling; I have clearly stated that nobody should be able to get away with them because of who they are, nor should they because they happen often in college parties. That is insulting, unsupported, and untrue.

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