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Obama care will NOT cover Illegals

The Poojer

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You've got to be kidding me.


"If we take that money" -- $800 billion a year by Kucinich's reckoning - "and put it into care we cover everyone," he says. "So of course we can afford it. When people know a plan exists where there's no more premium, co-pays and deductibles, where everyone is covered and where no one has to go broke...I think people will listen."


If we TAKE that money! WTF

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Barack H. Obama's experience in the Illinois State Legislature consisted of 129 "Present" votes.


If you're a state senator in the Illinois State Legislature to vote for a bill you select the green button in front of you. To vote against the bill you select the red button in front of you.


To vote "Present" like Obama somehow did 129 times, you select the YELLOW button in front of you.


Then, he went on to do nothing in the US Senate.


All true!

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