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George Wilson and the Union got to him. They are trying to make a big deal out of this to keep fans on guard from getting too close to these guys. Pressure was put on Leodis I would be willing to wager.


These players want it both ways. We get TO and Kawika Tweeting us every time they drop a turd in the toilet.....streaming live and pushing products to us 24/7......but then they also want to be protected like Ft. Knox.


Hold on there a second, up until this past year or so we haven't had athletes tweeting like crazy telling us every little detail. Also, T.O. and Kawika don't speak for the other hundreds of NFL players. And just because they do decide to "tweet" (oh brother) doesn't mean you paint obscenities on their front lawn for missing a catch or fumbling a football.


It's nice that Leodis initially didn't want to press charges but a message does need to be sent and I think he's doing the right thing.

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It's nice that Leodis initially didn't want to press charges but a message does need to be sent and I think he's doing the right thing.

Had the chance to let it die a slow death. Enough people jumped up and down denouncing the little miscreants. Now it's going to get even MORE coverage because while the contents of family court are sealed the kids will certainly be asked for comment as they leave court, as will Leodis about 400 more times. Inevitably the sentence will be leaked and will be discussed for either excessive leniency or harshness. (The comparison to Pat Kane's wrist massage are already out). not to mention that it sends the wrong message about doing the right thing after you screw up. He says he's not gonna press charges, the two jerkweeds fess-up, then it's book 'em Dan-O? Guess what happens next time something happens? Everyone keeps their mouths shut. Unless there is video of those two kids buying spray paint right around that time of night or a neighbor saw them and can ID them...in the dark...they would have never been caught unless they stepped up. They stepped up, they admitted wrong-doing. There was no Marshawn-esque no comment invisibility BS until charges were filed. One would hope their parents levied some significant punishment. At this point, what is giving the kids a juvenile record going to prove? File a PFA to keep em away from you and move on.


If you're not sure if you want to press charges say so. Don't say you won't then change your mind after people come forward. very very lame.

Had the chance to let it die a slow death. Enough people jumped up and down denouncing the little miscreants. Now it's going to get even MORE coverage because while the contents of family court are sealed the kids will certainly be asked for comment as they leave court, as will Leodis about 400 more times. Inevitably the sentence will be leaked and will be discussed for either excessive leniency or harshness. (The comparison to Pat Kane's wrist massage are already out). not to mention that it sends the wrong message about doing the right thing after you screw up. He says he's not gonna press charges, the two jerkweeds fess-up, then it's book 'em Dan-O? Guess what happens next time something happens? Everyone keeps their mouths shut. Unless there is video of those two kids buying spray paint right around that time of night or a neighbor saw them and can ID them...in the dark...they would have never been caught unless they stepped up. They stepped up, they admitted wrong-doing. There was no Marshawn-esque no comment invisibility BS until charges were filed. One would hope their parents levied some significant punishment. At this point, what is giving the kids a juvenile record going to prove? File a PFA to keep em away from you and move on.


If you're not sure if you want to press charges say so. Don't say you won't then change your mind after people come forward. very very lame.

Well said my friend. I'm sure the Players Union got on Leo but the best thing here is to make it go away. This could get a lot uglier for the Bills/NFL players. What are the kids going to do? Community service? That's pretty much what NFL players do for serious felonies they get away with.


It's like this:


Punks, dirtbags, thieves, etc, should not invade a man's (or family's domain). An example of punishment needs to be set for doing so. You rightfully kill them or you press charges.


Fumbling the football with the game and the hearts of your team & fans on the line deserves pinishment as well. Painting some grass hurts no one, but it makes a valid point- don't fumble the fa king foot ball with the game on the line. You're a pro thats paid millions... so show up for work with a clear head.


It's OK to do either crime, but don't ever get caught! There's a lot of camaras on the field.


i'll bet he's under intense pressure from his teammates to press charges. they know if they screw up in a game big time like old butterfingers.. their house might be next. not pressing charges sends the wrong message to would be vandals.


Having been a bit of a hellraiser in my youth, I read about what was done, how it was on the lawn (non-permanent), and what it said. I'm going to take a slightly contrary opinion here.


Ok, shouldn't have been done, but was essentially harmless, and funny in a way that MS-13 tags are not because there was a kernal of truth there. I was going to give Leoklutz a second chance on the fumble since he was keeping it in-house where it could easily be remedied by a dad with hickory switch. He was being a mensch. But since he wants to go down this road and prosecute to the full extent of the law, I'm going to go down the same road and boo to the full extent of my lungs.



Thoughts? Im mixed, i think it teaches the kids a needed lesson. However, i think Leodis could have done alot in regards to PR/fan support to just talk to those kids and tell them why they were wrong...thoughts?


I hope Leodis learned his lesson. If he ever fumbles again while fighting for two extra meaningless yards then I will spray paint his lawn myself.

I hope Leodis learned his lesson. If he ever fumbles again while fighting for two extra meaningless yards then I will spray paint his lawn myself.

and i hope you accept the potential consequences, legal fees, fines that come from that because, evidently, some people never learn. but at least you've made your intentions clear, so i'm sure some of us will be able to point the authorities in the right direction.




i think its pretty weak of Leodis to press charges against these 2 16 year olds, i mean i wonder what kind of trouble he got into when he was young. We've all done stupid things when we were younger, but these kids dont deserve to be charged with a misdemeanor for spray painting his lawn. I mean they wrote some words on the freakin lawn, ITS GRASS!

Grab a hose, mow the lawn, its freakin grass, and now these 2 kids are gonna have a record because what they said was right? lol, i dont condone in any way what the kids did, but they were smart enough not to do anything worse, like spray down his house or smash some windows yelling "McKelvin you suck". I'm sure their parents have made their lives complete hell after this and remembering how it was when i was younger, I think thats been punishment enough.

Hopefully Mckelvin will take the high road and drop the charges against the 2 kids, otherwise he would have lost my respect along with many others im sure.

If his ego is that damaged than he shouldnt press charges, he should make it up on the field where it belongs.


For all those who might be losing any respect for Leodis, don't fret. If form holds, he'll be making his way out of town anyways after his rookie contract expires and cashing a much larger paycheck elsewhere. The good news is we'll have plenty of DB's lined up to take his place when that happens.

For all those who might be losing any respect for Leodis, don't fret. If form holds, he'll be making his way out of town anyways after his rookie contract expires and cashing a much larger paycheck elsewhere. The good news is we'll have plenty of DB's lined up to take his place when that happens.



+1 Sad but true

I hope Leodis learned his lesson. If he ever fumbles again while fighting for two extra meaningless yards then I will spray paint his lawn myself.


You, sir, are an idiot. Guys like this should be banned from this site. Advocating vandalism and hate crimes? Its this clown's attitude that gives the rest of us a bad name. Buffalo fans were a national embarassment because of two idiot kids and guys like this who support their actions.

i think its pretty weak of Leodis to press charges against these 2 16 year olds, i mean i wonder what kind of trouble he got into when he was young. We've all done stupid things when we were younger, but these kids dont deserve to be charged with a misdemeanor for spray painting his lawn. I mean they wrote some words on the freakin lawn, ITS GRASS!

Grab a hose, mow the lawn, its freakin grass, and now these 2 kids are gonna have a record because what they said was right? lol, i dont condone in any way what the kids did, but they were smart enough not to do anything worse, like spray down his house or smash some windows yelling "McKelvin you suck". I'm sure their parents have made their lives complete hell after this and remembering how it was when i was younger, I think thats been punishment enough.

Hopefully Mckelvin will take the high road and drop the charges against the 2 kids, otherwise he would have lost my respect along with many others im sure.

If his ego is that damaged than he shouldnt press charges, he should make it up on the field where it belongs.



I think you are so incredibly off base its ridiculous. Its easy to have this opinion when you or your home is not vandalized or threatened.


These two punk kids may have ruined his lawn but what if he had family in there? Kids? Are you seriously telling me you are comfortable in a world where your kids are at home and idiot kids are running around outside defacing your home? Its only a matter of consequence that they chose to ruin the lawn as opposed to spray graffiti on his house as opposed to throw a rock threw a window as opposed to setting it on fire.


Reality check for you please.

These players want it both ways. We get TO and Kawika Tweeting us every time they drop a turd in the toilet.....streaming live and pushing products to us 24/7......but then they also want to be protected like Ft. Knox.

protected like Ft. Knox?! gimme a freaking break! honestly what the f is wrong with some people at this site!?


listen, i want mckelvin CUT after after monday, but only a moron thinks it's ok for someone to harrass you at your house. if you screw up at work, the one thing you deserve is to be left alone at your house. i can't believe people don't get that.


mckelvin is a dumb football player and our dumb coach will put him in more positions that will probably cost us more games. but as long as our dumb coach wants him on the roster, he gets to go home at night and be left alone. wtf kind of country is this that anyone whats it any other way!!??


good god.

You do realize that you don't need to sign up for his twitter feed, right?

Yes, but I still get to hear about it from people on this board, in the newspaper, on the radio and on TV, including during the games. It's a fantasy to think that you don't have to hear the babble if you don't want to, unless you're going to turn off following the Bills all together, which I'm not prepared to do yet.

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