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It's that time of year again


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Opening with a MNF roadie kinda skewed my norm.


Otherwise, I start with Lori's game preview, select the Jersey I billieve will have the best karma and set up the coffee table with newspapers and laptop. Assure plenty of Beer and smokes are at the ready while Wifeepoo whips up her special Taco salad and baked cheesy/picante dip thingy. A handle of Crown sits nearby. I used to take a snort only after TD's, but they're kinda rare so I now include safety's, FG's and PAT's...


Watch Berman on Gameday, then dial in to the game on DTV HD. I have great fun -um.. 7 times a year!!


BTW, this ritual is on hold for another week as I'm attending the HOME OPENER!! Whoo Hoo! :)

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Breakfast on my Bills plate, Bills plasticware, Bills coffee cup

Bills shirt for church

come home, inflate the 8 foot Bills guy, get out the Bills animated characters,pick the proper Bills jersey, put on my Bills sneakers.

Tune to sunday ticket.

Eat wings and/or beef on weck wash it down with Loganberry and/or Beam and coke

Halftime take of my Bills sneakers, walk around the house and complain disgustedly.

Bills win-jersey goes in the closet, Bills lose jersey goes into the laundry.

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Watch 2 hours of NFL countdown...

Start to get a minor headache from the nervous energy...

By halftime, full blown headache and sore throat, chest starting to hurt

End of game, depression, exhaustion, heart actually physically hurts, crying

Hours after the game, ignore the losing culture, look for positives, repeat cycle for next week...

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Breakfast on my Bills plate, Bills plasticware, Bills coffee cup

Bills shirt for church

come home, inflate the 8 foot Bills guy, get out the Bills animated characters,pick the proper Bills jersey, put on my Bills sneakers.

Tune to sunday ticket.

Eat wings and/or beef on weck wash it down with Loganberry and/or Beam and coke

Halftime take of my Bills sneakers, walk around the house and complain disgustedly.

Bills win-jersey goes in the closet, Bills lose jersey goes into the laundry.


Very impressive!


I think the Bills rattled off 12 straight wins in '64. THAT would be a ripe closet!!

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After a decade of losing, why would anybody perform a game day ritual. If anything, completely ditch your ritual and start a new one. You, yes you, could be the reason the Bills are losing you jinxed bastard.


Point well taken, Ray. Sometimes, I actually think this is true.. :)

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After a decade of losing, why would anybody perform a game day ritual. If anything, completely ditch your ritual and start a new one. You, yes you, could be the reason the Bills are losing you jinxed bastard.

My kids started a new one this season ... eating their TO's for breakfast :)

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