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OT: Dick Cheney SOB

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Just curious...



Actually I was thinking more along the lines of it not being out of the question that a man of his age, with his health problems, could die in the next four years from natural causes.

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Blah blah blah.  I did know people working on the issue.  I still do. 


But far be it from me to post about it any more, since it disagrees with CNN and the New York Times.


Oh, where do they say the WMDs are now? CNN and the New York Times are surely covering up caches of biological and nuclar weapons all over Iraq - those bastards! Dubya'll find 'em - just give him 4 more years!

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In all fairness to Tom, he wasn't the only one.  There are quite a few wingnuts around here citing unimpeachable sources (like Drudge and Rush) about those WMDs all lying around pointed directly at Middle America.


The really FUN part is that most of them, along with at least 53 million Americans STILL believe it. :lol:  :lol:  If you DON'T believe it they start talking about koolaid and hot pockets and stuff. 


So there really is a direct correlation between ignorance and hunger. :P


I liked this one in British Press.


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Oh, where do they say the WMDs are now?  CNN and the New York Times are surely covering up caches of biological and nuclar weapons all over Iraq - those bastards!  Dubya'll find 'em - just give him 4 more years!



They don't exist, because Saddam never had any WMD programs, because they were all destroyed in 1991, because CNN and the NYT said so...



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They don't exist, because Saddam never had any WMD programs, because they were all destroyed in 1991, because CNN and the NYT said so...






I see you are finally "getting it" Tom... :devil::devil:


You have been hosed, hoaxed and bamboozled.


Along with all the other self-proclaimed big-wigs out there.


Effing message boards. :devil:



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Damn, that’s right, we’re supposed to idolize and epitomize a monarchy.

Excuse me Queen Mum, may I have some more :rolleyes:



And without an opposition party in this country, that is exactly what we will have.


But, for some reason, we gotta get everybody onboard and wipe out any dissenting voice?


Leave it to the republicans to wrap themselves around such a statement?


Nothing but lip service Eryn.


Hope that is not offensive for "gutter boy" out there?...

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