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Ohio Inmate Gets Temporary Reprieve Because

Steely Dan

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being that he is a convicted rapist, i can think of an alternate vein to use......




I've been in the hospital a lot and they can always find a vein. Why they couldn't put it in his hand, which always seems to be doable, is beyond me. Can't they feed him cyanide or give him an overdose of sleeping meds?

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I've been in the hospital a lot and they can always find a vein. Why they couldn't put it in his hand, which always seems to be doable, is beyond me. Can't they feed him cyanide or give him an overdose of sleeping meds?

Remember a lot of these types have been shooting up for years and have collapsed veins.


Ahh for the days of the old fashioned firing squad.

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I've been in the hospital a lot and they can always find a vein. Why they couldn't put it in his hand, which always seems to be doable, is beyond me. Can't they feed him cyanide or give him an overdose of sleeping meds?



Could this be a "Black Jack Ketchum" thing... Maybe he was working out heavily on death row...


Just another wacky thought? I don't know why the Ketchum thing comes to mind!



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Glad to see all is well and good! :thumbsup:


Just out of curiousity did that happen in the last five minutes of Monday's game? Just askin.

One would have thought, but it was while I was at work on Friday, on the can no less. At least I had the wherewithal to pull up my pants, get to my car and find the doctors office. Being found passed out with my pants down on the bathroom floor at work would have really sucked.

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One would have thought, but it was while I was at work on Friday, on the can no less. At least I had the wherewithal to pull up my pants, get to my car and find the doctors office. Being found passed out with my pants down on the bathroom floor at work would have really sucked.


Especially if someone had a camera phone!! :thumbsup:

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