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Too many positives from the game last night to really dwell.


One thing last season I felt the defense lacked was intensity and I think last night players that are normally mediocre stepped up and played with great intensity. The defense was on the field for a long time last night but they made plays, especially 2 big 4th downs. Even forced Pats to kick 2 field goals.


Another was the hitting, the defense was making sure it left a mark on every Patsie by hitting them hard.


Offensive line did good other than Bell and the penalties. How many 3rd and longs did we face? 3 or 4? That's killer. The 3rd and 5 drop by T.O. was an easy catchable ball, but of course we all knew T.O. isn't known for his pass-catching skills, just his after the catch play-making skills. Lee Evans dropped a few as well that were catchable.


Trent Edwards played good. You can make all the J.P. rebuttals or just plain excuses you want, but the fact is he led the team, did a great job audibling at the line, and played with great confidence. Not to mention great accuracy on his passes. I loved the play-calling from AVP all night, the fake to Jackson and throw to Nelson for the TD was excellent.


Lots of people don't want to blame the loss on Leodis McKelvin, but I think his play stuck out more than just the 2nd fumble. He was lost coverage several times, missed tackles several times, got out ran several times, and fumbled twice! You can't blame everything on him, but he was the weakest link IMO.


Overall, the Bills were the better team and you can say "Oh if they don't win it doesn't matter!" all you want but as cliche as it sounds, that was a moral win. The biggest challenge for this team will be to forget about the loss, remember and build on the positives, and start over with Tampa Bay this week.


Flame away!

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good post and agree on a lot of it.


McKelvin's play wasn't all bad. the Pats D was all underneath for a reason. He missed some tackles badly, but he also made some important ones. He saved a touchdown on a goalline run forcing a field goal. Obviously though he is rightfully the goat of the game.


as far as "moral victories" - I don't really know what that means any ways. The game is a loss and it hurts bad, but it is a loss that should give this young team a lot of confidence going forward. I expect us to CRUSH Tampa this week. Wouldn't have thought I'd be feeling that way 24 hours ago.

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Sorry buddy, I know you're looking for positives but after 10 years of no playoffs as well as a handful of crushing defeats that are eerily similar to this one, I got no patience for "moral victories". Moral victories are for teams that are used to regular victories where losing isn't the norm.

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I wont go with moral victory either, but I saw enough from the Bills for me to re-evaluate what their season will look like from here on out. I really saw them getting pounded this year, but I think we will be far more competitive than my original prognastication. It might not seem like a step forward but another 7-9, or 8-8 year will be an improvement over last year esp with all of the personnel turnnover. Take it for what its worth...

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Overall, the Bills were the better team and you can say "Oh if they don't win it doesn't matter!" all you want


I've never been the guy to say that; but you also can't have it both ways by ignoring the yardage & TOP discrepancies and say "we limited them to FG's so that's all that matters". I heard the same comments after the Denver game 2yrs ago. Redzone defense isn't that sustainable from week to week. Next time we're not gonna have a defensive TD, they're not gonna miss a 40yd FG, we're not going to get any questionable flags in our favor, and they're not going to not run a QB sneak w/ Brady on 4th& inches against us which by my count as worked 8,002 consecutive times.

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While Bills had the lead for most of game, they weren't consistent on offense except on screens, and they wore out on defense. The Pats had 77 plays and 441 total yards compared to 48 for 276, so its not like the Pats weren't moving the ball most of the game, and the Bills were moving it consistently.


Bills played a good game, but I don't think they outplayed the Pats in any area. They just held their own till defense ran out of gas, which is an improvement, but we need to improve in the final score.

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Pats drove all over defense in passing game. And that despite missed FG and several dropped passes. If I was Fewell, I'd be worried. Offense was better than we're all used to and thus we're all happy but take a reality check. Offense scored 17 points and had less than 300 yards. Special teams even before 2nd McKelvin fumble was not good.


That should temper the moral victory.

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Put me in the "not" column for this one:


1. Bills lost the game;


2. Bills ran far fewer offensive plays;


3. Bills had less time of possession;


4. Bills didn't "close the sale" when it counted;


5. Bills exhibited their perennial inability to cover receivers.

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Do think they should have had someone else back for that final kick. I know he is a great return man, but he had already had one fumble in the game, and he was already winded from defense being on the field most of the game. They should have put someone fresh to handle that finial kick IMO, but the whole hind site blah blah.

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Put me in the "not" column for this one:


1. Bills lost the game;


2. Bills ran far fewer offensive plays;


3. Bills had less time of possession;


4. Bills didn't "close the sale" when it counted;


5. Bills exhibited their perennial inability to cover receivers.


Almost 2:1 in offensive yards. 2 ST fumbles. 17 points on offense.


Another NOT.

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The Bills of the past glory years won many games in the final minutes that they should have lost because they knew how to win. That being said, the Bills made me proud last night by giving a valiant effort. When they do beat the Patriots is when they can say that they were the better team.

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