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Moss & Welker had 12 catches EACH


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I have already said on several threads Trent played well. I liked what I saw from him, but the fact remains, whether its the scheme or Trent, we need to get the WR's involved.


But lets be honest here on those dropped passes. The one to Lee was poorly thrown and he got Lee layed out which is why he dropped it. Lee didnt just flat out drop the ball, he got hammered because of where Trent put the ball.


T.O. dropped a pass that was thrown to the top of his head and almost behind him on a crossing route where if Trent puts it in front of him he would have gotten a big gain on that play. Freddie dropped a pass that was way out in front of him that he only almost caught because he reached out and tipped the ball back to him.


So before we go out and say these guys flat out dropped the ball, be honest and look at where he put that ball. I am not saying our guys shouldnt have caught the ball, but Trent made those plays a LOT harder than they had to be. And those plays were on the wrong side of the 50 yard line, so how do you justify saying we score more points if we make those catches?


Also, most of those drops were all SHORT of the first down marker and required our guy to make a run after the catch once again (if they would have made the catch). And that is my issue...we wont score many points in this league if we dont get the WR's involved.






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It's not Trent's fault you moron. Even the announcers said the defense the Patriots were playing, which was basically doubling up and having extra coverage on both Evans and Owens was ideal for the run game and short passes to the TE. Watch the game next time.

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That's part of being an NFL player - hits like that happen all the time, and lots of times guys hold onto the ball.

and what happens when it's not lots of times, like you said? Yeah, it was a good pass by Edwards, but a great hit by Bodden to dislodge the ball.

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Our offense was great last nite and people still complaining. seriously STFU.

Look at the stats from the game, I listed a few on page 3. Not sure where you get "great" from that.

But as a team they clearly played good enough to steal the win, it just didn't work out.

And they do deserve props for not rolling over when the media and most others didn't give them a chance.

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Our offense was great last nite and people still complaining. seriously STFU.


Whos complaining? But lets be real, our O was good not "great" and needs to get better still. I mean think about it... two TD's is great offense? Barely 200 yards passing is great? Having half the offensive possesions of the opponents is great? Horrible drive killing penalties is great?


Look, I am happy with the offense last night showing some potential with all the changes they just endured, but the fact remains we still have a lot of work to do in order to be able to consistently be good. The best thing about our game last night was that Trent didnt look rattled at all, he stayed poised and seemed confident all game...thats going to be key if he is going to continue to develop, so that was great to see.


But we need to improve still:


1. WR's have to be involved. Look at how NE uses Welker...why wasnt T.O. running those short quick routes? And all game the announcers couldnt stop praising McGee for his coverage on Moss, yet Moss had 12 catches against good coverage...I mean, we only targeted Ownes THREE times all game...


2. The dumb penalties need to stop...but that will get better with experience for our young OL players, so that was to be expected. Our O Line I think will be very good at some point this year.


3. Trent needs to spread the ball around and our play calling has to find a way to get some throws down field. With Evans, Owens, Nelson, and Reed we are too talented to have a RB leading our team in recieving each week. Trent still needs to learn to fire the ball in anticipation of where the reciever will be open. Look at Bradys first TD pass to Watson...he was BLANKETED at the moment Brady threw the ball, but he was able to see the coverage and understand where Watson will be open in his route and threw it there. Trent needs to get better at this and he will be able to find our recievers better.


4. We need a lot more quick QB 3 step drop and fire routes (again alla NE and Welker). We have so many play makers that if we cant get them open down field or protect Trent long enough for them to get open, then we need some quick fire slants and let Owens and Evans make plays...Nelson too.


All in all, very good outing as a whole for our team and something we hopefully build on.

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I mean how many people here honestly thought we'd be at the very least within striking distance of the Patriots with such limited production from our star recievers? Not me for sure. Our line was opening up gapping holes for Jackson, Trent had time to throw and used the TE's pretty well, and had it not been for a couple penalties on Bell we probably would have had a couple more big plays. I know on one of them, a 21 yarder to Reed was called back.


We did a very good job on offense against a pretty good defense. If teams continue to try and take away evans and owens like the pats did last nite with the double teams it's just going to be bad news for the other teams. Owens and Evans will definitely get there catches and touchdowns as long as the line plays like they did last nite. There are not many teams in the league that play D like the patriots.

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But we need to improve still:


1. WR's have to be involved. Look at how NE uses Welker...why wasnt T.O. running those short quick routes? And all game the announcers couldnt stop praising McGee for his coverage on Moss, yet Moss had 12 catches against good coverage...I mean, we only targeted Ownes THREE times all game...


2. The dumb penalties need to stop...but that will get better with experience for our young OL players, so that was to be expected. Our O Line I think will be very good at some point this year.


All in all, very good outing as a whole for our team and something we hopefully build on.


Compared to some of the offensive outings late in the year last year it was stellar. But really, the offense only scored 17 points. We need more. 17 will put you close in a lot of games where maybe we can steal it at the end. Only problem is, we get way more stolen from us late than we steal. Here's a novel idea, let's try to outscore our opponents.


Trent played well. No Turnovers. 2 TD passes. It was a typical Trent "good game". To take it to the next level he needs to make more plays. Longer passes. The run for the 1st down was huge. Turn nothing plays into something. The last drive was amazing.


But I'm coming away from this game thinking we've got to get the ball to TO more. He had 2 catches for 48 yards. Neither pass was particularly long, but he's really good at running after the catch. If you can't shake him loose long, throw him some short slants or something. The DB was playing 10 yards off of him. I kept waiting TE to take one step back and sling it out to him and let him try and beat the corner for a nice gain. Never happened. We used to do this all the time to WRs that couldn't break away. I think TO could. Hell, if you can't throw it to him, give it to him on an end around or reverse. Only 3 of Trent's 25 passes were to him.

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Compared to some of the offensive outings late in the year last year it was stellar. But really, the offense only scored 17 points. We need more. 17 will put you close in a lot of games where maybe we can steal it at the end. Only problem is, we get way more stolen from us late than we steal. Here's a novel idea, let's try to outscore our opponents.


Trent played well. No Turnovers. 2 TD passes. It was a typical Trent "good game". To take it to the next level he needs to make more plays. Longer passes. The run for the 1st down was huge. Turn nothing plays into something. The last drive was amazing.


But I'm coming away from this game thinking we've got to get the ball to TO more. He had 2 catches for 48 yards. Neither pass was particularly long, but he's really good at running after the catch. If you can't shake him loose long, throw him some short slants or something. The DB was playing 10 yards off of him. I kept waiting TE to take one step back and sling it out to him and let him try and beat the corner for a nice gain. Never happened. We used to do this all the time to WRs that couldn't break away. I think TO could. Hell, if you can't throw it to him, give it to him on an end around or reverse. Only 3 of Trent's 25 passes were to him.


Totally agree <_<

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Our offense was great last nite and people still complaining. seriously STFU.


17 points scored. 5 catches for the top 2 receivers.


Here are the Bills offensive possessions from last night:


1. 0 first downs, punt

2. 3 first downs, TD

3. 1 first down, punt

4. 1 first down, punt

5. 1 first down, punt

6. 1 first down, FG

7. 5 first downs, TD

8. 1 first down, game ends


A few of these series started with great field possession due to Pats missing on a FG as well as going 0 for on 4th down conversion attempts. And then you add in the bogus penalty on Wilfork.


Doesn't look so great to me.

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The offense playcalling was near-perfect yesterday, the Pats we're not going to get beat deep and they stuck to their gameplan till the end by double teaming Owens and Evans, so we took what the the defense gave us and it worked. In the first half Jackson was our main offensive weapon running and passing, did Bellichick adjust to it, nope, he kept his gameplan on defense. If it wasnt for a few penalties, we score more points. Dropped passes, you'll have them every game of the year, part of the game.


Same on defense, we gave them the short passes and we played the percentage, knowing that on all those 3rd downs and short yardage they we're not going to be 100% perfect, give them yardage, but play the percentage, don't get burn deep, and then again it worked. Kudos to the front 4 stopping the run and putting pressure on Brady without blitzing. The Pats exploited our weakness in the 2nd half with Ellison in coverage.


I was not happy with the clock management on the last drive of the game, but overall we had a good game plan that put us in a position to win, but we all know what happened... Hurts like hell to lose that game, but hey, suck it up and get a win against Tampa Bay at home.

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Moss and Welker were not double covered the entire game. Edwards took advantage of the double coverage on Evans and TO by going to the TE's and screens to Jackson.


Also, Brady threw like 50 times, of course they're going to catch that many balls.



Thats not edwards taking advantage thats edwards style he will take the dink and dunk all day he does not like to go to the WRS

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The offense playcalling was near-perfect yesterday, the Pats we're not going to get beat deep and they stuck to their gameplan till the end by double teaming Owens and Evans, so we took what the the defense gave us and it worked. In the first half Jackson was our main offensive weapon running and passing, did Bellichick adjust to it, nope, he kept his gameplan on defense. If it wasnt for a few penalties, we score more points. Dropped passes, you'll have them every game of the year, part of the game.


Same on defense, we gave them the short passes and we played the percentage, knowing that on all those 3rd downs and short yardage they we're not going to be 100% perfect, give them yardage, but play the percentage, don't get burn deep, and then again it worked. Kudos to the front 4 stopping the run and putting pressure on Brady without blitzing. The Pats exploited our weakness in the 2nd half with Ellison in coverage.


I was not happy with the clock management on the last drive of the game, but overall we had a good game plan that put us in a position to win, but we all know what happened... Hurts like hell to lose that game, but hey, suck it up and get a win against Tampa Bay at home.



Double teamed or not you have to take chances on the deep ball especially against the inexperinced secondary of the Pats this is why this team will never be great we do not know how to take adavantage of the other teams weakness.

Because the pats sure new how to beat our defense when it mattered and they completed 64% of their thrd down conversions. I am tired of theexcuses for this team. Its time gto get it done on the field in 4 QTRS not thinking the game is over in 3 or 3 3/4 Im tired of this crap from this team. You could see the disguss on TOs face because he knows what a wining team looks like and we dont have it....YET at least and probably wont until someone STEPS up and becomes a lEADER on this team!!!!!

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17 points scored. 5 catches for the top 2 receivers.


Here are the Bills offensive possessions from last night:


1. 0 first downs, punt

2. 3 first downs, TD

3. 1 first down, punt

4. 1 first down, punt

5. 1 first down, punt

6. 1 first down, FG

7. 5 first downs, TD

8. 1 first down, game ends


A few of these series started with great field possession due to Pats missing on a FG as well as going 0 for on 4th down conversion attempts. And then you add in the bogus penalty on Wilfork.


Doesn't look so great to me.



Same ole offensive same ole defense same ole coach = same ole 7-9

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The offense playcalling was near-perfect yesterday, the Pats we're not going to get beat deep and they stuck to their gameplan till the end by double teaming Owens and Evans, so we took what the the defense gave us and it worked. In the first half Jackson was our main offensive weapon running and passing, did Bellichick adjust to it, nope, he kept his gameplan on defense. If it wasnt for a few penalties, we score more points. Dropped passes, you'll have them every game of the year, part of the game.


Same on defense, we gave them the short passes and we played the percentage, knowing that on all those 3rd downs and short yardage they we're not going to be 100% perfect, give them yardage, but play the percentage, don't get burn deep, and then again it worked. Kudos to the front 4 stopping the run and putting pressure on Brady without blitzing. The Pats exploited our weakness in the 2nd half with Ellison in coverage.


I was not happy with the clock management on the last drive of the game, but overall we had a good game plan that put us in a position to win, but we all know what happened... Hurts like hell to lose that game, but hey, suck it up and get a win against Tampa Bay at home.


How was it near perfect? If the Pats were not going to give us anything deep then why do we keep calling for the WR's deep? Why were TO and Evans not being targeted on quick routes underneat like Welker? If nothing is open mid or deep and Trent isnt pushing the ball there anyway, then you need to start calling some quick slants and crossing routes and get your WR's involved.


So, I cant say the play calling was near perfect because our Offense did NOT adjust to get the WR's involved. We wont win many games when our RB has SEVEN targets and T.O. and Lee have a total of SEVEN targets between them.

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How was it near perfect? If the Pats were not going to give us anything deep then why do we keep calling for the WR's deep? Why were TO and Evans not being targeted on quick routes underneat like Welker? If nothing is open mid or deep and Trent isnt pushing the ball there anyway, then you need to start calling some quick slants and crossing routes and get your WR's involved.


So, I cant say the play calling was near perfect because our Offense did NOT adjust to get the WR's involved. We wont win many games when our RB has SEVEN targets and T.O. and Lee have a total of SEVEN targets between them.


You keep sending the receivers deep so they get the 2 CB's and Safeties deep, opening the field for Jackson to use his speed in short routes and running plays. The Pats we're not going to get beat by our WR's, that was their gameplan, and if it wasnt for a stupid fumble, that plan backfires on them and we win that game.

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Are you kidding me? Do we not even realize how good Evans and Owens are??? If you've got players like this on your team, you FIND WAYS TO GET THEM THE BALL. Screens, slants, fades, sh-- we could even pick some of the DB's if they're double covering either one of these guys. It isn't rocket science. Just throw it to them. Fred Jackson played great last night, but he is also our backup running back. Figure it out Trent. AVP, your job's on the line too.


Do you realize how stupid this post makes you sound? Obviously not. Trent had 200+ yards, 2 TDs, 0 INTs, and completed 60% of his passes. That is good for a 114+ passer rating. If you have a problem with that, go root for the Pats. I guess you were too ignorant to notice how the Pats double teamed Lee and TO and got burned underneath time and time again. We played zone all night, and even though Moss and Welker made receptions, they were short plays that did nothing to allow the Pats to ring up embarrassing point totals, or even to win the game. Dude you ignorance of football is mind boggling enough for me to recommend that you just watch the game and do your best to not try and understand its dynamics or formulate opinions about it.

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How was it near perfect? If the Pats were not going to give us anything deep then why do we keep calling for the WR's deep? Why were TO and Evans not being targeted on quick routes underneat like Welker? If nothing is open mid or deep and Trent isnt pushing the ball there anyway, then you need to start calling some quick slants and crossing routes and get your WR's involved.


So, I cant say the play calling was near perfect because our Offense did NOT adjust to get the WR's involved. We wont win many games when our RB has SEVEN targets and T.O. and Lee have a total of SEVEN targets between them.


Because other receivers were open underneath due to the fact that Lee and TO were basically taking the entire secondary down field on every play. You stop running them deep and the Pats stop giving up short passes. It is a simple scenario of cause and effect. If you are too stupid to comprehend the dynamics of the game, just shut your ignorant face.


I am so effing tired of stupid Bills fans. Do they not offer public school in WNY anymore or something? Alphadawg, every post you submit is just crawling with incoherent, bumblingly idiotic psuedo-thoughts that do nothing beside highlight your embarrassing and unprecedented lack of knowledge and understanding. Please for the sake of everything holy destroy your computer now, you mindless, unthinking waste of bandwidth.

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Do you realize how stupid this post makes you sound? Obviously not. Trent had 200+ yards, 2 TDs, 0 INTs, and completed 60% of his passes. That is good for a 114+ passer rating. If you have a problem with that, go root for the Pats. I guess you were too ignorant to notice how the Pats double teamed Lee and TO and got burned underneath time and time again. We played zone all night, and even though Moss and Welker made receptions, they were short plays that did nothing to allow the Pats to ring up embarrassing point totals, or even to win the game. Dude you ignorance of football is mind boggling enough for me to recommend that you just watch the game and do your best to not try and understand its dynamics or formulate opinions about it.



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