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Leodis HAD to take the kick out...


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I heard Leodis say this after the game and here is the full quote in Peter King's article..


Buffalo's Leodis McKelvin made a controversial move on the ensuing kickoff, catching the ball while backpedaling near the goal line. "I'd do the same thing 100 times again,'' McKelvin said. "I thought the momentum might have taken me in the end zone, but I wasn't sure. So I had to take it out.''


Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writ...1#ixzz0RBYxTJRi


He seems to be saying he would take it out every time rather than risk the safety if his momentum had taken him into the end zone. I have not seen the second part of that quote in the paper or heard it on the radio. I think it is unfair to look at his "i'd do the same thing again" quote in isolation.

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I heard Leodis say this after the game and here is the full quote in Peter King's article..




He seems to be saying he would take it out every time rather than risk the safety if his momentum had taken him into the end zone. I have not seen the second part of that quote in the paper or heard it on the radio. I think it is unfair to look at his "i'd do the same thing again" quote in isolation.


That's fine. But he should have slid instead of taken a hit, especially since the ball was jarred loose the last time when Nic Harris recovered.



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That's fine. But he should have slid instead of taken a hit, especially since the ball was jarred loose the last time when Nic Harris recovered.





THAT I agree with. I am just pointing out that anyone saying he is an idiot for not taking a knee in the endzone has to realize he thought that his momentum may have taken him there and kneeling down would have resulted in a safety. That is not in the quote, but he said that in his interview after the game.

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That's fine. But he should have slid instead of taken a hit, especially since the ball was jarred loose the last time when Nic Harris recovered.





Exactly he should have been aware that the pats* were ball hawking. Go to the ground and let your offense take a shot at running the clock out.

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He also should have stopped the Pats from scoring ANOTHER touchdown after that turnover. Oh wait, that was our entire D.

He also should have caught the ball that hit him dead in the hands on third down in the 1st Q that would have extended a drive. Oh wait, that was TO.


Should he have taken it out of the EZ? Maybe, Maybe not. A Safety wouldn't have killed us, but we would be all over him for that if it did get called a safety. And lets face it, this was in NE. It would have been called a safety.


Obviously, it sucks that he fumbled. But he's a kick returner with the vocabulary of my shoelace. The only thing he knows how to do is to try to get a big return. Knowing that he isn't the brightest bulb, as a coach you have to say "The hands team is out there. You have no blockers. If you get it, run out of bounds or slide". Should he know this? Of course! Am I taking all the blame away from him? Nope. But we need to look at the bigger picture here.

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