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What if they ARE right?

The Big Cat

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Across the board, the experts have been gushing about New England* representing the AFC in the Super Bowl.


We should have beaten New England* (in Foxboro), without much of an offensive showing, and without our first-round RB/LB's.


What does that say about The Bills? How bout those twits who predicted we go 0-16, 1-15, etc.?


We should have beaten a contender, a team championed by the conventional wisdom.

I see where you're coming from, but I'd take it with a grain of salt. Like every other team in the league, it seems to take 45 minutes of game time to get used to the speed and grind of the game.


That said, I think there are plenty of positives to take away from this game....even though there were plenty of positives to take away from the 2006 opener, also.

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I think it is always a mistake to judge teams based on the first 3-4 games. Nobody has any fresh film on anyone, everything is a surprise. After 3-4 games, teams more effectively game plan for one another and at that point, you have start flat out beating people, you aren't going to win on surprises.


I think that, unlike NE, as long as we don't have a lot of injuries, we are going to get better as the year goes on. The Patriots didn't impress me last night. Brady and Moss can still kill you, no doubt, but that defense was nothing special and

they were unable to run the football effectively. They may be as good as they are going to be right now. The nice thing about young guys is the potential to improve with experience. I predict that we continue to play well, win or lose up to game 3 or 4 and then we stumble a bit as teams get a feel for Van Pelt and before the young guys take that next step. I think we will be a whole different team.

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The Patriots have NO shot at the SB this year. I'd even go so far as to predict a first round playoff loss, if they get into them.



The Pats are overrated. The Steelers and TN are clearly the best AFC teams so far. I would even bet the Jets have a shot to win the East again. The Pat's D is young, and if Mayo is out for a while they are in some serious trouble, esp. against a team w/ a Qb that can throw the ball further than 20 yards.

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