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There is no Bledsoe sucks topics around here. What's the line on that for Sunday night? :blink:



We are kicking the stevestojan out of New England Sunday night-thats whats on the line Sunday night! Man I am so fuggin pumped up- I wish I could suit up! I know our Bills are fired up! Bet of the week. New England giving 9 points is just silly. We are beating New England outright and we are gonna physically beat them up!

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You forgot Donahoe.  It's all his fault.



No, it's Bledsoe's fault. Bledsoe's so bad, he actually injures the offensive line - just ask Mike Williams. If Losman were in there, Williams would be playing this Sunday.


And Travis Henry's a proven back...one of the top 5 in the league. McGahee was a wasted pick. :blink:

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Monday, 8AM:


Yeah, well so what! They beat the Pats 44-17. Did you see Magee tie his shoelaces wrong? and WM! that 60 yard run should have been 72! And I don't care about the 4 INT's we got, did you see Fletcher drop that one right in his hands?


Bills suck.

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I truly hope that this team can bond together well enough to pull out a win......they just need to understand that certain things like not catching balls, not getting open, not creating running holes, and not pass protecting will lead to disaster......


Drew cannot improvise out of a situation like that....he just doesn't have it in him......and the players need to understand that

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Monday, 8AM:


Yeah, well so what! They beat the Pats 44-17. Did you see Magee tie his shoelaces wrong? and WM! that 60 yard run should have been 72! And I don't care about the 4 INT's we got, did you see Fletcher drop that one right in his hands?


Bills suck.




As my buddy Dan Gross is fond of saying, "Sometimes, you just can't win."

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Monday, 8AM:


Yeah, well so what! They beat the Pats 44-17. Did you see Magee tie his shoelaces wrong? and WM! that 60 yard run should have been 72! And I don't care about the 4 INT's we got, did you see Fletcher drop that one right in his hands?


Bills suck.




And if we get beat 34-10 this place is going to get nasty for weeks. This is Bledsoe's last call if you ask me.

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But think about this................

Lee Evans is damn damn good! He's even better than that. This kid looks outstanding to me. I hope we throw to him a ton this game!

Lee Evans has "IT"




Yeah he does! Lee is gonna rip up the rest of the year, especially this Sunday. Word Pats pseudo cbs! Lee, Willis, JP and our D! :blink::D:lol:

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But think about this................

Lee Evans is damn damn good! He's even better than that. This kid looks outstanding to me. I hope we throw to him a ton this game!

Lee Evans has "IT"



I'm not sure about "IT", but the kid damn sure has some soft hands and awareness. Still got a lot of green, but what more could you ask from a rookie.


I think, on occassion, he telegraphs running plays, though. He'll pick that up, I'm sure.

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Monday, 8AM:


Yeah, well so what! They beat the Pats 44-17. Did you see Magee tie his shoelaces wrong? and WM! that 60 yard run should have been 72! And I don't care about the 4 INT's we got, did you see Fletcher drop that one right in his hands?


Bills suck.



Common man! The double loopover method is a perfectly valid way to tie your shoes. And you fail to mention that WM's 60 yard run started on our 40! And Fletcher wouldn't have dropped that INT if he wasn't being held by the receiver! Where was the flag on that?!



You forgot to mention: "Of course they were supposed to win. The Pats had no secondary! How could Bledsoe only throw for 450 yards against them like that?!" :D


...and thanks for the quote credit, Chris!


If we could be so lucky to be arguing that....that's the one thing about all the Patsie trolls being here: I feel I can kid about this stuff a little bit without disturbing the MUT too much. :P


Just keep the mistakes down boys....

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Now it's 7 1-2. Seems to keep going down


I predict Bills 23, Pats 20.


Bills have the momentum and for the first time JP Losman isn't in the injured list. Mayhaps he might play? Either way, our D will hold the Patriots if the Offense scores at all.

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Now it's 7 1-2.  Seems to keep going down


I predict Bills 23, Pats 20.


Bills have the momentum and for the first time JP Losman isn't in the  injured list.  Mayhaps he might play?  Either way, our D will hold the Patriots if the Offense scores at all.



Damn I envy your optimism, as this is the SB champs, don'tcha know

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Aaahhh! Winning.

Thanks for the winning record so far this year.

Thanks for the winning record the last four years.


Aaahhh! Winning.

We're on a roll!

We're going to the Superbowl!


Ain't no doubt about it!

Buffalo's really got it!

We're acting like we're 8-0 and keeping on track to the Superbowl!


Thanks Drew and Tom for all the wonderful memories you've brought us these last few years. All is forgiven - we've won TWO IN A ROW! :P


Now that I've returned from the reconditioning camp you sent me to, I see the plan!

We really ARE a powerhouse team. Too bad the rest of the league doesn't see it. Too bad for them and the bookies. But I digress... .



IF the Bills beat NewenGland this week (and that's a mighty big IF) the optimism buoy will be riding high in the water with good reason. But to me this team is not a playoff caliber team. (period) Even if we manage to get into the playoffs, we'll be cannon fodder. In spite of what ever spin Whitey makes from OBD, this is not an elite team yet. TD might get us there at some point, but I'm not holding my breath.


I think Frez is right - it's Bledsoe's last chance to turn around the backend of his career. He doesn't have to "win" the game, just don't stevestojan the bed and lose it. This game is his Superbowl.


Let's go back to November 3, 2002. Billy Billchuck came to town against the 5 - 3 Bledsoe-led Bills. Optimism was riding very high as Bledsoe was ripping up the league. If memory serves, Billy-Bob not only crushed the bills and upset Bledsoe's record-setting pace, but he seemed to nearly destroy Drew's ego and will to win in the process. Drew has felt the effects of that game for two YEARS and only NOW is beginning to show signs that he's getting over it. :D


In the process he gave the rest of the league a set of blueprints on how to stop Drew and the rest of the Bill's offense. It began (and remained until three weeks ago) "Put pressure on Drew up the middle, cave their stevestojan hole of an O-line in on his head." You must admit it's been an extremely effective game plan for defensive coordinators. I wonder if he gets royalties.


Well now, turn-about is fair play. The Pussburg Stillers have just exposed the NewenGland team's weakness. They can't stop the run. Let's see... The Bills are now built around the power run, and 2 + 2 = ?


The stage is set. Let's see MM solve the above equation and produce a win on the road. They pull this off - and I think they can, and I just might put down my pitchfork and torch. Hell, I might even change my witch avatar.

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Willis McGahee is the difference maker.


WM makes the O-line look good. I'm sure they've had some gradual improvement and I think they are reaching about average.


WM makes Drew Bledsoe look better. Now instead of hoping Drew can win the game for us, we can wish for our 8 million dollar QB just to not screw it up. That's some good return on your investment. He did have a couple of excellent tosses into a tough wind the last 2 weeks. Lets see if he develops some consistancy.


I wouldn't be surprised at all if we won this game. The game plan should be simple, run the ball to force Harrison into the box and then throw some intermediate routes on play action.


Moulds should be able to tell Troy Brown exactly what route he is going to run and then smoke him repeatedly. We are going to have to throw the ball to win this game, I think Beli!@#$ is going to make Drew make plays to win.



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