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Good luck? Bad Luck? Who Knows?

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A nice little story to those who think they have good or bad luck. A nice way to put things in perspective.


An old man and his son worked on a small farm, with only one horse to pull the plow. One day, the horse ran away.

“How terrible,” sympathized the neighbors. “What bad luck.”

“Who knows whether it is good luck or bad luck,” the farmer replied.

A week later, the horse returned from the mountains, leading five wild mares into the barn.

“What wonderful luck!” said the neighbors.

“Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?” answered the old man.

The next day, the son, trying to tame one of the horses, fell and broke his leg.

“How terrible. What bad luck!”

“Bad luck? Good luck?”

The army came to all the farms to take young men for war, but the farmer’s son was of no use to them, so he was spared.

“Good? Bad?”


Think about this story next time something "bad" happens to you.

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A nice little story to those who think they have good or bad luck. A nice way to put things in perspective.


An old man and his son worked on a small farm, with only one horse to pull the plow. One day, the horse ran away.

“How terrible,” sympathized the neighbors. “What bad luck.”

“Who knows whether it is good luck or bad luck,” the farmer replied.

A week later, the horse returned from the mountains, leading five wild mares into the barn.

“What wonderful luck!” said the neighbors.

“Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?” answered the old man.

The next day, the son, trying to tame one of the horses, fell and broke his leg.

“How terrible. What bad luck!”

“Bad luck? Good luck?”

The army came to all the farms to take young men for war, but the farmer’s son was of no use to them, so he was spared.

“Good? Bad?”


Think about this story next time something "bad" happens to you.



We're leading with two minutes left good luck? we'll see


Brady passes to Watson for a TD, Bad luck..no...we can run the clock out and Leodis McKelvin is receiving..


McKelvin runs out of the end zond and fumbles bad luck? We'll see...


Brady throws the same pass to Watson...we're ready ...good luck? No...Watson catches the pass....


The clock runs out...bad luck...nope...wait til next week.

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A nice little story to those who think they have good or bad luck. A nice way to put things in perspective.


An old man and his son worked on a small farm, with only one horse to pull the plow. One day, the horse ran away.

“How terrible,” sympathized the neighbors. “What bad luck.”

“Who knows whether it is good luck or bad luck,” the farmer replied.

A week later, the horse returned from the mountains, leading five wild mares into the barn.

“What wonderful luck!” said the neighbors.

“Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?” answered the old man.

The next day, the son, trying to tame one of the horses, fell and broke his leg.

“How terrible. What bad luck!”

“Bad luck? Good luck?”

The army came to all the farms to take young men for war, but the farmer’s son was of no use to them, so he was spared.

“Good? Bad?”


Think about this story next time something "bad" happens to you.


Thanks. That was a good parable.

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We're leading with two minutes left good luck? we'll see


Brady passes to Watson for a TD, Bad luck..no...we can run the clock out and Leodis McKelvin is receiving..


McKelvin runs out of the end zond and fumbles bad luck? We'll see...


Brady throws the same pass to Watson...we're ready ...good luck? No...Watson catches the pass....


The clock runs out...bad luck...nope...wait til next week.


Good analogy Tennessee.... I like it.


My cousin who lives in Amherst sent me an email today, he described last night's game in what I can honestly say is almost the most dead-on-balls accurate phrase I've heard. He said "It was death by a thousand little cuts."


I had no reply for other than "spot on Michael."


So does this mean Poz is going or not going to war?


No, he's blue collar, he'll be taking his lunch pail to the steel mill wait we don't have those anymore... He'll be taking his lunch pail to the tool and die shop. <_<

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