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Bills show a good effort, just fall short


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AVP showed a good 1st game calling plays, D looked good until end.


I saw a completely different game than you did.

Our offense was Fred jackson. It was exactly what we saw last year. AVP=Schonert=Fairchild. Same wimpy play calls. No shots dowfield. I don't recall any throws to the endzone. Nothing new.

That said, Bell's penalties hurt the offense and so did the drops. But I would disagree completely with your assessment. We handed the game back to NE*. We had the game won but the coaching could not get it done. We got beat by the same play on both of NE's* Touchdowns. We got pressure on Brady early but nothing after their coaches repsonded.



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This is the exact type of crap that ensures the Bills will endure this for the forseeable future. There was NOTHING good about what happened tonite. It was shameful. It was disgraceful. It was inexcusable.


Teams with 11 point leads and under 5 minutes left try and close out games. This team prays the opponent runs out of time.

No killer instinct. No go for the jugular. Just sit back and watch the other team march down the field at will.


It is NOT, NOT, NOT OK for a team to lose games consistently where the percentage chance for them to lose based on the score and time left in the game is under 5%. Perhaps 1 in every 10 games, one in every 20 games could be lost in this manner by a good team. The Bills? They are in the 3 for 5 range...60%, if not higher. It makes me want to vomit.


No moral victories. Wins or losses. This team played well enough to win, should have won, and yet still found a way to lose.


That is the definition of a bad team. They find ways to lose, when they should win.

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