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OT Halo 2 xbox live


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Hi all, I was one of the many standing in line at midnight Monday for Halo 2. Since then, Iv'e finished the single player campain. Just wondering if anyone else plays online. If so, u should reply w/ gamertag and well hook up. Maybe if enough people do it, we can start a Bills clan. (at least well dominate something :blink: )


Anyway, my gamertag is CHEFY DEATH


Hope to play w/ some fellow Bills faithfull here in the near future.



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You've had it four days and you've completed it?


Perhaps I just don't understand gaming these days.....



No kidding. I've been reading multiple GTA forums since the game came out, and 24 hours later, people were COMPLAINING that they had beaten the game 100% already, and they didn't get their money's worth. :blink:

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You've had it four days and you've completed it?


Perhaps I just don't understand gaming these days.....


Welcome to the "I don't know how to cook unless it involves a microwave and "food" that is actually less nutritious than the box it comes in, nor what the sun feels like because I never go outside, and have never talked to a real girl without having to use a credit card" generation.

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Hi all, I was one of the many standing in line at midnight Monday for Halo 2.  Since then, Iv'e finished the single player campain.  Just wondering if anyone else plays online.  If so, u should reply w/ gamertag and well hook up.  Maybe if enough people do it, we can start a Bills clan.  (at least well dominate something  :blink: )

You can play Willis McGahee on Tuesday. There's a thread on the Wall about it.

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Hi all, I was one of the many standing in line at midnight Monday for Halo 2.  Since then, Iv'e finished the single player campain.  Just wondering if anyone else plays online.  If so, u should reply w/ gamertag and well hook up.  Maybe if enough people do it, we can start a Bills clan.  (at least well dominate something  :blink: )


Anyway, my gamertag is CHEFY DEATH


Hope to play w/ some fellow Bills faithfull here in the near future.




I must be slow. Still haven't gotten to Earth yet. Wife, kids, and job are interferring with my gaming. Anyway, my gamertag is Ozzymandias. I'll look for you. It seems to take forever to match games though.

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Cool about the Willis thing, I checked out the thread and I'm going to try to join up. If I do, I'll let u know how it goes. He can run the rock, lets see how he runs the controls.


Welcome to the "I don't know how to cook unless it involves a microwave and "food" that is actually less nutritious than the box it comes in, nor what the sun feels like because I never go outside, and have never talked to a real girl without having to use a credit card" generation.


Alaska, as far as that goes... You may be right in some cases, but, in my scenario, I can cook, and cook well ;) But I gotta say, your statement about the gaming generation is great, it just doesn't apply to me. (though i did own the original atari (sp?), and its amazing what has changed in 15-20 years of home gaming.

Maybe theres a happy medium, and the people that are too grown up for games should try it out. Maybe, just maybe, you will like it. Also, not to flame, but w/ over 10000 posts, I can guess you have spent more time on the wall than I, or 99% of gamers out there have spent playing and beating any game. Sunshine what? :P


(Before you post it, I know my spelling is absolutly terrible. This generation depends on spell check too much :D )

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Cool about the Willis thing, I checked out the thread and I'm going to try to join up.  If I do, I'll let u know how it goes.  He can run the rock, lets see how he runs the controls. 

  Alaska, as far as that goes...  You may be right in some cases,  but,  in my scenario,  I can cook, and cook well  ;)  But I gotta say, your statement about the gaming generation is great, it just doesn't apply to me.  (though i did own the original atari (sp?), and its amazing what has changed in 15-20 years of home gaming. 

  Maybe theres a happy medium, and the people that are too grown up for games should try it out.  Maybe, just maybe, you will like it.  Also, not to flame, but w/ over 10000 posts, I can guess you have spent more time on the wall than I, or 99% of gamers out there have spent playing and beating any game.  Sunshine what? ;)


(Before you post it, I know my spelling is absolutly terrible.  This generation depends on spell check too much :D )


My wife stopped by and picked it up for me this afternoon, been playing it for a few hours this evening. I'll choose my words carefully so I don't spoil the fun: I just started the Arbitor. Whoa! :P

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