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hmmmm....15 years to life = justiced served?

for double homicide?


i don't think so.



Justice WAS served:


1st degree with special circumstances for Laci = Life in prison with no chance for parole -OR- the death penalty.


2nd degree for unborn Conner = 15 years to life with chance for parole.


Penalty phase to commence November 22nd with judge's decision by November 30th, per CNN & Fox News (TV - just watched).

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bastard is gonna get off easy, spending life in prison while his wife and unborn baby suffered a cruel death, good job jury!


Dunno about that getting off easy part. He'll need to wear Depends for the rest of his natural-born life after a couple of weeks in the big house.

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bastard is gonna get off easy, spending life in prison while his wife and unborn baby suffered a cruel death, good job jury!





1st degree with special circumstances for Laci = Life in prison with no chance for parole -OR- the death penalty.

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more on lethal injection... (for those interested in this kind of stuff):


Is lethal injection the humane alternative?

Execution by lethal injection takes much longer from start to finish than any other method, typically 30 - 45 minutes depending on the execution protocol and ease or otherwise of locating a vein. In the U.K. a hanging took around 15 seconds to carry out in the later part of the 20th century. For the majority of this time the condemned person is fully aware of what is happening to them and able to experience their execution. They know that they will be dead at the end of it and the fear of suffering (particularly in front of an audience) and of the unknown is strong in most of us. It is difficult to see therefore how it can be considered more humane, as the prisoner is subjected to far more mental anguish over a longer period.

It is fair to say that injection is much less dramatic than the electric chair or hanging and probably easier for the staff and witnesses as it looks more like a surgical procedure than an execution. But does it cause the prisoner less suffering overall?

When all goes well, the only physical pain is the insertion of the catheters. If the person's veins are easy to find this can be done in a minute or so. The catheters are connected to the saline drip and the prisoner is wheeled into the execution chamber where they are in full view of the witnesses and journalists. After they have made their final statement the injection of the lethal chemicals can begin and they may pass almost instantly from full consciousness into unconsciousness or they may feel themselves becoming drowsy and know that they are beginning to die.

In modern hanging they are alive one second and unconscious the next (if everything goes to plan). It is unlikely that they feel themselves slipping into death.


Not everyone is of the opinion that death by lethal injection is painless - Dr. Edward Brunner, chairman of the Department of Anaesthesia at North-western University Medical School, submitted an affidavit on behalf of death row inmates in Illinois in which he states that lethal injection "create the substantial risk that prisoners will suffocate or suffer excruciating pain during the three chemical injections but will be prevented by the paralytic agent from communicating their distress." It is notable also that Albert Pierrepoint, who was one of Britain's most prolific hangmen and who witnessed an early lethal injection execution considered that the process was "sadistic" mainly due to the length of time it took to render the prisoner unconscious.




source: http://www.richard.clark32.btinternet.co.uk/injection.html

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Confused...when is the sentencing hearing?



1st degree with special circumstances for Laci = Life in prison with no chance for parole -OR- the death penalty.


2nd degree for unborn Conner = 15 years to life with chance for parole.


Penalty phase to commence November 22nd with judge's decision by November 30th, per CNN & Fox News (TV - saw it around 4:10 EST).

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i do not think california will put him down.



If they don't he'll probably wish they had. Strange as it may seem for convicted killers, rapists, etc., they don't tolerate child molesters and baby killers...kind of their own "self policing" code. Peterson's toast, either way.

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If they don't he'll probably wish they had. Strange as it may seem for convicted killers, rapists, etc., they don't tolerate child molesters and baby killers...kind of their own "self policing" code. Peterson's toast, either way.



I honestly hope he gets raped every day of his life until he eventually takes it himself.

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