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(OT)Peterson Jury Trial Verdict to Be Announced...


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I know this is old but....


Do you know what OJ stands for?








I heard OJ was going to come back to play football after he was found not guilty....

Said " I'll take another stab at it."



I hope Peterson is Guilty, everyone knows he did it, but it is California.

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even money says he walks.



The funny (morbid funny, not haha funny) part of this is that (and correct me if im wrong) they dismissed the jury FOREMAN two days ago, and now they have a verdict?


That makes me think that he was the holdout. Meaning, even if he is found guilty, the defense will have a straw to grasp at.


Conspiricy theory, maybe, but if this guy walks, then there is no justice.


People don't just get away with murder. Where are the other suspects??? ? ?? ?

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even money says he walks.



While I'm sure this is an unpopular opinion, I find the presumption of guilt in this and many other cases, disturbing. What we know about this case comes through the media that is oft villified here. I had to watch someone I knew, who did absolutely nothing wrong, get raked over the coals by people that had never met him. Even after the court case (it was a sexual abuse charge) concluded with a 'not guilty' verdict after only 1 hour of deliberation (the woman had been in and out of mental institutions, and her testimony had more holes than the Pats secondary), the majority of those who had heard little more than the indictments continued to assume that he'd "gotten away with rape". It's sad, and it's unfair. If he "walks", it's because a jury of his peers found a resonable doubt of his guilt. That used to be enough in this country.

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man, talk about nervous... imagine how that scumbag must be feeling right now..


10 minutes away from finding out if he got away with murder, or if he'll be in jail the rest of his life.


10 minutes from going back home and crashing in his own bed tonight or dressing in an orange jumpsuit for the rest of his days...




9 minutes now.


all on the opinion of 12 people who couldn't figure a way to get out of jury duty...

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if they find him not guilty, it'll just continue to prove that the judicial system is trying to operate with a refrigerator on its back. the legal machine, whose primary interest has always been self-preservation and not the law, has created so much obfuscation and confusion - and has set so many bad precendents - that our processes have been diluted beyond effectiveness, beyond repair.


perfect case in point: the moronic jurors of the OJ trial, the dismissal of DNA evidence, and the fact that OJ is out buying Titleist Pro-V1s.

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the dude may be guilty...I don't have a clue. I didn't the call for jury duty. All I know is what I've read and heard through the media. Based on that, I don't see any evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that he did it. We know the guy is a liar, an adulterer, we know he was fishing in his new boat about a mile from where the bodies of his wife/child floated ashore, we know he didn't behave like an innocent person is supposed to behave after his wife came up missing, and we know he was in a disguise with a lot of cash in his pocket and heading south toward LA... or San Diego, or Mexico. So, is this enough to convict him of murder 1? I don't know... the prosecution has to connect those dots. we'll see.

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