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How Bad are the Bills?


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Anyone see what some Dickhead writer for the Providence Journal said about the Bills this past week, and I quote=


"how bad are the Bills? Really bad. Terrible, really. Horrible, actually.


So bad that they make the Detroit Lions seem like a Super Bowl team in comparison".


Jim Donaldson: Bills won’t be much of a challenge for the Pats | The Providence Journal


LINK: http://www.projo.com/patriots/content/proj...v2.2bc88e4.html



Did this guy just compare us with the Lions? A team that has not won a game in over a year. I would love to see us win just to shove it up this guys a$$!! GO BILLS

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Anyone see what some Dickhead writer for the Providence Journal said about the Bills this past week, and I quote=


"how bad are the Bills? Really bad. Terrible, really. Horrible, actually.


So bad that they make the Detroit Lions seem like a Super Bowl team in comparison".


Jim Donaldson: Bills won’t be much of a challenge for the Pats | The Providence Journal


LINK: http://www.projo.com/patriots/content/proj...v2.2bc88e4.html



Did this guy just compare us with the Lions? A team that has not won a game in over a year. I would love to see us win just to shove it up this guys a$$!! GO BILLS


I agree, what a douchebag!!!!

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Anyone see what some Dickhead writer for the Providence Journal said about the Bills this past week, and I quote=


"how bad are the Bills? Really bad. Terrible, really. Horrible, actually.


So bad that they make the Detroit Lions seem like a Super Bowl team in comparison".


Jim Donaldson: Bills won’t be much of a challenge for the Pats | The Providence Journal


LINK: http://www.projo.com/patriots/content/proj...v2.2bc88e4.html



Did this guy just compare us with the Lions? A team that has not won a game in over a year. I would love to see us win just to shove it up this guys a$$!! GO BILLS


This guy is a douchebag, not to mention your typical arrogant m!@#$ type.

The Bills are likely not great, and maybe not even good, but to make these kind of assumptions before any game is played is just plain stupid. If the Bills do end up going 0-16, then you can justify writing something like this. Until then f' him and that whole 5hithole New England area right in the a55!


GO Bills!

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I generally agree that we are not a very good team, but we will win some games this year and we are not even close to being in the same basement that Lions were in last year. This guy is a moron. I hope we win just so he looks like a total jackass. It is sad that soemone like this is actually employed as a published writer.

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