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Oh good, another Michael Moore movie is coming out...

Just Jack

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I am no Michael Moore fan but like to play devils advocate. What has capitalism done for the US in our lifetime? Health care is a joke and our total deficit is over a trillion dollars. Our dollar plummets almost daily and there is a movement to make a a new global currency. We lost most of our manufacturing jobs. And most corporations are run by !@#$s- Enron, MCI, Global Crossing, AIG, Bear Stearns, Tyco, yada yada. We privatize government and practice cronyism, with douche bags that skim off huge contracts and outsource. Capitalism has some serious flaws. That you must admit

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Both very expensive countries to live in. Prosperous and well run, but very expensive, especially Oslo.

Norway is a unique case anyway. Because it has vast oil reserces and very few people living there it is almost the Kuwait of Europe. With the oil revenues the country can afford programs it would otherwise be unable to provide.


Basically capitalism works, but unfettered capitalism can be nightmarish.

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What has capitalism done for the US in our lifetime?

Do you have a job? a car? a house?


Health care is a joke and our total deficit is over a trillion dollars.

you can blame your government for that.


Our dollar plummets almost daily and there is a movement to make a a new global currency.

you can blame your government for that.


We lost most of our manufacturing jobs.

we are a service based economy. If you want more manufacturing jobs, i suggest you move to a poorer country.


And most corporations are run by !@#$s- Enron, MCI, Global Crossing, AIG, Bear Stearns, Tyco, yada yada.

Most corporations are corrupt, even though there are thousands who run legitimate businesses?


Capitalism has some serious flaws. That you must admit

Every system has it's flaws, but we don't have the luxury of feeding off capitalist countries like the scandanavians do. Their socialist systems work because the government can bring in enough money by selling oil and other resources to wealthy countries.


If you want, we can move to the French style of socialism. I like constant 10% unemployment... Don't you?

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Norway is a unique case anyway. Because it has vast oil reserces and very few people living there it is almost the Kuwait of Europe. With the oil revenues the country can afford programs it would otherwise be unable to provide.


Basically capitalism works, but unfettered capitalism can be nightmarish.


Agree, they have a very good system and having a wealth of oil always helps as well. They've done a pretty good job of keeping things in check vs. the US who have let thing run wild for years without trying to step in other than to line their own pockets.

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I am no Michael Moore fan but like to play devils advocate. What has capitalism done for the US in our lifetime? Health care is a joke and our total deficit is over a trillion dollars. Our dollar plummets almost daily and there is a movement to make a a new global currency. We lost most of our manufacturing jobs. And most corporations are run by !@#$s- Enron, MCI, Global Crossing, AIG, Bear Stearns, Tyco, yada yada. We privatize government and practice cronyism, with douche bags that skim off huge contracts and outsource. Capitalism has some serious flaws. That you must admit

Everything you quoted that's wrong with capitalism came about through governement interference. From laws made to promote certain companies to laws formed to force and (over) protect unions. Capitalism certainly has it's faults, but government exacerbates those faults to horrific levels.

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Everything you quoted that's wrong with capitalism came about through governement interference.


Exactly. It is frightening that people are so duped so as to believe our problems are the result of 'capitalism' and 'corporations' rather than an unchecked, corrupt, federal bureaucracy.

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