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I sold them some of the technology from my seafood restaurant idea but they really are sort of idiots.


"It actually kicked around and started to spin, and without friction, it could spin faster and faster, and we think that made it even more disoriented,"


Gee ya think? It's a condition called "dizzy" by all of us non super geniuses.


They'll never figure it out completely and even if they do they won't make a dime because they're propeller heads. I have full rights of use to any technological advances and rest assured I'll maximize profits.

I sold them some of the technology from my seafood restaurant idea but they really are sort of idiots.


So you're the ;)'ing reason that the Obama administration is cost cutting a trip to Mars. All those billions of dollars wasted for you and those gerbils for Richard Gere



Good !@#$ing Lord...that might be one of the most retarded things I've ever read. :thumbsup: A better headline would be "Researchers Find New Way To Torture Mice."


It actually kicked around and started to spin, and without friction, it could spin faster and faster, and we think that made it even more disoriented," said researcher Yuanming Liu, a physicist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. They decided to mildly sedate the next mouse they levitated, which seemed content with floating.


Or maybe it was just content with the drugs.


Really, these researchers are morons. Levitation in a magnetic field is not "reduced gravity". ;)


I think I just thought of a way to feed two birds with one stone. I can get some of the technology back right away and teach a lesson to an uppity hamster. I'll let you know how it goes.

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