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(OT) Lost


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I didn't see a "Lost" thread. If this is a repeat I apologize.



I got around to watching it last night after the old lady finally turned off her soaps. Between DVR and "The Soap Channel" she watches all of them. Good thing Private Ryan was on earlier...


anyways, I thought it was a great episode. Perhaps the best yet. It is still very interesting to me that in all the years in the world these folks couldn't get over their problems. They seemed to be storing them away deep in the back of their minds but now they are all letting themselves free from their past. I've heard elsewhere that people felt this was a slow show. That it really wasn't going anywhere. But, I totally disagree. It seems to me that they attempted to draw you in with the plane Rosen and the wierd animals.....that's what did it for me, but it has become a much more interesting story line that the typical "Day of Destruction" type of show.


This is the most captivated by a TV series I've been since Band of Brothers.

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