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Hot for teacher


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Kids just knew how to keep their traps shut back then.


In the age of facebook and myspace, that'll never happen again. Everyone feels they are "entitled" to their own 15 minutes of fame and there is no such thing as descretion anymore. Every thought, feeling or urge they feel, they post it for the world to see. THAT'S why you get all these stories published now.

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I'd take her to Target.





where were these hot horny teachers when i was that age?





Kids just knew how to keep their traps shut back then.


I don't know I think they'd be telling other kids. It's just that the internet didn't exist back then. How stupid does a person have to be to send any emails or suggestive photos these days?



Just like we had to sneak our fathers playboys. Now kids can just type 'boobies' in google.


That's a hell of a pair of boobies!


Can society get past this whole older woman with teenage boy = wrong thing?


Can society get past this whole older man with teenage girl = wrong thing?


That is different. I think @ 16 a kid won't be ruined for life if his teahcer touches his weenie.


I agree with inkman. A boy at 16 is less vulnerable sexually than a girl at 16. Girls are a lot more emotionally fragile at that age but, IMO, boys aren't and in fact would wear banging the teacher as a badge of honor for the rest of their lives.


At least I would have. :P

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