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OT 6 Year Old Tazed by Police


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First off it is sad the kid has issues. I am glad he is getting help. It is pure BULL stevestojan to use a taser on a 6 year old. Their excuses are pure crap. If a hand full of cops can't get a damn piece of glass from a 6 year old, they ALL should be canned NOW.




You are 100% correct.


This is all over the news down here in Miami.


The cops are basically saying that they had to hurt this kid so that he would not hurt himself.


Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water.

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You are 100% correct.


This is all over the news down here in Miami.


The cops are basically saying that they had to hurt this kid so that he would not hurt himself.


Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water.





The kid could have SERIOUSLY injured himself with the glass. He cuts the right spot and he has permanent nerve damage at best, or severe bleeding/death at the worst.


The cops are trained with the taser. If they were 10 feet away from a kid that has a piece of glass that he ALREADY cut himself with and they start to go after him, who says he doesnt lunge it in his throat?


The taser probably gave him a good jolt, but at least he isnt in the emergency room bleeding to death.

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You are 100% correct.


This is all over the news down here in Miami.


The cops are basically saying that they had to hurt this kid so that he would not hurt himself.


Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water.



so if you were in their position, you'd take a few stabs here and there to avoid using the taser?

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The kid could have SERIOUSLY injured himself with the glass. He cuts the right spot and he has permanent nerve damage at best, or severe bleeding/death at the worst.


The cops are trained with the taser. If they were 10 feet away from a kid that has a piece of glass that he ALREADY cut himself with and they start to go after him, who says he doesnt lunge it in his throat?


The taser probably gave him a good jolt, but at least he isnt in the emergency room bleeding to death.




Sorry, I totally disagree.


You are from down here. You should know how the Miami and Miami-Dade cops are.


This is total BS. If the cops could not handle a SIX YEAR OLD KID without a taser, they should not be cops.


You may recall, that Miami-Dade cops just shot a mentally disabled veteran who posed no threat to anyone.


Business as usual.

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Sorry, I totally disagree.


You are from down here. You should know how the Miami and Miami-Dade cops are.


This is total BS.  If the cops could not handle a SIX YEAR OLD KID without a taser, they should not be cops.


You may recall, that Miami-Dade cops just shot a mentally disabled veteran who posed no threat to anyone.


Business as usual.



Maybe Springsteen can come down and write a song bashing the Police. How about 41 volts for the name?

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Sorry, I totally disagree.


You are from down here. You should know how the Miami and Miami-Dade cops are.


This is total BS.  If the cops could not handle a SIX YEAR OLD KID without a taser, they should not be cops.


You may recall, that Miami-Dade cops just shot a mentally disabled veteran who posed no threat to anyone.


Business as usual.


Sorry, I don't agree. I used to watch Miami Vice, so I know all the cops down there are like Crockett/Tubbs & Switek/Zito.


It's very smart to use absolutes to describe people who put their lives on the line everyday. We've certainly learned alot as a society. :)

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Here's the police report:





Kid had broken the glass by punching a picture frame. The cut himself under the eye and on the hand.


After repeated attempts to make the kid put the glass down by talking to him, kid started trying to cut into his leg.




Kid now OK.



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It's also easy to forgot that cops are nothing more than people equally prone to making bad decisions.


I thought a highly critical libertarian like yourself would realize that both the military and police are liberally (ha!) comprised of morons just like the general population.

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It's also easy to forgot that cops are nothing more than people equally prone to making bad decisions.


I thought a highly critical libertarian like yourself would realize that both the military and police are liberally (ha!) comprised of morons just like the general population.


Of course I do. However, I don't leap to the automatic conclusion that the cop did something wrong because of a poorly written media story devoid of pertinent facts and meant to prey on emotion. I'm willing to give the police the benefit of the doubt until there are actually details to the contrary.


That doesn't mean I'm willing to absolve them of deserved blame once actual facts come out (I think the guy who assaulted Abner Louima should have been hung, to give one example). I'm just not going to jump to the conclusion based on "all cops in big city bad because that's what the media keeps reporting".

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That's fair. For the record, I used the past tense of forget by mistake.


That does not mean I'm paid to squander my work hours away on the web and make a living out of sexual exploitation.

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Sorry, I don't agree.  I used to watch Miami Vice, so I know all the cops down there are like Crockett/Tubbs & Switek/Zito.


It's very smart to use absolutes to describe people who put their lives on the line everyday.  We've certainly learned alot as a society.  :)



You have always been pretty good with absolutes.


This is something I know a lot about.


I am involved in a civil rights lawsuit down here as a result of a Miami-Dade County cop who intentionally ran down someone with his police vehicle thinking that the person he ran down was a black suspect. As it turns out, the guy he ran down was ANOTHER cop (who is my client) who was undercover and in plain clothes.


When the first cop got out of the car, he admitted his intent and said: "I am sorry, I thought that you were one of the subjects."


It turns out that the cop who ran down my client has a history of doing this sort of thing. The County knew about it and did nothing. He also admitted that he believes in the "absolute separation of the races" and his racist views were well known to the department.


During the course of discovery, we uncovered case after case of police cover ups and examples of excessive force that went unpunished.


Here is one for you. One cop beat up a guy who turned out to be a treasury agent. He falsified the police report (in an obvious manner). The County did not do anything to him.


Fast forward a couple years. This same cop responded to a domestic incident. When his partner took away the boyfriend, he raped the drunk girlfriend. It is because the County did not get rid of him to begin with that he was on the force and in a position to rape someone while on duty.


Fortunately, a lot of good cops have come forward in this case. But don't kid yourself and think that just because someone is a cop that they are pure as the the snow in Alaska.


As you can see, I am not be an absolutist. I just know a lot more about what goes on down here than you do.

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They needed a Taser to subdue a 6-year old????  Sounds like the cops got carried away with their "toys."





who knows...give a six year old a magic marker and have him wave it around at you while you try to subdue him...see how many marks you have on you before it's over

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You have always been pretty good with absolutes.


This is something I know a lot about.


I am involved in a civil rights lawsuit down here as a result of a Miami-Dade County cop who intentionally ran down someone with his police vehicle thinking that the person he ran down was a black suspect.  As it turns out, the guy he ran down was ANOTHER cop (who is my client) who was undercover and in plain clothes. 


When the first cop got out of the car, he admitted his intent and said: "I am sorry, I thought that you were one of the subjects."


It turns out that the cop who ran down my client has a history of doing this sort of thing.  The County knew about it and did nothing.  He also admitted that he believes in the "absolute separation of the races" and his racist views were well known to the department.


During the course of discovery, we uncovered case after case of police cover ups and examples of excessive force that went unpunished.


Here is one for you.  One cop beat up a guy who turned out to be a treasury agent.  He falsified the police report (in an obvious manner).  The County did not do anything to him. 


Fast forward a couple years.  This same cop responded to a domestic incident.  When his partner took away the boyfriend, he raped the drunk girlfriend.  It is because the County did not get rid of him to begin with that he was on the force and in a position to rape someone while on duty.


Fortunately, a lot of good cops have come forward in this case. But don't kid yourself and think that just because someone is a cop that they are pure as the the snow in Alaska.


As you can see, I am not be an absolutist.  I just know a lot more about what goes on down here than you do.


Being too close to the situation would be a disqualifying factor for you to be a juror, wouldn't it?


I never said it wasn't possible that the officer used excessive force. I fail to see how what you are doing with your predetermination is any different that the cops you are citing as examples.


Absolute power corrupts absolutely. One of the reasons I am so anti-government is examples like the ones you used. If the government was less intrusive, they'd be more likely to oversee their fundamental responsibilities properly.

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