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Throw caution to the wind.


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The Bills have nothing to lose on Sunday. The more I think about it, the Bills have a huge oportunity to exploit an OBVIOUS weakness on the Patriots. Having their two starting cornerbacks out, the Pats are probably hoping that the Bills run the ball. I think the Bills should throw deep and throw deep often on their first couple of possessions. You KNOW that Beliceck would if the table were turned. They need to test these corners and hopefully hit them with a couple of big play knockout shots. Before you flame me, I still say that McGahee should end up with 25 to 30 touches but we HAVE to try to exploit this obvious weekness. There will be plenty of time for power running when we are up ten points in the second half. I don't have much faith that the Bills would eventually win if they just run it every time. Beliceck's front seven are too good to let that happen. I would forsee many a third and longs. Play to win it, don't play to keep it close. Does anyone here think that the Bills should play cautious here and not do this?

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Since Lee Evans will be standing in Canton, Ohio giving his acceptace speech in about 35 years, I don't see why we shouldnt try throwing it to him deep. Early, and Often.


But again, McGahee will have 2 TDs.



We have to get to the red zone (which is why I say chuck it deep), but once there feed the ball to McGahee. Two TDs from him would be sweet.

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Throw deep with play action after establishing the run. The absolute worst scenario is sacks/interceptions early which will put the Bills in a hole and make them start second guessing themselves and playing with mistakes and lack of confidence. No better way to gain confidence than beating them mano-a-mano in the trenches and punishing them with a physical running game at the outset. The opportunities for the deep ball will be there - but patience must be used to set them up properly and take our shots at the right times.

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First and foremost, you want to keep the Patriots offense off the field for as long as possible, thats why you have to rush the ball 30+ times against a pretty weak run Def. I think passing just becomes a little easier this sunday. the way to exploit it is to go 3 wide a little more than usual. Furthermore, i want to see Rodney Harrison pancaked on his ass every play by someone.

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Guest Patsrulz

The key to you guys winning this game will be how effective your offense is in the red zone. By effective, I mean how many times they leave the red zone with 7's instead of 3's.


You'll need 7's instead of 3's to win this game because, in all liklihood you guys will be able to move the ball on the Pats defense between the 20's but, once there, that's when the Pats step it up a notch and turn you away - either with a turnover or by making you kick a FG. This is why the Pats usually keep their opponents to 20 points and under.


On the other side of the ball the Pats offense expects to score more than 20 points which results in a Pats win.


That's what I see in this game. Probably something like Pats 23 Bills 19. More for the Pats if they get points off of a Drew turnover as I expect.

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Throw deep with play action after establishing the run.  The absolute worst scenario is sacks/interceptions early which will put the Bills in a hole and make them start second guessing themselves and playing with mistakes and lack of confidence.  No better way to gain confidence than beating them mano-a-mano in the trenches and punishing them with a physical running game at the outset.  The opportunities for the deep ball will be there - but patience must be used to set them up properly and take our shots at the right times.



The Bills will feel even worse if the Pats go up 10 points after a couple of failed drives featuring the run (which is what Beliceck is expecting btw) and the Bills face obvious passing situations. Plodding the ball up the field is fine at home. But we are on the road and you HAVE to hit the big play early on the road if you want to have a chance to win. The Bills would kick themselves for not attacking those cornerbacks.

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i think the bills ought to do what they've been doing to win 3 out of the last 4... and that is...




2) GIVE THE PATS A HEALTHY DOSE OF WILLIS MCGAHEE... so much that they will be pleading for a deep pass from Bledsoe.

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The key to you guys winning this game will be how effective your offense is in the red zone. By effective, I mean how many times they leave the red zone with 7's instead of 3's. 


You'll need 7's instead of 3's to win this game because, in all liklihood you guys will be able to move the ball on the Pats defense between the 20's but, once there, that's when the Pats step it up a notch and turn you away - either with a turnover or by making you kick a FG.  This is why the Pats usually keep their opponents to 20 points and under.


On the other side of the ball the Pats offense expects to score more than 20 points which results in a Pats win. 


That's what I see in this game.  Probably something like Pats 23 Bills 19.  More for the Pats if they get points off of a Drew turnover as I expect.



Good points. Lots of Willis Mcgahee in the red zone. Take the game out of Drew's hands and put it on the RB's and we have a shot.

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Good points. Lots of Willis Mcgahee in the red zone. Take the game out of Drew's hands and put it on the RB's and we have a shot.



For the Bills to win, Drew will have to makes plays in the passing game. To think he won't is foolish. Take it to them deep early. Otherwise expect 8 men in the box and plenty of third and longs.

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Don't forget, the Rams tried to pass all day against a weakened Pats secondary and got crushed. I believe they only ran the ball 12 times. The Bills must run at 'em hard and often. Throwing the deep ball every once in awhile just to keep them honest.

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The key to the game for us is.....




Once we get it going, then open it up with a few passes. If we run we elliminate the blitz that has been known to confuse DB. Once they stop blitzing and commit to stopping the run, then we hit them with the passes.


The Pats D is overrated. Look how the Steelers took them apart. I think our D is going to have a big day. Having Milloy back is HUGE.


" ITs first and 10 from the 32 and the ball is handed off to Willis McGayhee."

"Its second and 4 from the 38 and the ball is handed off to Willis McGayhee"


You get the picture......


Bills 20 - - - - - - Pats 13

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