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Jellyfish tossing helps land Madeira Beach man in jail


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In most places I've lived, the standard was "anything with more than a three inch blade". If a cop tried to arrest me for carrying a pocket knife, I'd probably have to be tazered to stop laughing.


I believe by Federal law, you can't carry a stiletto. I have one, that I bought as a kid for something like 50 cents. I just measured the blade - 2 1/8 inch.


I also own a bayonet. It's a round one that fits onto a Mk. III Enfield .303 rifle. I don't own an Enfield. Bayonet lugs on rifles are now illegal, although I can't recall when a bayonetting was reported.


The 1968 CGA (Gun Control Law) restricted many things. Including mail-order firearms. I have a mail-order .410, and my local drug store where I grew up sold cartridges. Firearms were available to all, but somehow we muddled along without shooting each other.


Unlike today. Funny, that - when guns were more available, gun violence was less. Society sure changed over the years...

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A pocket knife is a concealed weapon? :unsure:


Cripes, kids sporting a jackknife in school was pretty common in days of yore. No Columbine stuff occurred, either.



Agree ... my poor Uncle John is flipping in his grave. He thought it a right of passage to supply all of the young men in the family with their first pocket knife - along with a few lessons about how to properly sharpen and use the thing. I still have mine though I don't carry it around.

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