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I said that in my first response and no one seemed to pay it much attention..therefore it can't possibly be


How do you know it's not a personal issue keeping him from Oak today?
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I thought if Seymour doesn't report, and thus does not take his physical, the Raiders can void the deal and get their 1st rounder back.


Depends on wording of trade paperwork, but failure to report is usually a term that can be used to viod a deal.

Because he hasn't contacted the Raiders yet. Look, of all the holdouts Parker has been a part of, I understand this one the most. If I were Seymour, I would be very mad. But, you can't get comfortable in the NFL. It's a different game now, and players usually don't stay on one team their entire career. You're fortunate to be making the kind of money you are as a player in this league.
Cable said he spoke with Seymour earlier this week and that the five-time Pro Bowl defensive end told him he wants to play for the Raiders, who acquired him from the Patriots on Sunday in exchange for a 2011 first-round draft pick.


Cable reiterated that he is hopeful Seymour will play for the Raiders but declined to discuss reports that the two sides were discussing a new contract.

yeah but Seymour got traded...his contract had him playing for the Pats, now he is being asked to go across the country to Oakland....in most cases I agree with you...but not this one


He could have negotiated a "no trade, no tag clause" but Patriots* may have given less money. Being able to be traded is part of the value of a player and the contract signed. An equivalent is a mortgage which can be assumed by new owner without bank being able to charge a whole set of new fees.

I get that. The thing is, my biggest problem is with players not playing out their contracts (and rookies who haven't earned big contracts). Like Peters, who had a couple years left to play for the Bills and wasn't happy about the contract he had just renegotiated. Greed my friends. This will bring the game we love smashing to the ground.


Teams need to step up and take a stand against agents like this, and players who think they are bigger than the game.


Again, playing devils advocate...I am Langston Walker and the Bills made me move to a position I was not comfortable with, and i was ill suited to play. Then they cut my ass in year 3 of a 5 year deal and i was planning on that $6M over the next two years. The owners have way to much control and just refuse to honor contracts they sign!!!!

Again, playing . The owners have way to much control and just refuse to honor contracts they sign!!!!


Sounds like player union advocate. The cutting is part of contract which why they negotiate signing bonuses and players often refuse to pay them back when they do not fulfill terms. If they want a guaranteed contract they get one if a team wants them enough although it may cost them.

Put yourself in Seymour's shoes. You are being traded from a team that you have been loyal too, and is a Super Bowl favorite, not only this year but every year. They send you to a team that is by far (allthough the Bills are trying to catch up) the most disfunctional team in the NFL. If I were him, I would be real excited about going across country too.


And I'm getting how many millions to play 16 games of football? :)


Getting traded is part of the deal. If he doesn't like it, maybe Target is hiring for security.

The owners have way to much control and just refuse to honor contracts they sign!!!!


You couldn't possibly be more wrong. Baseball is a disaster because of the guaranteed contracts crap (I think the Mets are still paying Mo Vaughn). This is why low revenue teams don't sign big guys to big contracts -- they can't afford the hit if they are wrong. The Bills will have ZERO ability to compete in a league where they can't get out from under bad contracts.

WOW, Eugene Parker responsible for Seymour holdout also


the player is responsible for the holdout in every single case, not his agent

That is it and that to me is represents a caution flag moving forward with that individual. It's not as if that the other agents wouldn't be able to get him a good fair pay.


The difference is that some players would rather make $52 Million over a 5 year period and have a hold out that would hurt their team than making $50 Million over the same time period and not hurting the team. In an example like this, I'd rather make a little less and do everything I could possibly do in my power to help the team.


No one says that money shouldn't be an issue, it is the measures they take to make just a little bit more (relatively speaking) to squeeze out every last dollar they can with little regard to the team.

$2 million is not "a little less". It's 2 MILLION DOLLARS.


Richard Seymour helped the Patriots win 3 Super Bowls. They just traded him to the worst run franchise in the league a week before the season starts. Welcome to the reason players are selfish.

$2 million is not "a little less". It's 2 MILLION DOLLARS.


Richard Seymour helped the Patriots win 3 Super Bowls. They just traded him to the worst run franchise in the league a week before the season starts. Welcome to the reason players are selfish.


I hate to say this..but YOU ARE 100% CORRECT!!!!!!!

I get that. The thing is, my biggest problem is with players not playing out their contracts (and rookies who haven't earned big contracts). Like Peters, who had a couple years left to play for the Bills and wasn't happy about the contract he had just renegotiated. Greed my friends. This will bring the game we love smashing to the ground.


Teams need to step up and take a stand against agents like this, and players who think they are bigger than the game.



I bet Langston Walker wishes he could play out his contract :)


You can't have it both ways. A player is a d!ck head if they want to get out of their contract to get money they deserve but owners are making good business decisions when they, franchise them, want to renegotiate them for less or out right rip up their contract and show them the door.


Sounds like an incredibly large double standard to me. Everyone has class and hero envy and they think these guys are such greedy jerks because they play a game we would give anything to play and quibble over more money than some make in a life time.


When will people realize this is a business first and a game second? I would actually LOVE IT if the NFL made it company policy that all owners, players, scouts, agents and front office people had to sign non disclosure agreements and couldn't discuss salaries, guaranteed money or contracts. Make all of the news about the damn game not the business.


If they did that, what would the guys on ESPN have to talk about all day?

You couldn't possibly be more wrong. Baseball is a disaster because of the guaranteed contracts crap (I think the Mets are still paying Mo Vaughn). This is why low revenue teams don't sign big guys to big contracts -- they can't afford the hit if they are wrong. The Bills will have ZERO ability to compete in a league where they can't get out from under bad contracts.



That is only half the picture. You need guaranteed contracts AND a salary cap for it to work. No luxury tax BS.


Keep the cap system...make the contracts guaranteed. Make it fair for owners and players!!!!

I would be wary of players in the future that use Eugene Parker as their agent, to me it tells me that they are more interested in squeezing every last dollar out that they can get as opposed to helping their team out as much as they possibly could.


Screw that Mother !@#$er!!!

bring in stew barber--he'll handle him

Again, playing devils advocate...I am Langston Walker and the Bills made me move to a position I was not comfortable with, and i was ill suited to play. Then they cut my ass in year 3 of a 5 year deal and i was planning on that $6M over the next two years. The owners have way to much control and just refuse to honor contracts they sign!!!!

Many contracts are back loaded. The player does not expect to see that last year or two. It is designed to spread the GUARANTEED signing bonus over a longer period of time when the deal is made. Ask Nate Clements, he will NEVER play out the contract he signed with the 49ers.

Many contracts are back loaded. The player does not expect to see that last year or two. It is designed to spread the GUARANTEED signing bonus over a longer period of time when the deal is made. Ask Nate Clements, he will NEVER play out the contract he signed with the 49ers.


tell that to Rhodes or Walker


Just why in the Hell would Oaklawn make the trade if they hadn't already been in talks with him and his agent?

That's nutz. Granted, his holdout doesn't have an immediate negative impact (considering that he's not costing them $ and they only a future pick for him), but they're in for a lot of psycho-drama if they don't get a deal done, and their season (like I give 2 chites) will be down the tubes faster than you can say 3-4 if he holds out for the first month. Come on Weird Al... who's got the right bower?

Just why in the Hell would Oaklawn make the trade if they hadn't already been in talks with him and his agent?

That's nutz. Granted, his holdout doesn't have an immediate negative impact (considering that he's not costing them $ and they only a future pick for him), but they're in for a lot of psycho-drama if they don't get a deal done, and their season (like I give 2 chites) will be down the tubes faster than you can say 3-4 if he holds out for the first month. Come on Weird Al... who's got the right bower?

either al is waaay smarter or waay more senile than we thought possible


There's gotta be a compromise somewhere for the next CBA. Here's a proposal:


a.) When a player gets cut, he's due not the balance of his contract, but all salary and likely-to-be-earned incentives for the next 365 days. This money counts against the cap as it would if he were on the roster, but is defrayed by any amount of money the player earns with another team.


b.) No contact may be renegotiated until the last year of its term, and any on August 1st, any player who has not reported to his team is ineligible to play for that season, and will not be paid for the year. This includes rookies, who will re-enter the draft, though their teams will not be compensated.

either al is waaay smarter or waay more senile than we thought possible


everyone called him crazy for passing on crabtree and drafting heyward-bey. who's senile now?



oh wait, its still Al, giving up a first round pick for a 30 year old defensive end who don't wanna play on your sh_tty team...

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