Peevo Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 MikeSpeed said: I don't buy this at all. Just because the team will have more money doesn't mean they will spend it on players. Even if they did that doesn't mean the team will reach the SB. (see Washington) This team isn't mediocre just because Ralph won't spend, it's mediocre because of bad personel decisions and lousy coaching. This team has talent, most experts will admit that. The trouble is the talent isn't used correctly or is bunched up in one or 2 positions. Raising the ticket prices won't help this team make better decisions, it will just give them more money to throw at the Royal's, Dockery's, Walker's, and Fowler's of the NFL. I agree completely. Ticket revenue doesn't account for player salaries. TV revenue does. In fact, the amount of money the league makes in TV revenue each year accounts for all player salaries. Tickets, suites, endorsements, naming rights, all is money that gets piled on top, and the big market teams decidedly can charge more. That much is true. Ultimately, small market teams can win, and do so every year. Pittsburgh loses tens of thousands of jobs and people a year, and they win Stanley Cups and Superbowls. It all starts with good ownership, and talent evaluation. A guy above said it himself. Buffalo was in no better shape 20 years ago than we are now, and we were going to Super Bowls. Why? We had professional front office people that knew how to breed and build talent! Tom Donahoe wasn't a bad idea, it was a bad choice. Sullivan said the same thing on the radio yesterday. You want to curb spending and operate on your own budget? Fine Ralph. Give somebody X dollars to make it work. Don't meddle in the affairs of a team that is clearly lost and giving up on itself 5 days before the season starts. Read DiCesare today, he gets it completely correct. Any fan that fails to see through the propaganda is doing his or herself a disservice. This team is a mess. That said, ticket holders are in as tough a Catch 22 as there is. You like going to games because the atmosphere is fun, the tailgating superb, and getting blasted with your friends is never a dull time. But the product on the field has been nothing but miserable for a decade. Do season ticket holders "enable mediocrity?" Jerry Sullivan thinks so. I disagree with that. We buy tickets, the team has no incentive to change. If we don't, then all we hear about is tv blackouts, economic viability, and the ability to support this team in Buffalo long term. Its a tough spot. Lets just hope to those that go to games, you still can have some fun this year.
NewHampshireBillsFan Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 We always forget that RW doesn't have any debts to worry about. JJ in Dallas has to pay off an expensive stadium. Part of the revenue they generate goes to paying off the debts. Plus, most owners also have some debt incurred in buying their teams. Part of the money they make goes to help pay off the debt they incurred buying the team in the first place. RW paid $25,000 a long time ago and has no debt for buying the team or stadium cost debts. He shouldn't have to make nearly as much money as the other owners because he gets to keep all his profits and not use any to service debts. Of course what this all means is the next owner of the Bills will have even a much harder time competing in Buffalo without drastically raising ticket prices, etc.
Maddog69 Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 Stussy109 said: Are the bills cleaning house to make room for an extension for T Edwards? The guy makes a 460k salary, and is the lowest paid starting QB in the league. Assuming he wins us some games, I would not be surprised to see an extension announced mid season so as to put some of his salary on this years cap. All of Edwards peers make 15-20x's what he makes. Just my opinion. I would suggest that Trent's "peers" make far less than he does. He sucks. He is not "peers" with Brady, Manning (either of them), Big Ben, Rivers, etc. Trent needs to improve 2000% before I would consider him for an extension.
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